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Hawk the QM

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Everything posted by Hawk the QM

  1. Likewise. Well it was worth a shot anyway. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. pirates shouldnt be this nice. =)
  2. Great teaching tools and a wonderful place to start a new forum with. =) You won't learn a new language from a book nearly as well then with a live teacher. edit: I like the way you edit QM James.
  3. I hope this is where I should put this thread as it seems the most suitable for my request. Would the mods be so kind as to consider the possibility to add a Pirate Banter and Insult forum. Not a place to just be a jerk but a place to better ones skills at the art of bantering. Nothing is worse then being face to face with a pirate and have no other abilities then to stare blankly as they cut you by a razor sharp tongue and wit. I find it just as essential as learning sword play and small arms in today's pirate world. This forum would be the place for all to vent on the willing instead of blind siding the innocent. Also would serve as a good ranting forum for any and all things that are truly too irritating to stay quiet about. If this is a possibility then I also ask that it is led by the least PC and toughest skinned Mod that you have in your arsenal. This person would more then likely come under fire and they must hold their own to keep this a truly great forum. It would also lessen the strain of the "Beyond Pyracy" forum as that's where most of this type of stuff ends up. Thank you and Yaaaaaar The QM edit: I probably should have guessed that the mods are busy enough as is. I would like to ask that you place me in charge of this possible forum if that is agreeable. You will slowly gain more members from the "younger" crowd into the pub whom are more rambunctious and I am proof of that. I would really enjoy a place for us Party Pirates to blab without wrapping you into it. The calmer waters of the usual pub experience is very nice but in time the popularity of pirates will draw more like myself. Just a thought and still a humble request.
  4. Crud. I use a router but I don't have any other options. With my computer, an xbox and a laptop that's constantly used. =(
  5. Where's the fun in that? I like to keep my immunity system guessing and keep 'em on their toes. Ha! Just kidding because I can't stand seeing a toilet flush with the lid up. I also have a huge phobia towards public restrooms. I can hold it.................... forever.
  6. Also it severs as revenge as well. Neither one gets what they really want but neither can complain. Not to mention items taking a plunge and only you can save them!
  7. Yaaar Joe, After 5 hours of update downloads, I finally go onto the Roberts Server. I sail horribly but it was still interesting. I like that they added the two pirate jobs too. Question and maybe you can think of something. Randomly during the game my keyboard just stops working. I have no idea what that's about. Anyway, let me know when you'll be on again. I couldn't figure out how to PM or add you as a friend. I sail under the name Flintlock Hawk. Yaaaar!
  8. Yaaaaaaar! Grats lass!
  9. Since the toilet seat was brought up, I'd like to rant a little. C'mon ladies it's not rocket science. You want it down and we want it up. If it's such a big deal how 'bout you turn on the light or check with your hand before you plop down and find out the hard way. As far as I'm concerned, as long as the seat itself is dry then my mission was accomplished. Imagine this argument. I pissed all over the toilet because you left the lid down and I didn't check but then I blamed YOU for it. Sounds dumb, doesn't it? lol exactly.
  10. Rule #1 Don't talk about fight club
  11. Tomorrow tis the date. /bump
  12. Floggings will continue until I finish.
  13. I've come to complain. You want to complain! Look at these shoes. I've only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through. Yaaaaaaar! I do believe I'm playing with myself here.
  14. Well played sir
  15. What was funny to me was I first ordered a Buccaneer but asked for a flat back instead of the standard curved. Cpt. Jack then told me he already did that and calls it a filibuster. Pirates think alike I guess. Good luck on the steamin, mate.
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