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Hawk the QM

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Everything posted by Hawk the QM

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  4. Now what would be included in this pirate goody bag?
  5. Feel free to add you pirate VD card
  6. Yaaar apologize sir I was out sick a couple of days and my home computer gives me Pyracy.com issues. I will re-install the game tonight and when I'm on I will either add you or try to hail you if you're on. Again, sorry for not seeing this thread earlier. I assume you're a pirate so I will make one as well. By the way.. do fighting styles really make a difference? I'd like Florentine but who can be a pirate and resist dirty fighting?
  7. I will test how much of a fan you guys are. This is a line from a stand up by one of monty pythons biggest fans. He was even on stage with them during their Aspen show. Cake or DEATH! Uuuuuuuuh cake please. Very well.... give him cake.
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  9. Although I have nothing to do with this (yet?), I'm interested to see what you've got going on so far.
  10. Hey look... Howards being eaten.
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  12. When you go into the tailor's shop you can change clothes. Tailors are located in the major ports like Tortuga in the back of the auction houses. PvP is deadly, and their ain't much profit in it so I avoid the PvP zones and pray on the NPCs. The real problem with PotBS is the pirate endgame is the same as any of the empires. If they modified that feature so pirates could operate as pirates instead of the Pirate Empire Navy it would be a great game. If you get the urge to try again, I'm on the Roberts server, let me know when and where and I'll meet you there. Just look for this scurvy old seadog... Yaaar thank you Joe. I actually dug the game out of my closet and I'll probably be giving it a test spin tonight. I just hope you're not planning a lead ball enigma for me
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  14. While I agree with the rest... this part really WAS a conspiracy!
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  16. Yaar will do good sir. That sounds too bizarre to pass up. Soft crab... I've never heard of such a thing.
  17. Muwhahahaha... I sent this one in as a spy many months ago! He knows what you did last weekend!
  18. Yaaaaaaar! For everyday the lingerie has not been surrendered, I shall link the atrocities that will befall your beloved teddy. I'm downloading all of his secrets about you!
  19. It sounds like, ye have not enjoyed the wonders of the Blue Crab and speak from that lack of knowledge? Thar not be any Blue Crabs on the west coast and the coast is generaly deprived of the wonders of these flavorsome creatures. Folks out west just don't know the world of crab eating for what it can be. Fer example, they be thinking a crab cake is a lot of dough with crab in it, vice the reality that it is a cake of crab with only a binder to hold the crab together. Travel to the Chesapeake Bay lad and find out what yer missing! Yaar I will confess my lack of knowledge. I have only had Blue Crab once and it was at a sushi restaurant in the form of a hand roll. I hate sushi (ironic) and this was the best thing I ate that entire dinner. I will have to get out and try more of this sea scavenger.
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