Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 2 replies
I recently stumbled across a nautical video game on the bargain shelf at Target. It's called (as you could probably guess from the topic title) Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty. It is supposed to be a ship to ship combat game. And while it is set after the GAoP, it still looks petty nifty. The only problem with it is that I can't get it to work! Every time that I try to play, it goes through the whole intro, lets me pick which battle I want to play, and then lets me go through setting up the options. However, as soon as I click the button to start the battle, it switches to a screen that says "loading" and never does anything again. No matter how long I wait,…
Last reply by Shipwreck John, -
- 1 reply
Just a warning to everyone out there. I was looking at picking up a copy of the new "Age of Pirates" from Akella/Playlogice today, but before I did, I did some research. Apparently, Age of Pirates uses the Starforce copy protection software which has known issues causing loss of drive capabilities, hard drive crashes, blue screens and more. STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME, unless you have a junk computer you don't mind screwing up for just this game. Apparently, Playlogic is also stonewalling the customer's comments on their forums about it. Eventually, there might be a Starforce-less edition (I hope) but until then, just because it's a game about pirates, you don't have to…
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 0 replies
It's not brilliant , it's a video music file but i think it's come out ok. Barbossa fans might like it.. Barbossa vs Davy Jones
Last reply by Charity, -
- 29 replies
this is a collectible pirate ship game were you buy pax and then build the ships! i used to play.............but i am starting again go to my thread titld "pirate gathering" to know why.anywho,this website i am about to type in is so cheap on the product and the shipping and handling! the shipping is only like 4 bux!!!! when it loads go to the top left hand corner and click constructible strategy games,then click the pirates 1. i am ordering one of the tins that come with 4 pax in about 3 would be next week but i want to see the movie again!!!! and there you have it!!!! i also play the potc tcg. -F-D-M
Last reply by julius27, -
- 13 replies
Our crewe wished to congratulate our gunner, Billie Beach on gettin himself a job on the next flick. And thanks to Iron Bess for pointing him in the right direction!
Last reply by Tess St. Claire, -
- 44 replies
Ahoy! What are ye doin' for International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Let us know yer plans and we'll post 'em on our site! Just drop our web wench, Jezebel, a note at and give her any details ye'd like the world to know about! Keep spreadin' the word - and the word is "ARRR!" Cap'n Slappy
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 1 reply
Something I stumbled across and thought others would find worthy as well. Archipelago
Last reply by Captain_Jack_Sparrow, -
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From Zorg
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 4 replies
So the other day I was at home and the scruvy Fedex man came and dropped me off a treasure map. Well this is strange thinks I since I hadn't been at the Bay of E and I don't think me first mate had been chatting with the Amazons lately, so what could it be? The package had a terrible Roger on it and came from a well known publishing house. It twas addressed to my ship and myself. Interesting... so I tears it open and inside I find... An interesting bit o pirate humor in the form of a 2 sided book called The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists on one side and on the other The Pirates! In and Adventure with Ahab. So I sat down and read it. Boy did it make this …
Last reply by Hester, -
- 9 replies
Ok me hearties, How many o'ye has the POTC Dice game? Is it fun? Is it worth the 20 doubloons (average price I've seen) Do tell cuz me birfday tis approaching and I always get handed a bit o'plunder to spend and I have been lookin at that game. Should I go fer it or direct me spendins toward other ports?
Last reply by Hester, -
- 0 replies
A friend on mine bought me this cool treasure chest that he found in a discount bookstore.... (he know I'm a Pyrate, so anytime he sees anything Pyratelike and inexpensive, he buys it for me..... Coooooooool........) On the bottem of the chest .... publishing info.... Design Eys This edition for Books are Fun First published in 1998 by Design Eye Publishing Limited 48 Dunmow Road Bishop's Stortford Hertfordshire CM23 5HL United Kingdom ISBN 1 84026 032 7 It's a plastic paper coated cardboard chest, with all kinds of Fun Pyrate stuff inside...There's a dagger, plastic compass and telliscope(that really work), two little booklets, "The History of Pirates" and "Ho…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 5 replies
Pirates Close to Crossing the $1B Mark Source: The Hollywood Reporter September 3, 2006 Walt Disney Pictures' Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest added another $11.8 million from 6,681 screens in 49 territories overseas this weekend to push its massive international total to $579.1 million, and to $991.9 million worldwide. "Dead Man's Chest" has surpassed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ($976.5 million) and climbed to the third spot on the all-time worldwide blockbuster list. Buena Vista International predicts that the sequel will cross the $1 billion mark in global ticket sales by next weekend. The movie will join 1997's Titanic ($1.85 billion) and 2003…
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 5 replies
Now here's something new, a Jack Sparrow bobble-head: bobblehead or how about this for your fireplace: fireplace or for you youngun's out there how to scare your mom: alarm So has anyone else come across some strange toys?
Last reply by Caraccioli, -
- 3 replies
Heads up, Shipmates..... I just submitted the third and last part of my three part article on how to work with flintlocks to No Quarter Given. Very in-depth and useful info for taking the mystery out of getting reliable performance out of flintlocks. With this info, you will never again think of flintlocks as un-reliable. The first two parts have already been published, and I suspect that the last part will be in the next issue. >>>>> Cascabel
Last reply by Barber-surgeon, -
- 9 replies
We finally finished our new trailer. Check it out at: Thanks for Flint for directing, filming and editing. What a band of reprobates, thugs, thieves and ladies of questionable intentions. -- Hurricane
Last reply by hurricane, -
- 39 replies
I'm hoping the success of PotC123 will inspire more pirate movies in the near future. If you were making your own pirate movie, who would you cast as your Pirate Captain? My first pick would be a young Kris Kristofferson: Then again, even at 70, he's looking pretty good. If Keith Richards can play Jack Sparrow's dad in PotC3, then why not have Kris as Jack's American uncle in PotC4: Anyhow ... looking forward to seeing other's dream choices for casting a pirate king (or queen) in a hypothetical movie. Cheers, Hester N[ow] P[laying]: James Yorkston, "I know my love"
Last reply by Gyp The Blood, -
- 1 reply
Okay, okay, I admit. This game is silly. I played it once a few times and kept getting beat. Now that I have the game mastered, I have become addicted to this silly game. So, I now have decided to share it with my brothers and sisters who resort to this type of thing when bordom starts to set in. Have fun.
Last reply by Captain Striker, -
- 18 replies
This is slightly off-topic, but since the Pirates ride is at Disneyland it could also be considered on topic. I've heard rumours that Disney might want to do away with Fast Pass for the rides. I personally think that has to be untrue. Fast Pass has been the greatest idea in a long time, especially since the crowds have trippled in just the past 5 years. I figured if anyone would know about this it'd be you. I'm hoping these rumours are false. Fast Pass was a great idea and helps crowd control a little bit.
Last reply by Christine, -
- 21 replies
was out do'n me local beer can race last night when a BIG R.I.B goes flying by wit what looked like jack sparrow aboard. I look out on the horizon n' there be a tall ship on the horizon. at the end of the race low and behold here comes the black pearl under full .................motor. don't know how long she'll be here but she is a site to behold. I'll try n' get a few photo's up soon of her. and the crew if I can. their set up in front of captn kidds. :)
Last reply by privateer, -
- 0 replies
- 328 views once again ... not the LBZ the BP makes it's berth in king harbor (Redondo Beach) next to joe's crab shack. however, during the day the best vantage for shooting "Cannons" at it would be on the cliffs in palos verdes a place called indicators... Ps. these are pics from a crappy camera phone so this should give you an idea of how close it really is to landfall
Last reply by long jack, -
- 7 replies
I found this on the net and thought some of you might find it interesting. Theres a little tid-bit about No Quarter Given in there as well...........
Last reply by Captain Striker, -
POTC 2 Questions 1 2
by Jib- 36 replies
Okay, I saw POTC 2 and had good time but there was A LOT OF STUFF GOING ON IN THAT MOVIE. I fear I've missed a few things. If you have ideas or answers on these topics let me hear you. And if you worked on the movie I'd love to hear your insights. First, what/ was that creepy place from which Jack escaped via the coffin? Oddly, why are they throwing coffins in the ocean instead of just wrapping the dead in a section of bed linen with a big rock to sink them? I assmused that Jack was moving toward the goal of deadmans chest before he was visited by Bootstrap. What do you think? Monkey steals coin at the end of POTC and monkey is now undead. Where is the coin? We…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
PotC 3 pic? 1 2
by Bilgemunky- 40 replies
Don't know for certain this is from Pirates of the Caribbean 3, but it sure looks that way!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by JimRobin, -
- 17 replies
OK ya all. I am tring to remember what Davy Jones said as he was raising the Kraken. I am in need of the beast but ca not raise im.
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton,