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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. Richard Petty Oh, yeah, "I stink, therefore I yam, whatta yam" - some old philosopher and Popeye the Sailor.
  2. Happy Birthday Grace! Make sure Dutch has his "shower" (sarcasm is hard to imply, but is there nonetheless) before he takes you somewhere nice. The upside no matter how foofy he gets, You'll always be waaaaay more gorgeous then he. Best Wishes, Jim
  3. Papa Sterling would me mum be from Barcelona? Inbreeding?? I'm not my own 1st uncle-cousin am I ? I finally figured out that I might be Cap't Sterling's illegitimate love child, I just don't who me mum is and they wouldn't tell me at the home. He says I'm too old to his, but look at the resemblance, the long flowing locks, etc. Can anyone help me?
  4. I don't think I'm older, I've simply been worried to the point of losing all color in my hair. Never seeing me father or me mother, geez I wonder which of the illicit liasons I may have sprung from. AHA the aforementioned contest on this thread, wait, before I hijack this with hijinx 'tis it ok Master Roberts? The contest would be to figger out who me mum is ..... prize to be figured out later, of course the prize for me would be knowing my heritage. Back to why I look so horrid, if you'd been kept locked away from the world and wondering who and why your parents abandon caused you to be abondoned and worked hard all day and night you'd look like me too.
  5. I apologize for the picture of Sterling's child, I innocently thought this thread was going to be showcase for creepy pictures, perhaps even a contest of sorts. I am sorry for hijacking it. By the way I think the 1st post is far more creepy than mine... The mind is a terrible thing .......... Must be this Central Florida climate, or 2 stereotypical examples of what happens when men don't "vent"
  6. I enjoy venting...... But I either get smacked in the head Or yelled at for doing it...... Methinks it's the attendant giggling. Although I read somewhere that if us men don't "vent" ....... and hold it all inside....... it eventually travels up the spinal column and is responsible ...... for all of our ...... (to put it delicately) crappy ideas. (probably like this post)
  7. Sterlings bastard child!! ADMIT YOU SIRED MEEEEE!!!
  8. Evil Sutler Jim makin the magic happen for dreaded pirate McDrago and all the others too.
  9. Today's headlines should teach all people to never post what they don't want their: Spouse Friends School mates Shipmates Their Pastor or Parents Or those with weak stomachs to see
  10. ..... and have been attacked by gangs of "keep left" signs
  11. You ladies looked great and congrats! Most everyone: Mission, why so blue? Mission: Woad is me, Oh, Woad is me
  12. Petty cash
  13. People what gotta rant in a thread where it's 'bout petty annoyances, an' showerin' regular Dang here I am in the wrong thread agin'
  14. But Silkie, if yer bucket has holes in it ye'll never get a shower anywhere but upon yer feet. Ye'll jes keep carryin' an' carryin', like that Sisyphus ..... maybe I didn't spell his name right ...... Sissyfied (Ye know Dutch that started this thing 'bout havin' ta wash an' all) guy an the rock what he keeps havin' ta push back up the dang hill!
  15. Lord knows I'll regret this, but ....... I'll not be makin' fun o' anudder man's snorkel. Let he who is without .......... well I won't be throwin' no rocks! By the way if any one is interested (M.A.d'Dogge) I sell water buckets, small ones so ye gotta keep comin' back with more water.. wink wink, nudge, nudge. Dang... blundered into the wrong thread again! Evil Sutler Jim
  16. Aye McDrago, Thanks for calling this mornin'. I be a, well not so much fat as, chubby merchant, oh, alright those that've seen me'll probly say fat as a house, be that as it may I'll be startin' yer new belt in just a few minutes. Soon as thumb through my brand spankin' new copy of "The Buccaneer's Realm" and cool off after having a bit of a row with the "nice people" (read that ...... well ..... any way ya want) at our local Wally World. Just so's ya'll know, the logo may be the same but if the money order don't say Wal-Mart on it they ain't cashin' it. More'n a little po'd by the misrepresentation o' the product line. That last paragraph is in the wrong dang thread, should be a couple doors down, oh well, sorry for being "peevish". Enough of that, gonna skim the new book, love that new tome smell! Then back to work for a while. Jim
  18. Just my two pieces of eight. Having been to some very large CW Events over the ...mumbles something approximating 13 years ...... last few years there've been places with thousands of reenactors, those most concerned with a bath would quite literally use a wash tub and a gallon jug or two to wash with. Most organizers don't take bathing into consideration. The most important thing is water for consumption, (not "the" consumption) you know, drinking. Although from what I've gathered about this era, hobby, pastime, pursuit "drinking" water is even low on the list, falling somewhere below rum, rum, absinthe, rum, food, and/or a hammock. A water buffalo or 2 from theclosest Nat'l Guard unit would fill the bill nicely. Barring that are there any pool water trucking companies or businennes around that may be able to provide a tanker of rum, rum, absinthe, or even potable water? Embrace The Stench. In summation, drinking water be way more important than washin' water for 3 or 4 days. Once we all get stinky the event ceases to be that "Stinkin' event in Va." You know that would be a great name for it .... Akin to Bo's idea for stinkaway camp .... "Dutchies Stinkin' Pirate Encampment in Tidewater, Va". You know in most places when the tide goes out it gets so stinky that we wouldn't notice each other anyway. Ultimate solution ... issue a jar of Vick's Vaporub to each person at registration, put a dollop on your upper lip and reapply as needed (PRN) I have to agree with Mae, would cousin Robbie be concerned?
  19. Dutch, is there a truckstop nearby they usually have showers.... for a fee of course. just a thought. Seeing as the topic has gone all serious. Jim
  20. Icouldn't find any "Old Dutch" cleanser so this "soap on a rope" will have to suffice
  21. Immersion, or lack thereof, seems to be Dutchies problem, maybe HE can, an needs to, breathe underwater?!? Does he really smell that bad? I mean he really does look like it. Like M.A.Dogge said ..... Grace???? is the "Stench" just a part o' the 'sperience? .......... Poor girl. By the way I didn't get a Christmas card last year anyway.
  22. At the risk o' bein redundant, see above!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ......... HA !
  23. OMG !! With the way Dutch looks in his uniform(?) He's the last one I thoght would be worryin' 'bout bein all clean an' smellin' purty an' powdery. What arrrr ye some kinda gurl? Though we was smelly ole pirates an' such. You never heer'd a goin' fer a swim? Who'd a thunk it Dutch, a petite flower ..... come on man .... embrace the stench!! Ya'll go on an set up yore canvas shower an' I'll get a flood light, some rope an' sand bags an we'll recreate the infamous shower scene from M*A*S*H. can ye see Dutchie as Sally Kellereman screamin' bout how this ain't no Pirate ship but a insane ass i lem? That'll be good ..... soap an water .... INDEED!!
  24. Aye'll do it fer ye. Yeah an' I still got yer pigskin fer ye too!! Evil Jim
  25. wow, I forgot what yoo was gonna sayhncjk.aLCD;TPFD; two. )COUGH ..... cough ...... ( pass me yur liter, nEll ....... sorry.. Krispy ... not you ..... my skull Wait, Sterling, (dang pirate hunters) you pulled me over ..... You gonna eat that?? Why is everyone out to get us? Better go Hide out somewhere. My mouth is really dry .... almost cottony... Better drink more rum the water can make you very ill in these days (although I won't understand why for a couple hundred more years), when I make it in to alcohol I don't get sick ...... that lasts for days ..... except for a little while until I don't know why I'm waking up smellin' like puke and in someone else hammock ..... any idea why that happens??
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