Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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SO no mistakes. I need to redo my others, i know there are still some minor English mistakes. But, i proofread this story with an American friend who used to be an editor so. It's a seperate story that just came up in my head, but the sequel to the original story is coming soon too My fanfic I hope you all enjoy it
Last reply by Charity, -
- 6 replies
Jest wondering in this assorted lot if anybody else wargames? I I own a computer, and a PS2 but I still prefer the face to face contest o "pushing lead". I game in 25MM: Pirates, WWI, WWII, and F&I.
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 3 replies
- 512 views Go for it! There are some humourous ones
Last reply by Captain Scurvy Dog, -
- 3 replies
I'm pacing as I'm lacing... the coach and four are here I leave you in the deep blue sea and my heart is filled with fear the trees tell me knot to worry and the seagull chirps a tune I shall see your face in in every place beneath a quartered moon June 17 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
- 8 replies
I just saw this, let's just hope it's right. Johnny Depp filmography
Last reply by Captian Wolfy Wench, -
- 3 replies
- 540 views Lived hard, died fairly young. I enjoyed reading about him. His son vanished, and he was married 3 times. The stars of today don't seem as...interesting..altho, I must say...I have my faves ! I lean toward the odd ones ! It's just my nature....
Last reply by privateer, -
- 15 replies
So I finally found this 2 DVD set at Best Buy after a month stakeout. What a steal at 5.99! 13 out of the total 26 episodes of The Adventures of Long John Silver! Each one about a half hour, full color. Poor quality though. Not the dvd, but just the fact that it is early 1950's TV and was never intended to be preserved or restored by it's creators. Robert Newton continues to be a joy to behold as our likable scalywag. Unfortunately, as it was for tv, the budget was smaller. Hence, there are precious few seafarin' scenes. (and those that are, are models) Instead, 90% of the episodes occur on the fictional island of "Porto Bello" which the creators placed just northeas…
Last reply by Charity, -
- 11 replies
actually heres a good pic i found browsing the web of the monkey, I got a kick outta him in the movie poc
Last reply by Charity, -
- 8 replies
It does seem pirate quizzes are tops, but besides the one here, check out the others, they are pretty funny. Go to the Quizzes section- if you end up on the home page. Rumba Rue **I had a mind once...**
Last reply by Red Maria, -
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He'd hurt his hip and he missed his ship His mind was in a pickle The woman he'd relied upon was nothing short of fickle His loyal dog peed on his leg and ate up all the mutton the mangy cur never protected him he became a canine glutton with an ever shrinking bung hole his beer keg turned to kindle when the new horizon began to wane he soon engaged his spindle "I'm starin' at me spindle an he's starin' back at me I named the thingy Cyclops Cyclops o' tha sea" C June 15 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 22 replies
I know ye piratey-types may not be discussin' philosophies too often, but I figured maybe someone had some info. It occured to me that there could be some symbolism in the apple that Barbossa always carries- you know, life, maybe it's a reference to Adam and Eve and the original sin... Maybe they discuss this in the special features, I'm honestly not sure. (I tend not to want to see how they make special scenes and sets if it's a movie I'd like to be real ) Or, it's possible this has been discussed before and I didn't realize it. If so, I'd gladly read that thread instead. Another thing- is the "poisoned" part a reference to another disney movie..? Or is tha…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 1 reply
Crossword just found a site wit this on it
Last reply by Desert Pirate, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy and avast, scallywags! Cabin Boy Redbaz here, new to the seven seas but bringing a map of treasures to be found! If you like your pirates illustrated, drawn or otherwise graphically narrated (that's comic books) for all ages then set sail for and follow the links to PIRATES, a new 60 page US format prestige anthology. Its a swashbuckling collection of seafaring rogues, lost treasure, scheming wenches, skulking skeletons and… er... cats! A motley crew of independent creators have been press-ganged into service and the final roll call includes Garen (RAINBOW ORCHID) Ewing, Colin (ZULU-WATER CART RESCUE) Mathieson, Dave (BLACKBOAR PRESS) Hitch…
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
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He tied her to the yardarm stuck in the Sargasso Sea He grabbed her stiff and graying hair "Don't ye be unfaithful ta me" He beat her with the cat o' nine tails and threw pitch all over her face Then he kicked the hem of her skirts and mangled all the lace Her pain must have been unbearable for she never said a word the axe that he buried into her head was the last thing that he heard The yardarm cracked and down it came and squished the man quite flat his victim had been the ships figurehead What do you think of that ? June 14 2004 Dream Wench
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 5 replies
I watched The 1934 Treasure Island with Jackie Cooper, and Wallace Beery. It was a restored version, and had no crackling noises like so many old films often do. Jackie Coopers mouth is hilarious ! I know it seems silly, but he was really a lot of fun to watch. They don't make them like that any more. He was so wholesome...Freddy Bartholomew used to really get on my nerves.......fingernails down a chalkboard..but Jackie Cooper was like a pair of warm sox on a cold night... Dream Wench <---------a bit strange at times
Last reply by Captain Scurvy Dog, -
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Sitting in the moonlight waiting on the tide Dressed and plumed in Pirate garb filled with fear inside Hacking on a coconut knowing he won't live the waves are kind and generous let's see what they can give He rolls his knickers up a notch and makes himself a bet Within a couple of minutes the ocean pays her debt "Not much meat ta eat right there" he tells a tiny crab as the beastie crawls away his belly gives a stab He ventures back into the surf then glances out to sea he spies a tidy wooden chest bobbing wild and free The box is washed up toward his knees and he pries the lid apart inside a Lady Claxton Cake the way to a pirates heart ! The cake…
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
- 6 replies
Strolling through my favorite french merchant, Tar'get, I happened across it. There were only two left in me local store, but I'm sure more can be plundered at others. Just another treasure for those looking.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 35 replies
...but it DID come out o' me fingers whilst waitin' fer the last student o' th' day...don't be knowin' iffn' it be the start o' a story o' jes plain stupid scribblin's...yer choice... ___________________________________________________________ No longer would she silently and obediently wait for her man to return to port. She’d learned the ancient ways of bladed warfare thanks to the friendly town armorer, who had more than once responded to her flashed smile and lowered eyelashes. And why wouldn’t he, if he were a red-blooded man? Not like that milquetoast husband of hers…Indeed, for that matter, why shouldn’t SHE use the knowledge, born in every woman, that the…
Last reply by PyratePhil, -
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Here's the mighty Klaxitorn who wishes she were never born Shes covered in barnacles and weary ooooh ! (she's bungled many a tentacle too) "Stiff in the bilge of floating frass her Captain sees she's lost her class" (Octopus chorus) He feels a "Qwindridge" coming on (and tries so to explain) when he sees his sails a flappin' he climbs to fix the main A Qwindridge is "Unbalance" Klaxitorn means "Even Keel" The ship of Mast Confusion is wavingly unreal As we see the galley full of food someone steals the limes The Cabin Boy is feisty and tries to match me rhymes The Klaxitorn is listing aye ! ('cos an octopus turns her on) I hope that I can s…
Last reply by Dream Wench, -
Pirates: Terror on the High Seas
by Guest Dirty Davy Cash- 2 replies
Ahoy me maties! It be along time since I be seeing ye all and me be glad to be back with me maties. I be needin a favor of ye all though. Hvae any of ye lads and lasses ever read Pirates: Terror on the High Seas? I be ashamed of me self that I dont be owning a single pyrate book, and be mighty interested in this'n. If ye could tell me a bit'o stuff about this here pyrate book, I be mighty appreciatin it me lads and lasses, until we be seein again maties, God Bless Ye All
- 0 replies
This is going to be framed... POTC Oscar Add
Last reply by Charity, -
- 53 replies
I be workin on my pyrate movie collection. (or any containing pirate types) Thought I be seein' what some of yer favorite pyrate movies arrrrr so I can keep a sharp eye out fer em! So far I have: POTC Hook Captain Kidd Son of Monte Cristo Long John Silvers Return to Treasure Island Goonies Cut Thraot Island 3 Musketeers (not pyrate but still a good flick!) Water World (future like pyrates) What else am I missing out on?
Last reply by Charity, -
- 12 replies
Aye, today an Aztec coin arrived.. I'm happy with it, and it looks mighty fine. Barbossa me mate, i cannot blame ye for wanting it!
Last reply by Charity, -
- 2 replies
Pirates them all.....make 'em short..or make 'em about and sail the seas....ask them with a "pretty please".....treat them the way ya wants ta be treated....they'll be there when really needed..
Last reply by Charity, -
- 12 replies
If breakfast cereal characters could collect unemployment there would be quite a long line, as many of the longtime animated Mateys of, say, the 1960s thru 1980s have had to walk the plank. Most notoriously are all the co-stars of Captain Crunch!! Now I like the guy, and the cereal, but its sad that the Crunchberry Beast, and that dog that used to be on his Peanut Butter Cereal, all got the heave ho!! Seems to me I remember another Captain Crunch co-star of some years back that was a mean Pirate. My memories were jarred even more when I walked into a collectors shop and saw a bobble head of the very Pirate. He was animated (well duh) wearing Pirate garb (double duh) …
Last reply by Dream Wench,