Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 5 replies
I am watching the first episode of 'Warehouse 13' it is filled with 'steam punk' like stuff. I think this has potential ;-)
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 5 replies
Not sure but I think I recall have'n seen this posted a year or more ago but th' link would not work for me. I just found this t'day while surfing and have found it a bit hard t' walk away from! Desktop Galleon - and it be FREE (a pirate's favorite price!) it be almost halfway down th' page, here be what they say: Here be what I say: Choose yer ship's sail colors, name yer ship, then sail about yer own desktop (offline!) and blow them double sons of a ship's cook outta th' water!! Gather gold, golden cannons, sail th' winds, and all with some pretty cool sound effects t'boot!! Only a 9meg download and…
Last reply by MadL, -
- 0 replies
Just wonderinf if there might be any interest in a steam punk styled computer for primarily navigation purposes. PIII computer able to withstand drops, rain, etc. Setup with blue tooth and a full navigation system as a chartplotter for a sailboat
Last reply by Commodore Swab, -
Here be a grand game indeed, free but must play online - two bad as it would be a fine one for download. Pirate's Dice - Liar's Dice, just like in th' movies: VERY well done, Excellent graphics, simple but Effective sounds. It plays very well and CAN be beat; ye plays against Turner and Jack, ye signs yer name t' th' third player. It plays very smooth, here be a few hints I have fer ye: Turner is a horrible liar, Jack is quick t' declare another a liar and gets frustrated if down t' just ye 'n conservatively and ye just may save yer soul. If not, then it be - T' DAVEY JONES' LOCKER WITH YE!!!
Last reply by MadL, -
- 7 replies
Hi everyone - ConGaloosh registration got underway last week on April Fools, and the VIP tickets have sold out! But fear not, the Basic level ticket packs alot of punch in a day (and a breakfast the next morning). If you are interested, check out for details. We are also encouraging folks to dress in their finest Adventure wear for the event. Lots of fun and surprises await those who participate. Kungaloosh! (insert club member salute here)
Last reply by Cpt Sophia M Eisley, -
- 1 reply
- 957 views I a dark slightly disturbing way.
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 20 replies
Read it for yer selves...
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 4 replies
Not sure where this goes and not sure if any of ye have seen this yet. But guaranteed, this WILL drive Bilgemunky bonkers! [steampunk Pirate Ship ~Lady B
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 11 replies
I always had a suspicion that my big black trunk was in the movie "The Greatest Show On Earth" and lo and behold it was! I just caught the movie last night and there it was in a scene where a guy was throwing clothes into it. It was a very quick shot, but I definitely saw the lid and the decor around the edges. I originally bought the trunk at a thrift store in L.A. and the guy had just put it out and told me he got it at the MGM auction years ago, but had no idea if it had been used in a movie or not. Well now I have proof which makes the trunk a whole lot more valuable. Rumba
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
- 4 replies
You have seen sails on both the Eastern and Western horizon. Both sets come toward your island. Although you can investigate both beaches you will only meet one landing party. If you choose the Western beach you arrive to see the Dutch return. They appear in two long boats and make for the western shore of your island. They appear heavily armed with muskets ready. Both long boats are full of naked African slaves chained together. Wisely you hide and watch the long boats arrive. The slaves are roughly ushered out of the boats and released from the iron fetters that bind them. A barrel of what looks to be water is also placed on the shore line. The Dutch sailors s…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 6 replies
You discover strange Dutch sailors on the beach near your camp. You have decided how to interact with them. If you call out and approach them they turn quickly and give each other strange looks. You get the feeling they thought the island was uninhabited. One of them speaks to you in broken Spanish motioning for you to join them. The rest give you greasy smiles. Then you see that they have a nice set of rusty iron manacles and loaded pistols pointed directly at you. You decide to make a quick break for the tree line. You hear a pistol shot and feel the sting of a bullet as it cuts into your back and the base of your neck. You take one wound (remember maximum of t…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 7 replies
If you choose to flee the Boar charges you and manages to gore your leg with its tusks before you escape. You take one wound. If you fight the Boar and have a weapon you manage to kill the brute but take two wounds in the battle. You also earned yourself a pork meal (BACON!). If you don’t have a weapon you take two wounds and the Boar flees (tough Pirate!). Remember you can only take three wounds before dying and you arrived on the island injured with one wound. If you retreat and return with a plan to trap the beast you flee but the Boar manages to gore your leg with its tusks before you escape. You take one wound. You then circle back, dig a pit, fill it with sh…
Last reply by Poopdeck Pappy, -
- 1 reply
As I promised last week, here are a few photos of the Dr Who Exhibit currently showing at Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery. After all that I had heard,I rather expected it to be half decent.I was disappointed. They could have done so much better. I took 200 pictures but because of lighting issues and only having a cameraphone, I have only uploaded 90 or so images to my photobucket album. These are just a few of the pictures that are at ..... Dr Who Exhibit I hope that you enjoy them.
- 2 replies
Some Dr Who photos? There is an Dr Who exhibit on at Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery at the moment. I am going to the museum, this coming Monday (29/06/09), to get some better pictures of the muskets and pistols that I posted earlier today. I was just wondering if there was any interest in seeing whatever photos I may be able to get on the day.
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 3 replies
From m'recent exploration of t'fun side of pyracy, here be a video o' a pyrate song, with Lego crewmen and "stop motion animation". Watch by clicking (or sail into YouTube and search for "Lego Pirates of Penzance").The song be from ye famous comic opera about pyrates, by Gilbert and Sullivan. From comments, it be evident that Gilbert & Sullivan fans be pleased exceedingly with this video ... but will it please a crewload of keen pyrates? Tis time the pyrates made their own comments ... get to it me hearties!
Last reply by Rumba Rue, -
- 10 replies
You bid farewell to the Indians and return to your campsite to look over your treasure. Lady Pirates who attempted to seduce the Indians find themselves with a bonus item after a few moments of beach romance. The Indians promise to return if you did not resort to violence or threats. If you did they glare as they leave and you get a feeling of foreboding. If you took the twelve steel fishing hooks you discover that catching fish is much easier and you constantly have a supply of food. If you selected the healing elixir you find that the Indians did not lie and that it will heal two wounds (you need not use it all at once). If you selected the flint and steel you ca…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 11 replies
Found this group and thought they were awesome. This piece would make great "going into battle" music. Corvus Corax Got other groups/songs you like...Abney Park maybe? Post links here.
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 60 replies
Aye Mates, Me sources say there be a new show on Spike TV where they pit different warriors from different genres against each other. The show premiered April 8th and there be an episode on April 28th about pirate vs. knight. There be little doubt in me mind that the pirate wins for the pirate has the biggest gun and I know that gun well.
Last reply by 1stMate Matt, -
- 9 replies
After adopting your animal companion and returning to your camp you discover the true nature of the beast. The green parrot speaks a few words of French and is very adept at finding fruits and nuts on the island. He calls out something that sounds like “Je Tem” when happy. The parrot also seems to be good look out and will squawk when something dangerous approaches. The mongrel dog is loyal and intelligent companion. She has a good nose and appears to be a natural tracker. The dog will defend you and can take one wound that you would have taken in a fight or encounter. Of course by taking the wound the dog will perish. The tan and black monkey is a little devil! …
Last reply by Dorian Lasseter, -
- 4 replies
Fan of Bas-Lag? Ever attempt to make a possible sword for your Steam-Punk persona?
Last reply by Cpt. Alva, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by CaptainSatan, -
- 3 replies
- 908 views The station will be off and on again until July 4th as we test new ways to mix the music, interviews, and live broadcasts. Right now there's a mix of various music genres, original songs, interviews and commercials. . . there's no structure yet. . .like I said. . .just testing. I've canned about 100 hours of nautical music, interviews, etc. . . the site's in test mode now but will go live with a big promotion on July 4 when we broadcast our 3rd Anniversary / Pirate Master Reunion Party live all day from the home of Louie Frase I use Nicecast (it's a Mac-based broadcasting application) the author/talent licensing is a monthly cost …
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 4 replies
I'm a gamer, and have been playing Sea Dogs and then PotC with the pirate gaming community mods applied (pirate as in Pyrate, not those that steal software). I'm eagerly awaiting Pirates of the Burning Seas which is an MMO based on the GAOP. I've played World of Pirates, a German MMO that is rather simple (much like the old Sid Meirs game) but sometimes fun (PvP is ALWAYS on!). Anyone else here fancy the occasional forray into the waters on ye computers?
Last reply by Captain Frankie, -
- 0 replies
- 621 views Looks really interesting. Sort of a spiritual successor to Pirates by the looks of it.
Last reply by Yellowbeard, -
- 8 replies
I have FINALLY gotten my kids into the Playmobil pirate toys. Looking at the boats/ships, I have noticed that most are obviously variations of the same molds. This one sure looks to be based on a sloop: It is just missing the topsail and the second jib. What do ya'll think about these:
Last reply by Rumba Rue,