Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 1 reply
Arr mate.., I be a big pirate fan like the rest of ye.. So, I made a game for ya all to play on. I'm giving the Pyracy Pub exclusive firsts to log in and get ahead.. I'm giving away a $6,600 USD Computer to the winner of the beta. So, give it a go. (Be sure to refer other pirate fans!!) Rule the Seas - Online Pirate Game - Click here to play
Last reply by Ellantro, -
- 12 replies
POTC 2 recieved 4 nominations: Art Direction Sound Sound Editing Visual effects Let the games begin.
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 2 replies
I watch the trailer on the website and I can't wait for it to come out!
Last reply by Silent, -
- 52 replies
I do not know the answer to Mad Woman Cheryl's question, but I'll bet the music is remniscent of another composition rather than directly borrowed. I noticed that much of thos music is remniscent of something else or directly borrowed. Most of directly borrowed stuff is from the first soundtrack - sometimes the borrowed stuff is appropriate, sometimes not. Many of the uses are just plain odd. Take The Kraken track. I like this track and it gives the Kraken it's own ponderous motif, although it is interwoven with some organ music - music that sounds vaguely like the old Phantom of the Opera organ music. (Not Webber, the old Phantom organ music). Now this is weird. What do…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 33 replies
I know there was a lively discussion of the whole eye-patch issue in another thread. Last night they were advertising the pirate mythbuster for next wednesday. From their site: Episode 71: Pirate Special Arggghhh, me hearties! Jamie and Adam plundered the seven seas in search of pirate parables and maritime myths. The result? This 2-hour spectacular episode! And, with four stories of hijinks on the high seas the action is thick and fast. Playing with more firearms, the guys try to figure out how deadly cannonballs really are versus the splinters sprayed from a mighty broadside blast. Kari, Grant and Tory on the port side decode the mysteries of the ol' pirate eye patc…
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 5 replies
I don't know if anyone else has seen this but I saw this storyline on a couple of spots and wanted to know if anyone else knows this, concurs, disagrees, or whatever have you for information. From what I read online (and some of it under Black Pearl - Wikipedia) ......seems that Jack used to work for the East India Trading Co. and worked for Beckett. His ship was named the Wicked Wench. Jack was ordered to pick up a cargo from Africa and deliver to the Carib. His cargo was slaves in which he did not want to do. He delivered the slaves to freedom (I think this is where Tia Dalma comes in, slaves are delivered to her isle). For this Jack gets the compass. Beckett go…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 15 replies
Just found this and found it kinda cute...tough and touchy questions. It gave me Mary Read as an answer Pirate Selector
Last reply by CrazyCholeBlack, -
- 41 replies
I just found this article while I was trying to find a pic of Capt Sao Feng....I hope this is true...the first 2 movies were terrific!!!! Article about more POTC adventures
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 1 reply
Me mate just came back from the waters of CES (Consumer Electronic Show). Pirates be making waves there as well. Here be some treasure to plunder until the booty of the online game is available. Pirates of the Caribbean Online Game TRAILER
Last reply by flying-dutch-man, -
- 10 replies
Was in Las Vegas this past weekend with the wife. We were strolling through the Venitian when she asks me, "Isn't that Ron Jeremy in front of us? And is that a pirate T-shirt he's wearing?" She was right on both accounts. The shirt read something along the lines of "Pillage, Plunder, Ingnite" (or some such thing) and had a stylized skull&cutlasses. It seems to be part of his company's marketing, which isn't directly related to pirates. Turns out he was their for a giant porn trade show (AVN Tradeshow and Awards). Walking up a bit further was the entrance to said trade show, with a big screen TV repeating a (G-rated) teaser for Pirates: A Joone Film part 2. This wou…
Last reply by Silver Steele, -
- 3 replies
I was trying to find something about Davy Jones in POTC 3 and found this pic of the Flying Dutchman. If you purchased the 2 DVD set for Dead Man's Chest and have listened to the Audio Commentary from the 2 writers they mention that the director (I believe it was) wanted to have the front of the ship constructed for the shots when it surfaces from waves look realistic. Great job to the Disney crew for this mockup Photo of Flying Dutchman
Last reply by Captain Midnight, -
- 6 replies
OK.... I know they are out there.... and if I took some time, I might be able to find a few sites...... but some other member of this here pub may know the good sites already..... I'm kind looking for the really bad "Mary Jane" stories..... something that was not intended to be that way, but is so poorly written that they are funny.... Of course other readers in the pub, may be looking for better written stuff.... So .... If you know of any fan Fiction pages, could you post them.... (a note about if they are good or so horrably bad that they are funny would be helpfull) as would a note about possible adult content..... I have no problem reading bad sexy trash... but I …
Last reply by Capt Grey, -
- 5 replies
Thanks to Godless Savage on Crossing Blades: *Note: You will have to put the disk into your computer to get them. DMC DVD Easter Eggs So far, I know of four--all on the 2nd disc of the 2-disc set. I find them much easier to get to on the computer, because you can just move the mouse around until something highlights. If you are using a TV remote, you'll have to do some inventive clicking. In the main menu screen, you can get a leaf to highlight above the menus--that plays a featurette on the catering (try left clicking twice from According to Plan). Talk about having to feed an army! And in some cases, they were doing it while the kitchen was basically flooded, LOL.…
Last reply by Silver Steele, -
- 9 replies
Don't know if it's an official release or not. Delete the URL if so. But it has six AWESOME prints. Six pics at Ain't It Cool
Last reply by Christine, -
- 7 replies
Arr... Just in time for PirateMas, Zizzle has released more of their 3 3/4" figures. At me local ports O' Call I have found Final Duel Jack, Final Duel Will, Ragetti, and Barbossa. Th' Jack and Will are just coatless and in a fightin' pose. Barbossa is pretty cool lookin' and Ragetti comes with Davy Joneses' chest and key. Now my Pintel shall never be alone! On a somewhat related note those of you into MegaBloks Pyrates or the MegaBloks PotC, TRU has 40% off all MegaBloks. So you too can get th' Black Pearl for around $24. It probably lasts until next Sunday.
Last reply by flying-dutch-man, -
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i was at winn-dixie today and on the way out i saw this big centerpiece thing filled with potc figures,sticker,necklaces,keychains,bracelets and watches!i boguht a captain barbossa figure for my collection and a locket and on the front was the potc logo the skull and cross swords,and inside was a picture of good ol' cap'n jack sparrow!and an empty place to put another picture.i am going to put my girlfriendspicture in it!this was just so cool i had to share it!
Last reply by flying-dutch-man, -
- 17 replies
I got the idea from a vendor at Ojai who had made clothes for skeletons. I figured, 'hey I'm a costumer, I can do it too! Well I made sailor clothes for my Kermit, how hard could this be?' Trust me, I won't be doing it again. You really can't see the colors, but the vest is burgandy velvet out of a scrap that I had. I put some material from the hunting outfit I made on it too. Used a cut up bed sheet from a thrift store to make the shirt, though I did have to actually buy some buttons for that as I didn't have anything appropriate. Haven't made a hat yet, not sure I will or what with.
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 28 replies
Here's a little peek.... yeah it's on YouTube but it's also all over the Disney Channel. Have fun.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
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Liar's Dice
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 7 replies
WINNERS: -- Male star: Johnny Depp -- Male action star: Johnny Depp -- On-screen matchup: Johnny Depp & Keira Knightley -- Movie: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" -- Movie drama: "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" Not too shabby!
Last reply by Christine, -
- 6 replies
Anyone else see these? They had a POTC sneak peek action figure of Elizabeth disguised as a Chinaman. Came with a 3D coin that you hold up to the light to see a secret code. Type in the code at the Zizzle site and apparently you can access new footage of POTC3.
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 14 replies
Just wanted to let you know that Viggo Mortensen is starring in a new Spanish movie , yep Viggo is fluent in Spanish aswell as Danish . It is called Alatriste in Spain. In the US it should be called The adventures of Captain Alatriste. Here is a link for the trailer. Cannot wait to see it! It is based upon Arturo Perez-Reverte's novels.
Last reply by Captain Striker, -
- 15 replies
I'll certainly check out the show. Don't know if I'll be a loyal viewer though.
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 45 replies
where do I go with this idea? I have a fabulous idea for a character called The Black Rose. She's a legendary piratess with unparaleled sword skills, a glint in her eyes that makes a sound of crossed swords when she senses danger, and fabulous special effects would surround her. She'd disappear in black smoke, and would end up being Jack's true love. Doesn't sound like much, but when all is said and done, breathtaking moves and effects would be part of her character. She would be a supernatural being who'd help Jack out of insurmountable odds. Oh, and she's have a wonderful black velvet wardrobe and a slinky sinewy way of moving. Jack wouldn't be able to resist her,…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 12 replies
My vet's office has moved and I went to their website to find the new address. Look what treasure I found. Figures a pirate like me (here in landlocked Arizona) would have such a vet.
Last reply by Lady Alyx,