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Hawk the QM

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Everything posted by Hawk the QM

  1. Well, first of all become a doctor and discover a marvelous cure for something, and then, when the medical profession really starts to take notice of you, you can jolly well tell them what to do and make sure they get everything right so there'll never be any diseases ever again. Thanks Jackie, great idea!
  2. Yaaar, welcome mate!
  3. And now for something completely different: Rumpletweezer ran the dinky-tinky shop in the foot of the magic oak tree by the wobbly dum-dum bush in the shade of the magic glade down in Dingly Dell. Here he sold contraceptives and... Discipline... naked... with a melon?
  4. But where are they coming from Professor? That I don't know. I just don't know. I'm afraid I really just don't know. I'm afraid even I just don't know. I have to tell you I'm afraid even I just don't know. I'm afraid I have to tell you........... AFTER EDIT: (Cheater Mr. Doppleganger!) Mind you he did always watch Dr. Finlay on the television.
  5. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? I...I am no longer infected.
  6. Drop you pants, Sir William. I cannot wait til lunch time.
  7. Is it a secret?! It must be... otherwise he'd tell us!
  8. The only plundering Disney knows is straight from yer wallet. =) Pass. However, If I had wee ones, I'd consider this over other family vacations.
  10. 1. I feel that way right now but it always comes back to my job. I'm a professional nomad and there's no perfect job for me, just the ability to keep things fresh and keep moving. I feel that people like this should not look for something in specific, just to always look for something more. It's a stepping stone and usually the path is more rewarding then the goal. You never know, you may stumble upon the one thing that can keep you fresh for the rest of your days. That's how I feel anyway. 2. Not one of my concerns. I think the monster is remembered more in history then the hero. The world remembers Hitler but very few of the ones that stood against him and certainly not every one that died fighting his followers. I think I'd rather NOT be remembered by anyone who was not a friend that shared time with me. You can't be remembered by someone who didn't know you. They can just tell tales however true or false. 3. Never live with regrets, ever. The few times when I was faced with oblivion I only thought of the things that I did. My only regret would be to leave the loves behind but never what did not come to pass. Don't chase fantasies because the moment they become reality.. they are already in the past. If you live your life with the hopes of going places and doing things, then you have accomplished the first step and that's almost as good as the deed itself. Don't regret things just because you couldn't reach them. I would only worry if I was about to die and I said to myself "Why didn't I even WANT to go to the moon?" I know how ya feel Syren, if only a little. If you KNOW you want more, then you're closer then the rest of the sheeple. =)
  11. What was that about hats again?
  12. There's no doubt about it, this expedition does have some rather unusual aspects, Jim lad. For a first, why does the senior personnel all bear the names of Hollywood film stars of the forties ... and female ones at that, shiver me timbers 'tis the black spot, and secondly, I be not afraid of thee Blind Pew ... why do they talk this rather strange stilted, underground jargon, belay the mainbrace Squire Trelawney this be my ship now. Argh! A tranquillizing dart fired by the cowardly BBC health department dogs ... they've done filled me full of chlorpromazine damn! (Can't believe I was the first to use this one YAAAR)
  13. Constable Parrot ATE one of those! And what's this one. Spring surprise.
  14. Well if we were to construct a wooden badger... Oh, shut up.
  15. that has to be the funniest thing I've ever heard. Because I use that picture so many times to get laughs. It's just too good so props to Ray for not being bashful. That's just too good, thanks for the smile Syren.
  16. Then may I introduce Captain Phallus. HA!
  17. Yes, I'm sure its just for the potassium. edit: I really want to post another pic for you ladies but it may be too much. Don't want to offend any delicate flowers.
  18. Nasty wound you've got there, Potter. Thank you very much, Sir.
  19. Here you go ladies. Something to enjoy from the Single man's club and the Awesomesauce club. Gets you all excited, does it not?
  20. He has a wife you know. Want to know what she's called? Incontinentia...... Incontientia Buttox.
  21. Forget about the Russians, we did it for an advert for Tiger Brand Coffee. Tiger Brand Coffee is a real treat. Even tigers prefer a cup of it to real meat.
  22. Yaaaaaar! Happy B-day mate. I killed a Spaniard for you when I found out it was yer birthday.
  23. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
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