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Hawk the QM

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Everything posted by Hawk the QM

  1. Fair is fair if it was, sir, and no hard feeling from me. I'll just ask if it's OK to remake it later in a place more suitable for warfare.
  2. Sweet, I'd rather keep my blood so I'll let him be.
  3. That's a dog?
  4. And a shiver goes down my spine Aye, been wondering where ya were lass. Hope you're back n' running soon.
  5. It looks much better then the PotC game by many leagues. The game itself is a little clumsy with sailing if you ever played Sid Meier's but walking around makes it unique in comparison. I'm sure it's a lot more fun then I'm making is sound but as a NOOB I still don't really know what I'm doing. Compared to other online games, I think it's a little pricey for a monthly fee ($15) but not higher then any other game that's relatively new. This is one of Joe Pyrats ships. I'm posting it so you can see that the graphics look really good.
  6. Consider the come back as a sort of parry. If I were a baboon then I wouldn't have this opposable thumb. Yaaaar but unlike ye, mine doesn't smell funny.
  7. If they cry, then at least the apocalypse they fear. When you walk by, they weep for the future of humanity and pray for sterility.
  8. Yaaaar ye venomous basilisks, another day o' insultin' possibilities! Ye be so filthy that yer arse is comparable to the bottom of my ship.
  9. YAAAAAAR! One post from 8000 and you LEAVE?!
  10. Ya but you're much better to look at. My only saving grace would be a warped sense of humor =)
  11. I think I'd be too afraid of boring someone to tears if I were to meet them out of the pub. =( What a sad phobia.
  12. I will lick whatever and whomever I want. Now get over here!
  13. We still talking about quarters?
  14. Yaaaar I didn't "flunk" per say. In fact, my teacher merely said "I'm tired of trying".
  15. I lay no claim to understanding either the anatomy or geometry of the question. Pirates end up with offspring with this answer, when posed with the question "condom?"
  16. Forget that. Why is there an untouched beer on the table?!
  17. Duct tape needs no explanation! True, however one must ask... How did you get in on yourself?
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