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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. On the tent subject ..... I am a Panther Dealer and as such have access to high quality Panther tents of all sizes. PM me if you want more de(al)tails
  2. I am actually working on some new stuff!

  3. Happy B-Day ...... Making a big batch of OATMEAL COOKIES in your honor!!! Oatmeal cookies an' rum punch?!?!?!
  4. Aye, I wish this new year to be a prosperous and recovery filled year for everyone. Hoping for profound and well needed change by the end of it. and of course ...... more RUM!!
  5. Merry Christmas Pubmates ........... a few hours early ...... Drinks on me! Raise a toast to another year of evading the gallows ..... except maybe for Capt. Sterling. Hope you all have a Plunderful Holiday and get all ya want and want all ya get. Remember every time a Pirate tinkles ................ a bartender sells some more Rum! So Drink up!
  6. One of the guys at work had me make a belt for him for his Tie Fighter Pilot uniform ..... the stickiest item being the Identification disc. Having solved that, the next problem becomes marketing it to the Star Wars groups in general. Looking through the various sites it is becoming increasingly apparent that they are very insular. Have to keep plugging away and try to board their ships ...
  7. They were used mainly as a deterrent to assaulting forces, anything to slow them down and allow more time to fire aimed shots and assorted short range artillery. You can easily guess at the outcome ....
  8. All the December Birthdays are to be visited by the Ghost of Birthdays Past, Present and Future .... Because I'm gettin' writer's cramp and bloatin' Happy Belated Birthday to any I missed ...... Hope you're over the hangover, and have figured who, what or why you did what you did .... and realize that you're probably gonna do it again! Happy Birthday to any that are today ..... See above ... Happy Birthday to those yet to come ..... and try to learn from seeing above!
  9. Happy Birthday to you as well ..... Sorry, I didn't get in on it sooner .... Hope ya got all ya wanted, and wanted all ya got!
  10. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the "Journal" .... lets us enjoy FTPI vicariously .... thus, you gave us the present!!
  11. Mr. Hook You are most welcome, thanks for the kudos and your patience! Please call again.
  12. I'm already workin' on a leather covered onion bottle with a nipple .... It'll have a belt hook attached ........ not unlike what a buncha drunken' pirates already use .... Missed everyone at FTPI this year, it's on the calendar for next already.
  13. Show off!! Looks like a nice baldric hangin' on the back of the chair.
  14. Happy Belated Birthday! If I'd known .... it wouldn't have shipped any sooner, But ..... I'd feel worse about it than I do. Sorry I missed the original post .... but I was busy with yer foldin' plank!
  15. Thanks everyone .... Here's a photo of him and he's already got a Monmouth Hat, I may have to make him a baldric for his hanger and cartridge box for his belt .... Yes, he'll be a mix of Disney and PC pirate, can't forget where his Grandma Nancy and I work.
  16. Sorry, Stykny and Mission and anyone else that'll miss me ..... But I gotta start trainin' the new swab right away ..... Teach him how to fuss, cuss, and drink rum!! Ya think the alcohol will wreck the nip on 'is bottle? Maybe I'll drill out a cork .... Yep, his Momma is gonna love what I teach 'im!!!! Y'all have a big time and we'll be there next year!
  17. Uhhhh Bob, I seem to recall you have a "persuasive tool" that you were gonna use to preserve the quietude of your workplace ...... couldn't that same "tool" help in your "search" for funding sources in your quest for new footwear? As it relates to "searching" & "finding" coinage at your workplace .... just askin' and remindin' .........
  18. Barkeep! Crack open a hogshead o' Rum Huzzah! Drinks and Pipes for all in Celebration of my new Grand youngin'! A 6-1/2 lb nearly 2' long new deckhand was born this mornin'! If my kid's keep this up I'll have a full crew in a few years! You can paypal your tribute to ..... still no font for sarcastic!
  19. Ahoy All, Real life has gotten into the mix again this year ..... My 2nd Grandson was born this morning' and instead of coming to the Fort we're gonna go meet him! We're already planning to to return next year. We'll miss everyone and if you need stuff feel free to order and I'll get it out to ya. Huzzah and Happy Holidays to all.
  20. Eventualities do come to pass .... Some photos of more new sh....tuff. These socks are not just knee high .... oh no ... they're THIGH high! The onion bottles are each about 7-1/2" tall and, of course, I can make a leather belt sling for 'em. I have 2 of theses unique pitchers, they are are about 10-1/2" tall and probably weigh about 2 lbs. They are hefty.
  21. Finally got the camera out and have some new shots of the updated Whydah Box A client sent me some pics from a NatGeo Article that allowed me to finally see that the box has end flaps to help,keep weather out and that explains the stitching on the edges of the top flap. As a result of this new info, all boxes from here on will have the end flaps. These are some belt wallets that I made a while ago and just got 'round to shooting. This is a one off baldric ..... only one of this buckle that I have. This is the sword end of the baldric I'm also doing some "tarred" and plain canvas haversacks, I can make these without the buckle and strap closure. Drop me a PM or an e-mail to inquire. I also picked a couple of onion bottles like the large one on the website as well as 2 large hand blown green glass bottles with handles. Pictures to follow .... eventually. To return to subject of Cartouche boxes I will be constructing some Phipps boxes which seem to be the one with the stitched in liner and some boxes based on Labat's description. Expect those next year.
  22. I will be posting some new photos of an improved Whydah box in the next few days .... a change has come to light that I'm incorporating into newer editions. Around the 1st of the year I plan to debut an authentic Buccaneer's cartouche box ..... just need to get a spare minute to build them. I've also gotten my "tarring" recipe together for haversacks and/or shoulder bags. Will also post pics of a new belt wallet. I've been busy in the shop all year and just haven't been on the Pub as much as I used to.
  23. My thoughts are with you guys. Best of luck and a speedy recovery!
  24. Would like to wish all the pirates form The Carolinas to the Maritimes good luck in the coming days. Get prepared and stay under the weather deck. Harden your frizzens and keep your powder dry ..... Looking forward to saying "Good Night Irene"!
  25. Happy Birthday, Mate!
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