Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 15 replies
This is pretty creepy! All the pix on this website are of this actor, not the real Johnny Depp. It's quite creepy how much he looks like him.
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 0 replies
I just saw this game on IGN, and it looks fun. It's not your traditional pirate game, but it could be really fun.
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 119 replies
Well, if you ever wanted make the dream into reality, here is a little something. CBS will be airing this on May 31st! Pirate Master!
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 32 replies
Did not see a post about this, though there hav e been some about its production: Blackbeard Movie on the Hallmark Channel Sat., June 17th Details at: Best regards to ye all
Last reply by Morgan Dreadlocke, -
- 2 replies
Port of New Providence CD Launch Part in Pasadena CA. "DOWN AMONG THE DEAD MEN" When: August 25th, 2007 Time: Starting at 6pm til... Where: Heart and Soul Healing Arts Center. 1167 North Lake Avenue Pasadena, Ca. 91104 626-798-8337 Come on out if you can and spend time with a few of your Pub singing mates! Also, we got notice that our new CD has been chosen as the featured CD this week on the Maritime history Network. (chuckle) Who would have guessed? Here’s the link if anyone has an interest….
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 15 replies
Last reply by Rusty Barrels, -
- 17 replies
Just wondering about this costume: Having seen the movie now, it isn't there. Though, very similar to Elizabeth's costume... did this ever exist & was cut? Just some good photoshopping? It was one of the first pictures out there for POTC3. Sithcamaro even made a copy:
Last reply by Christine, -
- 5 replies
So I was reading this book called Pirates! (it might have been by Angus Constam, I don't remember nor care) and I was looking at many of the images in their painted by one Howard Pyle, who I have been invoking as responsible for the pirate/boot misconception in modern times, and I noticed that the buccaneers who Sacked Cartegena wore shoes. Not boots, but shoes! So I looked for some other images of Mr. Pyle's. And look! Here, the cover of The Books of Pirates: shoes! And here, in "Marooned": shoes! And here, in this sketch: shoes! And in "How the Treasure was Divided": shoes! And here depicting Thomas Tew: shoes! In fact, there are more shoes, but I co…
Last reply by Captain Midnight, -
- 7 replies
OK, I know that Iron Bess has insisted again and again that there is nothing yet in the works for Pirates of the Caribbean 4. But who are we going to believe - a woman that works at Disney and has been a Pub regular for years? Or how about a poorly written, gramatically challenged article failing to cite a single source? I know which one I'd pick!
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 0 replies
This was on the air today. Click to station's web site with insta-mp3 or (if it's already too loud on your brig) there's a transcript: today's review of Gus Openshaw's Whale-Killing Journal
Last reply by Nelson Cooke, -
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Has anyone seen this book ? I thumbed through a copy a few days ago and found a lot of backgroud info of the POTC's. It's a book written by Gibb's for his son, filled with illustrations and letters, and enhanced by modern writers. It tells Jack's story, pre-pirate, Jack's relationship with Beckett, why the Pearl is black, which pirates were lords of what seas, and much more. Some of the same stuff reprinted, but new character information post and pre movies.
Last reply by Misson, -
- 4 replies
As seen on Yahoo's home page today ~ Unfortunately (or not? ), the Pub does not appear on Piracy web sites! Talk Like A Pirate Day comes in first, Pirates! Fact & Legend second, and No Quarter Given third.
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 12 replies
If any of you have kiddies or are kiddies yourselves, my son is watching Pirates of the Plain (1999) for the third time in two days. It's a fun yarn starring Tim Curry as Jezebel Jack. It's a pretty funny movie with some good piratical lines in it. And you'll finally know how well a chainsaw fairs against cutlasses. Hey, it's a yarn. Got it from Netflix on rental. Worth the time and Tim was born to be a pirate. -- Hurricane
Last reply by Misson, -
- 35 replies
OK - who KNOWS if there will be POTC 4 ? If'n ye cannot answer under yer log on, send a PM.
Last reply by Misson, -
- 3 replies
Captain Blackheart of BloodQuartz poses for Captain Morgan contest. please check it out and vote for me! Thanks me mates!
Last reply by captainleoblackheart, -
- 8 replies
I'm sure you guys have seen it, but I didn't see a thread about it, so I figured I'd start one. Well, after seeing DMC, I flipped out over the crab shaped necklaces (as did a bajillion other people, so it seems) because I've been looking for something non-ordinary to attach my boyfriend's picture to =p (i'm such a loser, i know) Master Replicas has a gorgeous replica of Tia Dalma's necklace for only $10, and I've seen much uglier ones for even higher prices, which is beyond me. (I'm in the process of lengthening the chain, though I might change my mind. And I'd really like to find out how to make it into an actual functioning locket/music box.) and then of course, th…
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
- 29 replies
Sorry folks... Beware! Pirates have been sighted in the Rivers of America surrounding Tom Sawyer Island! They have been drawn from all over the world by mysterious rumors of buried treasure. To buttress the island's defenses against a pirate invasion, Tom Sawyer Island will be closed starting February 5. When the island reopens on May 25, 2007, expect thrilling new adventures and ample opportunity for scurvy pirate recruits to hunt for hidden treasure.
Last reply by Maggie Crowe, -
- 4 replies
Saw a commercial for this one yesterday. There is a small blurb about it on the History International Website. Looks like it is an evening of pirate related programming on History International. Here is the lineup from what I can tell: Saturday July 7th (Times listed in Eastern/Pacific) Calico Jack 8-9 PM True Caribbean Pirates 9-11 PM History Traveler "Pirate Tech" 11 PM- 12 AM Sunday July 8th Calico Jack 12-1 AM True Caribbean Pirates 1-3 AM History Traveler "Pirate Tech" 3-4 AM
Last reply by Maggie Crowe, -
- 0 replies
deleted topic
Last reply by Lady Alyx, -
- 17 replies
I just caught this flick last night. I didn't think it was too bad of a mystery movie. There were a couple of corny bits at the end, but Johnny did a good job of protraying the character. I know this movie is old, but just saw it for the first time. I was wondering what others thought and what other Johnny Depp movie's they liked.
Last reply by HildeKitten, -
- 43 replies
So is it Will Turner's Locker now? Hmmmm maybe the Kraken will have given birth before it was killed and perhaps 'Baby Kraken' will come Thoughts, speculations...ideas?
Last reply by BluePuppy, -
- 10 replies
I was over at the Pirate Master Wiki website and was checking on the page I set up over there for people to post pics of themselves as pirates. A gent posted his pic there, he and some buds where lucky to be extras while the filming was going on in Dominica. Here is the link to the photo he posted. I told him I was going to share it here. POTC extra's pic w/ Barbosa
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 2 replies
...Just stumbled across this on the webpage for Captain Morgan. I have seen some of the commercials (kinda dumb..could be better), but they have a webpage for people uploading their 'poses'. Would be great for some of us to try here, since ahem...we already have built in to speak. Have fun..let us know if any of you decide to try it out. Pose Off
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 15 replies
So today I'm at Borders again and I see a book about the Articles of Pyracy from AWE. I do a quick scan and it looked pretty nice. Thought it might tie up a few loose ends. I wondered if any of you bought this tome and what you thought of it before I laid down my hard earned money.
Last reply by Jib, -
- 1 reply
I was SO in awe of the magnatude of this contest and the sight of the Black Pearl... I barely caught it! ANYONE who has Verizon... GO FOR THIS!!! Remember yer piratical friends... invite us! PLEASE!!! ~Lady B
Last reply by Red-Handed Jill,