Fort Taylor
426 topics in this forum
- 32 replies
Well, we discussed a "My...Feet!" shirt, so here it is. How much interest do we have? I need an estimate before I even consider an order. Since it will likely be a short run, I'll charge $20, which includes shipping. White imprint on black, 100% cotton t-shirts. Front... Back... Please make checks payable to: William Pace 143 South 400 West Logan, Utah 84321 I'll wait until I have all the checks before screening, just in case a few people want to jump on the bandwagon. Speaking of band wagons...that might have saved my feet.
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 3 replies
william red wake recommended that i ask you for kit suggestions for youngsters.. apparently, you may be familiar ??? our youngest ones are 3,5,6 and 10 i was thinking something simple like slops, shirt, and a neck scarf... oh, and a hat. any thoughts ?? tia count de monet ( french dog ??? ) tu est falle :)
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 17 replies
I am new to the PiP festivities, and historically guided role playing in general. What do participants do while they are at PiP? Do some role play for the public and one another, or teach folks about who they are (character) and about the timeframe they represent? Just curious about what sorts of things a person can participate in down there. Also, I've skimmed over many a thread here (and PiP site) and will dive in for more detail as time permits, but in terms of role play who is taking on what? I understand the groupings that are listed on the "Who is going" thread, but am interested in the details. I'm working on obtaining additional implements to assist me as a …
Last reply by Cpt Sophia M Eisley, -
- 1 reply
For those of you who receive Pirate's Magazine (and those who don't-get a copy) last year's PiP is featured in photos on page 75 of the Winter/Spring 2008 edition. Many thanks to Jessie at Pirate's Magazine for thinking of us and many thanks to the Callahan's for making the pictures happen!!
Last reply by Fayma Callahan, -
- 3 replies
Ahoy all! It comes to mind that we have some many talented musicians, entertainers and storytellers among our midst that we could fill that empty stage with some additional entertainment during each day of the festival. Right now it's only used for the tryal and the awards/slide show. Barnacle Beau did a yeoman's job of adding music to the grounds. But if seems a shame that everyone is working so hard on music for the pub sing when the public doesn't get to hear any of it. It seems a better use of talent to share it with the public, who finance this little piratefest shindig. I know our little band would be happy to do a 1/2 hour or so on stage each day and I'm sure Ru…
Last reply by Capt. Sterling, -
- 3 replies
Amanjiria has recently gone to great lengths to put together a great DVD of the Pirates in Paradise festival. Hours of filming and editing were contributed to make a fantastic record from last year and a promotion for this year and years to come. I approached a friend with a celtic band who agreed to let us use music from three different albums for tracks on the DVD. He was more than happy to let us use them, believing that other members of the band and former members would not mind us using them for this purpose. However...we've run aground. Some of the band members have decided that they do not want us to use the tracks, or in some cases, argued how we should give…
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 2 replies
Due to lack of interest in such a scenario, this thread is no longer in operation.
Last reply by Cheeky Actress, -
I just had a thought, maybe some of you here could offer insight. This morning, I was pawing through a number of 'beachcams' on the net. What would it take to set up a camera, or a couple of camers at a variety of locations such a s Ft.Zach, Mallory Sqare, etc? I know it would require mainly a cumputer to act as a server, and access to a internet cable line. Would it be possible for atttendees of PIP to pay for the cable service? Would it even be worth it? I didn't make it last year but it might be interesting if there could be some on-line hijinks (staged or spontaneous) on a webpage. just a thought.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 2 replies
I went to the Renaissance Festival in Deerfield Beach, in South Florida yesterday. It be real fun. Only, I didn't know there be pirates in the medieval times. there be loads of other pirates roaming the bazaar. did anyone else go to this fest and be there anyone that knows whether or not pirates existed back then?
Last reply by HanaRead, -
- 8 replies
So, I guess with all this global warming stuff, the weather gods should think about Nov. 30 being the end of Hurricane Season. Seams Tropical Storm Olga didn't get the invite... The same thing happened the first year we had the event. While we were burning the flag, Oscar was churning out at sea.... -- Hurricane
Last reply by RustyNell, -
- 52 replies
1. Sarah Sterling (Archangel) 2, Joshua Merriweather (Archangel) 3. The estimable Amanjiria (Archangel) 4. Gunner Tiger Bill (Archangel) 5. Barbara?? (Vendor, Not a pub member that we know) 6. Tom?? (Vendor, Not a pub member that we know) 7. Harry (Ft. Zach) 8. Haunting Lily (Mercury) 9. Paula - Iron Jon's lovely lady (Mercury) 10. vintagesailor (Port Royal) 11. Gareth - Welsh lurker friend of the pub (Fort Taylor) 12. Elizabeth - Welsh lurker friend of the pub (Fort Taylor) 13. Captain Sterling, self-proclaimed dumb blond (Archangel) 14. Bilgemonkey (Mercury) 15. Maddogge (Archangel) 16. Silkie (Archangel) 17. Edward (Mercury) 18. Nigel 19. Mad Mary Di…
Last reply by Harry, -
- 8 replies
A blessed New Year to one and all! See you in December, and hopefully a whole lot sooner...
Last reply by Harry, -
- 159 replies
This thread is provided to discuss period clothing for the 1720 Encampment at PIP. Examples of period clothing are welcome and encouraged from art, archeology and written descriptions. We will begin by discussing the most basic needs for costume. Shirts and Slops.
Last reply by Master Sully, -
- 37 replies
10. This forum is the first place you look on the board when checking in - mostly to see what new developments have taken place...for an event that actually ended in early December! 9. Every morning you awake with sea shanties in your head. 8. You wonder if your spouse's buttons are "period correct." 7. You add variety of fine rums to your stock of liquors. 6. You find yourself calling people "mate" at work. 5. You feel naked without a hat... 4. Or at least a bandanna! 3. You occasionally slip into a really bad old english accent. 2. You set your alarm to go off 5 minutes in the morning so you can bandage your feet. ("My feeeeet!") 1. Someone who hea…
Last reply by RustyNell, -
- 35 replies
Here are the official dates for the Fort Taylor Pirate Festival. Dec. 5 - 7, 2008 This next year, the Official End of Hurricane Party will be the weekend before, so the tentative dates of the larger Pirates in Paradise Festival (which the Fort Taylor event is part of) may extend to the weekend before, which would make it Nov. 30. For those with vacation time who want to really enjoy Key West and the keys in general, you may want to come in a bit early. That also allows time for those who haven't been out to Fort Jefferson to go out there for a couple days. They have camping out there for $3 per person per night and will take reservations for groups. Check it out: h…
Last reply by Fayma Callahan, -
Okay... yeah I'm a worry wort... just want to know everyone got home safe...still haven't heard from William Red Wake, Maddogge , Patrick, Bilgemonkey, the Callahans (sp), Tiger Bill, etc... Oh and Jack, I believe I have your coffee pot and several canvas bags, one with sugar and the other empty but has a nice braided edge.... do you need any of these items post haste?
Last reply by Fayma Callahan, -
- 10 replies
Did you guys see the post in Plunder about the Royaliste possibly going up for sale next year? Hmmm..... How about making a pitch to the Ft and to Key West to "buy" a new Ambassador for the region. Rename her "Mercury"???? If we had a couple o' thousand bake sales..... GoF
Last reply by Dutchman, -
- 68 replies
Hello all. William is dictating events to me by phone as I type this. He departed at 12:59am this morning and arrived at 5 minutes to 11:00am in Key West. It rained earlier this morning and is now a balmy 72 degrees. The Callahan's are already at the fort and are setting up tarps. The supplies that people ordered are stacking up in Harry's office, ready for them when they arrive. William is currently being picked up by the Callahan's who graciously offered to give him a ride from the airport. They'll be picking up supplies at Home Deport today and William will continue to make updates and reports on those arriving as he can. He is looking forward to meeting everyon…
Last reply by Misson, -
- 2 replies
Finished up a quickie slide show of the fort events. Thanks to the Callahan's for permission to use images. I don't have anything from any of the camps. Those who have the images and want to send some to me, I'll be happy to add to or create another slide show of the event. This is by no means complete--just a little something for all before I go out west for the holidays. There will be more to come when I return. You can view it here.
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
Video #2 1 2
by Jack Roberts- 43 replies
I line with my personal philosiphy, under promise and over deliver. I have put together another piece for you all to enjoy. Have fun!
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 25 replies
Ok this is not the whole video. That will take lots of time. What I do have a taste from PiP '07. Hope you all enjoy.
Last reply by Abbington M. Normal, -
Since 2007 has now passed, I thought I'd start a new thread where pub members could talk about their experiences, the things they did, the people they met, and their lasting members. I will post more later, but I think anyone there would agree that this year's event was amazing, thanks to the hard work of many here and the local Bone Island Buccaneers and Harry and gang at the fort. I was blown away by the attendance and the new ideas that are being implemented. Since I have never been to Ojai, I think I can say that Pirates in Paradise is the best festival east of the Mississippi for pillaging your guts out. Can't wait till next year. I know we're already planning some…
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 27 replies
this here thread is for quotes...punch lines of stories...things heard said at PiP....all that end with some kind of story..... for example...... "portugese punch" "nekid pyrate" "F.B." and "F.B. II" "Amanjira...aman..amjirka...HOW THE HECK DO YA SAY YER NAME!!!" that boy sure can play the flowerpot.... may i dance with yer "jingly-jangly bits"....... those were just a few off the top of me head......add yer own......
Last reply by William Brand, -
- 4 replies
Last weekend I became a part of PiP in the background helping as a part of the gun crew. This was not my first festival but was my second and I did see many familiar faces between the 2 events I have become an unofficial part of. I really enjoyed the festival and hope to become a more integral part next year. I have been activly reading many of the threads and approve of much of what I hear, regarding the safety issue during one of the battles I happened to catch a finger and while it was nothing more than a small scratch it did bleed a bit. Within seconds of others noticing there was a bandaid in my hand, my compliments even though it was so small I didnt need it the…
Last reply by Captain Jim, -
- 39 replies
I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions on how we could improve on our battle. This year it seemed that this brought alot of people to watch the event. I hope we have an even larger crowd and more firing guns next year. Some of my suggestions: - More Royal Regiment and Militia - The Wolf plays an active part during the fight, supporting fire - More camps reaching out along the water's edge, to give us an area to advance from (not ducks in a row down the path) - Hidden mortar charges to simulate cannon hits, possibly in the moat as well - More muskets to complement the pistols - We close in more to the fort, the moat's edge, so that the crowd's get a better v…
Last reply by Misson,