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Port Washington Pirate Festival 2007

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Yeah.... no snow! Hopefully! The rainstorm on Friday night I can handle again. That was rather spectacular!

LOVE the poster!!! It's AWESOME!!!

Looking foward to the fun.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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One way or another, I'm planing to show...

Aside from a perfect way to celebrate my birthday... It'll be a good way to prep for PIP!!



BTW: I agree, that is a very sharp poster! Would probably make a good T-shirt for additional promotions and $$$$


No rest for the wicked! Wait a minute... that's me?!


RATS BIRTHIN DAY?????...... :o do you know what happens to pyrates on their birthin day? :ph34r:

i dont' know either :ph34r: but im sure it s somethin py-raty!!! :huh:

so ok....whats the latest scoop.....any period campin? wheres the crewe of the archangel all plannin on stayin? thought about sailin the great in land sea (michigan) to get thar....but higher priced than i thought...taken the long way around....whats everyones elses plan? when you showin up? what are we prepared to do? what we doin?




This will be discussed on the Archangel site, or you may call Mr. March regarding camping etc..

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Ahoy, Archangel Crew!

Would one of you kindly get in touch with Chris Last, the reenactor liaison for the Port Washington Pirate Festival? He needs to coordinate with you events for the weekend and the pirate invasion scenario specifically.


Many thanks!

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



hmmm already have earlier today.. no reply as of yet... will try again... Thanks for the heads up.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




I'm bringin more of my Pirate Punch..

btw, the lovely woman who gave me my first bottle and recipe for that lost her spouse last month.. he had an asthma attack and then died of a heart attack.. great man who dressed as a fairy king and knew the Chinese language.. and could dance a mean gavot!! He will be missed.

Pirate Lass with sass, brass, a cutlass, an a nice *ss. Capt of the FOOLS GOLD PIRATES




CAPT OF THE ONLY PYRITE SHIP AFLOAT: THE FOOL'S GOLD- look for us and Captain Merrydeath on facebook!


  CapnJake said:
Ahoy, Archangel Crew!

Would one of you kindly get in touch with Chris Last, the reenactor liaison for the Port Washington Pirate Festival? He needs to coordinate with you events for the weekend and the pirate invasion scenario specifically.


Many thanks!

Any chance of getting Mister Last to answer his emails? :mellow: We have questions about camping and I am at his service to coordinate events for the weekend, ESPECIALLY any and all scenarios.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



  Capt. Sterling said:
Any chance of getting Mister Last to answer his emails? :blink: We have questions about camping and I am at his service to coordinate events for the weekend, ESPECIALLY any and all scenarios.

I know he is asking after the camping questions even now. He can't tell you what he does not yet know, unfortunately. We're waiting for the producer of the show right now. In the mean while, if you go to the this page you should be able to work up a map from the camping grounds to the site.

Sorry I can't be more help with this right now, mate.

For the scenario, we'll be sending out copies of the scripts in the next week or two with requests for participation for various stages of the show. It is going to be great fun!

Thanks so much for playing with us, Capt. Sterling.

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



Tis an honour Sir.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




Ladies and Gentlemen (and the rest of yous . . .),

We have camping.

There will be forms on the web site, and permits need to be applied for, but there will be camping.

The event organizer has gone through enormous efforts to make this happen. This sleepy tourist town has never done anything like this before, and change is difficult for some. Kim McCulloch finally made it happen, though, and deserves congratulations all around.

We must - absolutely MUST - all be on our best night-time behavior or we will lose this privilege in future years. Everyone must police their own groups and be respectful of the site, the nearby citizens of the town and the business owners both on and off shore (the charter fishermen have been put off at losing parking spaces during the festival . . .).

Keep your eyes on the Port Pirate Festival website for the city permit forms. If you have specific questions, I cannot answer them, but post them here and Scuttle Sally or I will forward them to the producer of the event. In a pinch, there is a contact email on the official website: Port Washington Pirate Festival.

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



Hopefully this link works...

The map shows the big green blotch of Upper Lake Park just north of the festival grounds. The period camping area will be in Veteran's Park, the very sounthernmost tip of the green area, just north of Jackson St. The "Coleman" camping area will be in Guenther Park just catty-corner (north-west) of the period camping. As you can see from the map it is about 3 (very short) blocks away.

The only bad news, we were unable to get liquor permits so officially ...no alcohol allowed in the camp. The city is taking a very cautious "Let's see how this goes" attitude with the situation. Anyone caught with alcohol will be asked to leave the campground.

Now for the kicker, the Port Washington Yacht Club is in the same park as where the period camping will be. They are having their "Fitting Out" Party that Saturday (June 2nd) so we already let the police know if there are any complaints, they need to check on the boaters...not our people. :rolleyes:

Besides, everyone will be at the Buccaneer Bash splicing the mainbrace, c'est ca? :lol:


Thank you for the update... the period camping is a huge help.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




For all participants interested in period and non-period camping at the Port Washington Pirate Festival:

Please go to this page: http://www.portpiratefestival.com/PortWashington.html

Here you will find the "Official Rules" and the camping application that must be completed and returned.

I guess the objective for the camping this year is to please all be model citizens so we can do it again next year.

I am VERY glad we were able to secure this: I know how important it is to so many of the visitors to the event!

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



We have to PAY to camp? I have never heard of such a thing at an event before. Free camping is usually extended to reenactors since they are already spending a bundle to attend events. Since we cannot cook and we can't even keep our weapons safe with us at night, might I ask what those costs will be covering other than security and loos?

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



  Capt. Sterling said:
We have to PAY to camp? I have never heard of such a thing at an event before. Free camping is usually extended to reenactors since they are already spending a bundle to attend events. Since we cannot cook and we can't even keep our weapons safe with us at night, might I ask what those costs will be covering other than security and loos?

You might not be aware of this, but there is no admission charge for the festival. Since there is no revenue coming in from a gate fee we have to pay for the facilities we rent for the campers. And I believe we are also covering the overtime for the police for security. I hope you can understand that we need to charge someone for some things in order to make this event "go."

Dean Calin

(Cap'n Jake)

Bounding Main



Yeah, but are you sure charging the "Entertainment" is the best way to go about it?

I know the re-enactors aren't the only entertainment, but they do add to the event.

Cap'n Jake, I'm guessing you may not have been the one to make this call, but you may want to bring that point to bear to the folks who are calling the shots.

I have been waffling over three different events for that weekend, and was just starting to lean towards Port Washington, now I'm leaning back another way. Not that one person makes a difference, but makes you wonder if anyone else may change their mind.


Those are some harsh rules. What is the point of period camping if you can't have a toddy by the fire and sing shanties till one AM? And two people for three days is $120, a far cry from "Thanks for showing up and giving the patrons a good time; here, camp for free."


My occupational hazard bein' my occupation's just not around...


I understand the city may not be charging an event fee, but they will still be benefitting from the patrons, that the reenactors/entertainers draw. And where do they suggest we leave our weapons? Locked in the car? Sorry that is not secure and if they start breaking into cars what then? I understand that this is a new event but tis still early yet, can someone speak to the Chamber and reason with them... ? Honestly when does the attraction pay out of their own pocket to attract? Camping should be free to the attendees as some sort of compensation to all the groups that come to benefit the city.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel



I understand the city may not be charging an event fee, but they will still be benefitting from the patrons, that the reenactors/entertainers draw.

PLEASE understand, the city does NOT put on the Port Pirate Fest. The festival was created and for the most part FUNDED by Kim M. She put together the non-profit group which organizes and runs the festival. All the board members serve on a volunteer basis, and work long hours for NO pay to put this show on. Not complaining, we do it because we love it.

can someone speak to the Chamber and reason with them... ?

The Chamber of Commerce also has no affiliation with this event.

This event was orginally eyed with more than a small amount of skepticism by the city. We are only three years old and are still having to prove ourselves.

We have limitations we have to work with because of our location, it is what it is.

I understand some people may be put off because we're doing things differently, but this is a "different" event. As Capn' Jake mentioned...this is a FREE event, we just don't have the budget to give away the farm. Other than the security and site fees, can you begin to guess what the cost is to insure something like this?

Those are some harsh rules. What is the point of period camping if you can't have a toddy by the fire and sing shanties till one AM?

No one think it's ideal, it's just the most we can offer for this year. The police dept. want's to see how the camping goes this year, and then hopefully we'll have the ok for drinking in the camp at next year's event. Just part of the growing pains for a new festival.

Last but not least, the battle Kim M. went through with the city to get any kind of camping available that wasn't 20 MILES AWAY... let's just say she's been working on this since last year. :lol:


Please forward our thanks to Kim M. for straightening out all the loose ends by contacting Mr. March regarding the Port Washington event. Too many handling too many questions.... The Archangel crew will be attending in full force... and all future questions will be handled via phone conversation.

"I being shot through the left cheek, the bullet striking away great part of my upper jaw, and several teeth which dropt down the deck where I fell... I was forced to write what I would say to prevent the loss of blood, and because of the pain I suffered by speaking."~ Woodes Rogers

Crewe of the Archangel




I'm with Sterling on this one.

Events I've attended with the Northwest Territory Alliance are paid by sponsors, this includes the camping to the food (unless someone else forks out the money for a large feast). If you want, I'd suggest talking to the 4th Mass/Fife & Drum Corps about help on ideas for a historical camp. I believe they have done events like this or a few of the other members have knowledge in that field about camping and more.

And Sterling has a point. It's VERY, VERY bad for reenactors with weapons to leave them elsewhere expect within arm's reach. This coming from experience. I've lost weapons that way.

By the sounds of it... they really don't want us there to camp. If the camping doesn't work out this year, then perhaps they should attend other reenactment events in the area (I know there are several they can swing by and talk to the reenactors - from Rev War to Civ War) to talk to reenactment groups to get feedback, advice and ideas. Groups have rules to abide by.

The city has to work a little harder if they REALLY want the Pirate Fest to work out for the future.

And it's understandable that they don't charge. But, if you guys have a donations booth or bucket, sometimes... that helps.

And, sponsors help, too.

I know we have done our best to spread the world and we've advertised far and wide, even to Europe. Free advertising mind you... so to speak.

Aye, give my thanks to the lot of ye who work on the event. Breaking yo'r backs just to make it happen.

But, If the city is still expecting the event to prove itself, they are blind beyond imagination! I think it already has proven itself! Seriously! I've not been to any 2 year old event this THAT many people. And how many you project to attend this year... I think it's more than proven itself. Height of piracy here with the PotC films! Great event that I am eager to return. But the way the City is continuing, they will kill it if they don't get involved, too! Especially the Chamber since they can empower the businesses to help sponsor the event. And better yet the Tourism bureau (unless the Chamber also does that). Time to crack that whip on them and step up to the plate. Events that are not city sponsored or supported, I've seen go belly up. And it hurts the city when they don't do a thing about it.

Keep up the good work on the Festival! Loving it.

~Lady B


Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Dearest Lady B,

Please note that good Captain Sterling has stated in previous post that matters have been discussed with the lovely Mistress Kim M. and we are moving forward on each of our behaves.

To those who are part of the large scheme, to those who are the movers and shakers in the making and promoting such an event. This is NO SMALL TASK!

The Archangel Crew has several members who have been on that side of the fence many a time. There is a tremendous amount of work involved and we do respect every single one of you who has put forth those long hours to make this event come into fruition.

We look forward to a grand time of it!

Member of "The Forsaken"


Apologies if it sounded rather cocky of me.

Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!


Quite all right my Dear,

You just have a great passion for this event!

I cannot wait to meet up with you and yours. We shall have a glorious time, indeed!

Member of "The Forsaken"

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