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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. A history of Pirates Blood and Thunder on the High Seas by Nigel Cawthorne. Kind of a scattershot approach, not chronological but informative. read that just before PiP. Just started The Sea Rovers Practice Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730 Benerson Little 4 chapters in so far.......very informative
  2. I'm just about ready to debut the ones I'm making. I need some ideas for the size of the bag that goes with the bandolier. Soon's I get the cap to my satisfaction I'll be ready to go into production, if I get some interest. once I have one I'm happy with I'll post a picture.
  3. Good old 2x4's from the lumber yard ripped to half thickness and cut to length work fine. I started doing civil war 15 yrs ago in the panhandle and am still using some of the same poles on my wall tent. If you like a more authentic appearance oak or pine saplings that are straight and tall work great as well.
  4. I currently have in stock some .44 cal brass frame Remingtons and Griswold and Gunnison Colt knockoffs in .44 as well. I'm awaiting news on the arrival of some Spiller and Burr's as well Jim
  5. If you be needin' Victorian era clothing or CW type military stuff just ask me. That is the main focus of Old Sutler Jiohn JIm
  6. 'Allo this Jim from Old Sutler John, at present the web site is out of commission, what with moving from Va to Fla it kinda got lost in the shuffle of priorities. The focus of the site however is Civil War as that's been the mainstay of Old Sutler John since it's inception back in the 1960's. My wood stuff isn't on the site either as that is a new addition since I got involved in the Sutler John's widows biz about 5 years ago. I'm always adding new stuff and and try askinf Fayma to post a picture of her chest...er I mean her box...ooops the stuff she got from me at KW. I'm currently workin on some passable apostles, been playin' with me wood lathe! If you have any other ?'s feel free ta axe me Jim
  7. I use boiled linseed oil on my stuff. It's like the only oil that dries and is very period
  8. Dutch should be braggin!!!
  9. I just picked up a whole new load of Cypress maybe I'll give it a shot. When you get a chance ask Fayma if she'll show you a picture of her chest...wait.. the chest she got from me at PiP. Thanks for braggin' bout the table and stools and etc, you got from me at KW. I know a lot of my campaign furniture isn't totally accurate but it is highly portable!
  10. hi fayma, is the chest you got from still drying ok?
  11. Be glad to help ,Harry, see you in February.....rhyme totally unintentional
  12. I'm new to this era but i've got more'n 10 yrs exp at blackpowder fighting and crowd control at larger battles and safety is best handled with a definite demarcation of where "yesterday" begins and "today" ends and with a definite rope line people do stay behind it.... mostly
  13. Harry I'd be willing to help police "The Line of Safety".....If only there were some sort of military type thing.....ooops trying to get Napoleanic 100+ yrs too sson
  14. As a vendor i can say when i found it unlocked, i relocked it. having been at CW days the last 4 years i know the rules!
  15. What about a living history camp under the banyan tree next to the bathhouse, might be good spot for a cooking demo that would be close enough to the fort entrance to draw a few more spectators inside?
  16. Hi all I'm new to this our 1st event was PIP in Key west. My names Jim and I'm a sutler, the store is Old Sutler John and I do wood work and Leather and I have access to a great seamstress that does the colonial time period quite well. Our prices are reasonable and I hope a couple of the folks we met at Fort Taylor will give me a couple of props. (hint for Dutch and Lady Grace and Capt Hurricane and "The Goddess in the Bodice" Please).
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