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Everything posted by sutlerjon

  1. I'm a Navy Brat myself and sometimes I too kinda fergit or take all the old stuff fer granted. I miss having virtual free run o' the bases Dad was stationed at. It sure has gotten inconvenient to go and see the new stuff. Like Blackjohn .... miss the old days. Know it's not Vet's Day, but, Thanks to all who Serve(d)
  2. Jack, that be one of you're guns on the lathe. I've got some good thick paint. Durham's Rock Hard Water Putty ...... Bondo fer wood!
  3. Dutch, the (wooden) cannon you're getting looks almost exactly like the 2nd picture in Dorian Lassiter's post. The swivel on the rail. Coincidence? Yeah, blind outhouse luck.
  4. Looks ya'll are waitin' for this ... Look what I found in this block o' wood ...... Thanks for the suggestions Vintage Sailor .... I printed the pic and tried to proportion this accordingly .... TA DA! With Trunions, might be small .... but it's wood!
  5. Thanks for the great responses to my time wastin' .... I'll post a pic in a little while ...... even I'm havin' a hard time believin' what I'm findin' in this block o' wood .....
  6. Who'd a thunk it! Here I am playin' wit me power tools, to get reinspired ta fiinsh belayin' pins an' apostles an' look whut happens! Here it is painted ... I'll have to figger out whut I gotta have for 'em..
  7. I had to take a diversionary break from gettin things ready fer Hampton, this is how I spent me mornin' Now I either gotta build a carriage or a swivel. I'm sure it's not right .... it's wood fer cryin' out loud Ya know I woulda called this "Quaker Guns" but Mr. Oatmeal would've thought ....... I coulda called it "got wood" but a Senator would've had somethin' ta say 'bout it ... well before 10 pm anyway As Mick Jagger once said ...... "Please, allow me to intro ......" ooops ......... "Gonna paint it black"
  8. McDrago ya'll are lookin' great .... that head knocker looks familiar! Kenneth that be some fine sewin' as well.
  9. You are most welcome, Miss Lilly! Thanks for the compliments.
  10. Was nice to see the bid fer me pin on the Santa Maria auction. Makes me feel good. Thanks!!
  11. Matt, I been designing buckles, PM me I got more questions! T'anks,
  12. bump
  13. Happy B-day Lady B. Hope it's a good one fer ya!
  14. Happy Birthday Nell. Do YOU get to go to KW too? If Chrispy doesn't take you there ..... well you'll know what to do to ensure your happiness today!!!
  15. There are a couple of questions regarding what you want in a pass box or bag. What is the diameter of your bore, if it's small then a shoulder bag is probably appropriate, if it's larger, say something that wouldn't be comfortably carried over the shoulder then you want a pass box that is more like a lidded bucket. More than likely on ship you'd have used a pass box, on land a pass bag, not unlike US CW accessories.
  16. Good, Glad ta hear she broke it in by breakin' yer crown! I think everyone would like to see a picture o' the knot though. Good luck with event an' the auction
  17. Wha'? Dammit man, you will be missed, both as Master Hairbone and in your role at CW days in February ...... Animal ----- while Harry's been around the fort fer awhile, he's not QUITE as old as the fort, although he has lent a bit of "hysterical character" to the place. Harry you'll be sorely missed, keep in touch "friend"!
  18. I just added a "links" page to the site! There's not a ton yet, But if you've got something of interest let me know and I'll see 'bout addin' it to the list!
  19. Oh, thank gawd!
  20. Oi, Mike did ye get th' Belayin Pin I sent yet? Have Kate test it by whackin' ye on yer head when ye get it.
  21. Welcome Aboard! In reading aspects of your story I can only say ..... Jerry Jeff Walker thought he was an "Alright Guy" and well if you know Jerry Jeff's story ....... Let's not forget Hunter S. Thompson's admonishment either ......... I too had an epiphany (into wind tho') >gack< on the bow as it rose and dipped .... just thinking about it now makes me want to "call the harbor seals" again ...... landsman all the way, but ya gotta get on the boat ta get where yer goin'! So's ye can find the plunder!
  22. The black comes out quite nicely!
  23. Matt I sent ya PM but I don't know if ya seen it or not. Check it out!
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