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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. For Cuban coffee ... Sandy's on White street ..... yes, it's in the laundromat! Cafe con Leche is the best along with toasted Cuban bread & butter! Get a Cuban sandwich while you're at it. For an authentic Cuban food dinner find El Siboney ..... Kip at the fort can help you, I always have to go hunting in the car.
  2. Mr Smythe if yer needin' a similar strap, I keep 'em in stock.
  3. Darn, I missed the Big Day!?! Well Happy Belated Barfday . He's probably still sleeping it off .....
  4. Poor Dutch, can't see the forest for the dirty linen .... seems to me he's in the middle of building a cool bedroom that actually goes to sea. A few minor changes and he, too, can have a tube that dumps him in the bilge.
  5. Happy Birthday Iron Jon Hope to see you again, but not "RUN IN" TO YOU! Drive safe mate .... maybe I'll see you somewhere in the "World"
  6. Chrispy, Happy Berthday ... Wow, what was it like .... before there were sails? I mean ...... when there was only 'ores!!! oops........ I meant oars. Should I apologize for this too?
  7. Wanted to show off the way the chargers have improved in 2 years ..... This is what a set looks like now. This is what they looked like then. Thanks to all who've given me the chance to practice and make them better.
  8. I wanna try and come up next year when I has a bit more vacation time ...... I had a blast when I went a couple years ago!
  9. Oops, there I went again, this is Twill, no place for "humor" ..... the discussion has been very enlightening .... even in CW era mercury was still being used to treat some things. "Blue Mass" was, I believe, a mercury containing compound that was still being used to treat the "syphillis". Please excuse my forgetting where I was and making jokes, like most everyone else, at Cross' expense ...
  10. So who gets to beat the colorful biles, phlegm, and blood outta Cross for engaging in the behavior that makes him (and us) sick? Whoever does it, please give him a rap on the knuckles for me .... So, let me see if I got this right, it is possible that some VD's came from shepherds "tending" their flock .... but to get rid of it you would wrap a freshly killed chicken around your ?!? Seems like a boy named Portnoy was complainin' bout the liver a few years ago, maybe he shoulda had the chicken. Talk about a "humorous" subject .... my mom always said it was wrong to laugh at others' medical misfortunes .... At this point Capt. Sterling may wanna lose a bosun, before the Archangels are "corrupted" or "infected". Don't slip on the slobber covered deck ...... or ..... when Cross is around keep a few buckets of sand handy. As I've stated before, trying to take my comments seriously may result in anyerisms or other brain illnesses. I still wish there were a font for sarcastic.
  11. Looks like a CW cartridge box sling from here. I've got those, too.
  12. Thanks guys! Leather covered bottles will also be available on a special order basis. Much of the credit goes to Mr. Henry for challenging me to make this piece.
  13. Those of you who ran into Ivan Henry AKA Mooseworth at Searle's may have seen this .... I was waiting until after Searle's to unveil it here. These are available by special order.
  14. I've put a special offer on easy to tear Paper tubes on my Civil War site. These are my 60-80 gr capacity tubes. I'll be doing something similar with my larger tubes for big musket and Blunderbuss loads. That offer will be posted on the Pirate site when it's ready.
  15. Happy Birthday Diosa, may you get all you want ...... and want all you get!! With some "Green Fairies" for good measure.
  16. Oh Well .... Better late than never ..... Happy Birthday! ..... Hope it was a good one!
  17. Is Robbie walking, or running, to Florida again this year? Maybe he'll make St. Augustine by Searle's.
  18. Yes, you are correct Silkie. ...... With the respect their position affords ..... or, you should respect the "position" if not the "positioned". "You, sir, are not a "superior" officer, merely a higher ranking one." Dang, I still wish there were a font for sarcasm.
  19. I think he's just lookin' for what he has to do to get a good floggin'. Aye, Mr Cross go ahead an' talk back to your Cap'n and any other person of 'igher rank than thee. See what 'appens. I'm reminded of an ancient "bit" by that wonderful duo Cheech & Chong, Oops this is "Twill" I better stop here. Mr.Cross, one would behave in a proper military manner, always observing the proper protocol and treating your superiors with the respect they deserve.
  20. Cafe con Leche ..... a taste of Key West right from my coffee maker. Using only the bestest espresso grinds from my local spanish centric supermarket. After last week had to check thru the other posts and make sure I was still "on topic" with a coffee reference. The fine print, None of the comments in this post are meant to be taken seriously, any attempt to do so may result in brain injury. I will not be held responsible for any such injuries sustained by anyone who refuses to see the humor inherent. Damn, I wish there was a font for "Sarcastic"
  21. Thanks Chrispy, I didn't notice the difference in the crown of the hat. Apologies to all. The fine print, None of the comments in this post are meant to be taken seriously, any attempt to do so may result in brain injury. I will not be held responsible for any such injuries sustained by anyone who refuses to see the humor inherent. Damn, I wish there a font for "Sarcastic"
  22. deleted, with apologies
  23. deleted with sincerest apologies
  24. Yep. I hafta agree with Cap'n Sterling Sorry Beowoulf, I misread your line as well ... damn me all!
  25. Yes, he's a Cap'n ..... but then don't Cap'ns have NAVIGATORS to rely on. ;) but do we really expect him to draw a straight line? As for Beowoulf's line across the Nor'east how many pirates ya gonna find in New Hampshire & Vermont ? yes I know there's also Masssachusetttes and Maine and a couple others, that just wouldn't be as humorous .... IMHO Just askin' ...
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