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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. Too damn easy ....... ah the "unlettered" ones .....
  2. Tis sad an' tragic, that any man should have to get a new one, due to his own ....... Carelessness and Neglect.
  3. The knife in the 1st pic is sold. I have left: 1 of the ones with the lion looking design and 2 of the plainer one. These are the shorter ones, 14" overall and are $25.00 & shippin'. I will get more in another week or 2 Jim
  4. Point well taken, I'd probly wanna watch 'em too. 'Cause if they keep breakin' theirs well I don't know if I'd even want 'em playin' wit' mine.
  5. Here I just took a shot of the sewn frog and here are the other 2 designs that are shorter overall, (14" long) Thanks for lookin', Jim
  6. Nobody yet mentioned that Capt. Sterling "likes to watch" Nice of Dutch to mention the "bent" part
  7. Just finished makin' the frog for this one. The knife is 16" long overall. From tip to tip. The new frogs are sewn, not riveted .... I was gonna post this when I did the 1st one but it didn't last past the 1st event I took it to. The price is 30.00 + shippin' I've got 3 more that are a about 14" overall and the designs on the scabbarbs are a li'l different. I'll post 'em when I finish the frogs and take some pics. PM me for details Jim
  8. Sometimes the "unlettered ones" make it too easy ....... Poor fella, Do ye have to use it alone often? Are ye braggin' or complainin'?
  9. Where is the cord? What no keyboard? Oi, it's like one o' them blackraspberries you use a pointy thing to push the keys. I'll see if my cat can cotch ye a mouse to go wit' it. Do I need to send ye some ink tablets to refill the ink cartouche? I bet it's got one o' them manual printers, course if Dutch don't learn 'is letters it'll never work! Lord & Protector help 'im if 'e's gotta do anything with the photo's. Let's all pitch in an' send 'im some spiders so it'll get hooked up to the "web" I could go on 'n on ad nauseum but it'd probly make someone sick, and we know there's enuff o' tha' goin' 'round.
  10. Nell, (or Chrispy, one is never quite sure.) ya know doggone well that we livin' in Fla. all talk to the dead everyday. Well in my area n' yers (by your own admission), it's more like the "nearly" dead ...... well ..... it's really not that unusual.
  11. I would post another reply, but I'm practicing ...... The art of not being seen
  12. Yes, it is.
  13. Animal! Here are pics of the pigskin Jim
  14. I gotta apologize, I got busy fixing the truck today I'll get a pic o' the pigskin tomorrow, in the meantime here's a shot o' yer Cap'n's ball sack Jim
  15. As near as I can tell those last 2 answers are correct, as I handle them during assembly and packing and unpacking they don't seem to want to tangle at all. Also, and most importantly (for me anyway) all the pics I saw from across the pond seemed to have them on them. In particular the pics of English CW reenactors, they seem quite common to their rigs.
  16. You are most welcome sir. Now if we can get Animal's feet into your ball ...er .... shot sack we'll be doin a'right. Tell yer mates to call me an' I can stop the Hate.
  17. Just can't let this fade into obscurity ...
  18. $20.00 fer the pigskin, I'll take a pic of it later an' post it. If you've seen your Cap'n's bandolier yet, it's the same material that the shot pouch is made from. Will ye comfortable wearin' his ballsack on yer feet?! It's not very thick and it's full of holes from where the hair was, I'd live to sell it to ya but I'm not sure if it's suitable for primitive(?) footwear. You be the judge, jury ..... and if executioner I can give you a hint where ye might be able to cotch ye a wild boar over near Oak Hill. I swear I've seen and heard the durn things on the shore when we've been fishing in Mosquito Lagoon, with the Cape's assembly building on the horiz ...... ooops I almost said that out loud and let pig outta the poke .... so to speak. Anyway if yore interested let me know an' we'll see wut we can do 'bout gittin' ya a pork shoulder (?). Jim
  19. Sure it's authentic and all, but who really wants to walk around with uncured pig hide wrapped around their feet? Might not smell too bad over the weekend ....... but would you ...... start earlier in the week to get the full effect? And who ya gonna ride to the event with, that'd smell up the car, I would think, not to mention the potential for gore and bugs an' .... just general unpleasantness. Like gettin' scurvy just ta be authentic, or lice, or dissentary, or ........ you get the point. I do have some tanned pigskin shoulders, might be enough to make a pair o' "moccasins" though ..... they ....... won't stink an' be slimy.
  20. The lanterns have their glass in 'em. PM me or post here an we'll see about gettin' together soonest Jim
  21. This is the size I want to go with and the frog for the belt. These are made according to the proportions that are on GoF website (credit where due! Thank you) and acoording to him is pre 1750 correct. The top one is finished with Linseed oil the bottom one with polyurethane, pick your finish, the frog can be done in black, brown, or natural. This is how it looks in the frog The price will be $30.00 + shipping ($5.50) including the frog. Just came from post office, priority mail to just about anywhere exceptin' Alaska & Hawaii $5.50
  22. This is the newest one. Diameter is for 1" rope and is 15" long. Got some weight to it. This pic shows it compared to the other ones: This is it alone Jim
  23. With that the Lanterns are gone. If I get more I'll post 'em for sure! Jim
  24. To Willie and Cap'n Sophia, I have 2, 1 for each of you. I won't be at Searles but I think I'm going to go to Orlando later this week, maybe I can meet ya? Are either of you heading toward St Aug or Jax this weekend? You could stop by here and get them. I'll got get the glass tomorrow. PM me if you'll be near Palm Coast in the next few days and we can figure this out. I'll be at Tallahassee the same time as Searles', have a CW event to do. Jim
  25. The answer to, oh hell left the light on overnight and almost cooked the camp. I'll get glass cut to fit these. They are tin standard size like the wooden ones. I just noticed I cut off the ring on top for hangin' it. $25.00 + shippin' Jim Should prevent images like post #88 (pg5) PiP photo thread.
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