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  Inigo Montoya said:
Inigo attempts to duck the clutches of the fiend, but she is too quick. With inhuman strength she overpowers him, and bends to his neck, eyes burning with unholy lust. Her feeding frenzy is short-lived, however; she pulls away, retching and spitting, a whirl of intense disgust and confusion flitting across her angry features. What should have been a fountain of warm, scarlet life instead tastes like nothing so much as horribly ripe bilge water...

"Now, where was I?... oh, jes....So, whad' now, Elvira, are we to be two immortals, locked in an epic battle unteel Judgemeent Day, and de trompaits sound?"

"Inigo jou could of told mi, before I bite jou! Dat was jus fowl."

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"Jou no, jou don't need to raise de sheep! Jou can send Joaquin to pic up de coins. Tie heem to a rope y drop hees died carcass over de wreck. Heem find de coins y yank on de rope, and jou pull heem back up!"

  Captain_Jack_Sparrow said:
Ahoy there Inigo!

Welcome to our little pub...Im sure 'owever ye've 'ad enough welcomes as this is what? th'24th page?

Aye...so we'll skip th'formalities and righ' t'th'drinkin'!

Have a pint...or 7

"Capitan Leetle Bird, jou no read Inigo es cursed pirate. No drink quench hiss thirst, yada, yada, yada..."

  Elvira Montoya said:
"Capitan Leetle Bird, jou no read Inigo is cursed pirate. No drink quench hiss thirst, yada, yada, yada..."

No, but you look like you could use something to wash the taste away. Ray, a Bloody Mary for our resident Vampirette of the Caribbean!

While you're at it, another Plunder Me Cherry for Captain Siren. (You know, that looks pretty good, I'll have one too.) Cheery Cherry Cheers, m'dear. ;)

Come to think of it, a round for everybody! Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

  LongTom said:
No, but you look like you could use something to wash the taste away. Ray, a Bloody Mary for our resident Vampirette of the Caribbean!

While you're at it, another Plunder Me Cherry for Captain Siren. (You know, that looks pretty good, I'll have one too.) Cheery Cherry Cheers, m'dear. ;)

Come to think of it, a round for everybody! Drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

Elvira happily accepts the bleeding bar maid (Mary); not wanting to leave Ray short handed she doesn't drain the poor old girl. Mary staggers away.

"Muchas Gracias, Long Tom."


Thankfully Joaquin has pulled up his stupid puffy pants. Elvira is chatting it up with Siren and Long Tom. Mary the barmaid goes staggering by, "Mary looks like ye cut yer self shavin', luv!" Jacky mumbles, "Just another day at the pub."

Jacky wonders if anyone noticed the big sign in front of the pub. I swear if the fella didn't have a mustache, he could pass for Ray's sister.

"Ray, set me up wit' a mug of ale, if ye please." Jacky turns to Inigo, "By the bye mate, if my arse looked that bad, ye wouldn't see me moonin' everyone here."


"That was an arse? :lol: Looked more like a shriveled prune to me."

Hands a kerchief to Mary. "Here you go, luv, you're dripping all over the floor."

Turns a stern eye on Elvira. "No more sipping from the help. Gives the place a bad name. You hungry, find a nice fat bilge rat to nibble on."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


The door of the pub is suddenly violently kicked open, and in swaggers a handsome young man. He has dirty-blonde, shoulder-length hair, swept back and covered with a silk hankerchief. His eyes are the color of a storm at sea, dark Blue with just as much gray. He is not very tall, but strength and wisdom beyond his size and age are evident. His eyes slowly sweep from left to right, and then back.

"Oops, didn't mean teh kick the door quite so bloody hard...


More accursed pyrates...

Oh, well.

I be lookin' fer teh get meself a pint O' sumthin' warm..."


"Well, whatever you do, don't take anything warm and red from Elvira. Nor don't offer her anything like either, or you'll end up with a couple of holes in your neck. She's the only accursed pirate around here. The rest of us are just pirates"

Looks over at Siren. "So, what do you think of the newcomer? Bit raw in years, but not a bad lot. Could be fun." :huh:

Turns back to blond-hair. "Are you as hard on furniture as you are on doors?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

  False Ransom said:
"Well, whatever you do, don't take anything warm and red from Elvira. Nor don't offer her anything like either, or you'll end up with a couple of holes in your neck. She's the only accursed pirate around here. The rest of us are just pirates"

Ransom is still addressing the young lad and turns to Siren, when Elvira bites into the back of his neck for a warm pint. She takes just a pint and not a drop more. Releases the lad into an empty chair.

To Ransom, "Whad? Heem look like a bilge rat tu mi!"


Winks at Ransom and places her booted feet atop the table and eyes blonde hair and the door. "He seems hard on things does he not..especially for one so young, but aye this could be fun."

Watches Elvira take a pint from him then release him and tosses back her drink calling for yet another.

Still keeps green gold eyes locked upon blonde hair much as a leopard would it's prey and grinned.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


Have a seat lad ...yer look'n a bit pale. :huh:

Ken guarentee yull nil get such a greetin' elsewhere in d'pub! :)

So, wot's yer pleasure?

Silkie leans back, signals Ray, and orders another Drambuie for herself and whatever blondie might want.


"Ray, thar's blood in the water and the sharks are circlin' the young lad." Siren is about to pounce, Silkie's offerin' him drinks, and Ransom, too. Jacky sighs, "Elvira has already gotten what she wants from the lad."

Jacky walks over to young mister Flint, "Lad don't ye know better than t' come in here wit' out someone watchin' yer back? Here let's give ye an escort t' the bar."


Shrugs at Siren and looks over at Jacky. "We were only trying to be friendly."

Glares at Elvira. "Show a little respect for the lad. You'd no reason to pilfer that pint, having just drank your fill of Mary. That was pure malice, that was."

I look over at Ray. "Hey, you have any wooden stakes behind the bar? Something with a nice pointy end on it?"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog


Well that would work, but then after staking her you would have to remove her head and bury them in two seperate locations to keep her from coming back. Oh and do not forget the garlic in the mouth.

Looks about innocently..What?


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png


I drop to my chair in a huff. "Probably wouldn't work anyway. Some dog would dig up the parts, and we'd be back where we started."

I give Siren a grin. "Oh well. Let's have a drink, then wait and see what happens next. But, I'm afraid we scared the Blond one off."

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

  Captain Siren of the Poesidon said:
Well that would work, but then after staking her you would have to remove her head and bury them in two seperate locations to keep her from coming back. Oh and do not forget the garlic in the mouth.

Looks about innocently..What?

:D What are you, a secret agent for Men In Black?

  False Ransom said:
I drop to my chair in a huff. "Probably wouldn't work anyway. Some dog would dig up the parts, and we'd be back where we started."

I give Siren a grin. "Oh well. Let's have a drink, then wait and see what happens next. But, I'm afraid we scared the Blond one off."

Elvira gives Ransom furtive glances, and puts distance between Ransom and herself.

  LongTom said:
:D What are you, a secret agent for Men In Black?

Shhh! Im top secret! *grins* Aye Ransom I do think we Lost the blonde one do ye think the bears got im? :D

Smiles at Elvira and fingers the silver crucifix at her neck.


If you got a dream chase it, cause a dream won't chase you back...(Cody Johnson Till you Can't)



Black Syren Logo small.png

:lol: "No, not bears. I think it was two cats!"

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

Found in the Ruins — Unique Jewelry

Found in the Ruins — Personal Blog

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