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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. That toaster warms the cockles of me 'eart, it does nice find phil!
  2. Well I haven't been here in a long time, feels god t'be back. Everyone's grab looks fantastic! and as mine is updated, well, slightly anyhow, I thought I'd share. Sorry about the size, but it'll have t'do, eh? I quite like how its turned out so far, though I am missing a few minor peices, but over all its pretty complete All of these are from a convention I went to recently... [the hat is borrowed, I need me own ] comments? anything I should re-work?
  3. get a human heart still beating in there covered in Barnacles, and we may well have a fiasco on our hand... And Mad_Jack is right that yould be highly amusing... Lom Teeny Weeny, Lom Eensy Weensy...Lom Say-Say Eunich-y...snip-snip
  4. I did make a jar of dirt. The same size as Jack's jar, only it's plastic. Safer around the children at school should they pick it up or drop it. I use it for a prop. I also have a old fashioned feather duster that is a minature of Jack's. The ostrich feather dusters are extremely expensive and I'd rather put the money to something else. Besides I don't dust my house-against my religion. I am working on Parprika shakers...just don't have the time lately. Work, Holidays and family seem to take over any free time that I have Jack...had a feather duster? Forgive me as I don't recall that at all... ne'er the less A plastic Jar o' dirt is still a jar o' dirt
  5. I'd have t'agree with ye there....I'd go ifin I weren't stuck on the opposite coast.
  6. Sad to hear about that, He was a great actor, whom I greatly respected...Lets hope he's in a place where the rum runs high and the wenches are aplenty.
  7. D'ye think there be a little bitty heart covered in barnacles somewhere in there? I should make me a Jar o' dirt...get me one o'them jars ye see people usin' t'hold sugar and flower and whatnot...
  8. I did a search but there were no recent threads, so's I figured I'd put in my two doubloons on the matter This CD and the man behind it are quite literally amazing, I cannot get enough of nearly every single track Though my favorites by Far are "The Mermaid", "General Taylor", and "Billy Bones" Skip Henderson's MySpace Page That should give you a fairly good taste of his work Information on the man and his crew can be found here Skip's Homepage Purchase, one of the best places anyway can be found here at: DeadMenTellNoTales.com Still as I said, its one of the best albums of pirate music that I've ever had the fortune t'lay me grubby little fingers on :) I recommend it to all!
  9. Google earth is, as they say, the beeze knees.... Ifin ye like that sort o' thing might I also suggest Celestia and Stellarium Good for ifin ye need to be plottin yer next course, eh?
  10. Why thank ye rumba! Luckily I need naught worry 'bout that as I've alreay found me a girl. O' Course it doesn't 'urt t 'think that
  11. Well here we go... Very bare at this point since I just recently began getting it together... There ye have it
  12. Love that game ,need t'get a copy for meself
  13. What I despise is the fact that that little girl's family asks her if she wants to grow up like Tori, as though being yourself was a bad thing!
  14. thats a fantastic list ye've got goin fer yerself mate!
  15. Drat.... same thing where I live..... it was a stuck-up family and a slob family..... can't figure why it would be a different broadcast in different places....... there be two episodes mate, the one right after th'pne ye be watchin be the Piratittude episode
  16. Said Island, the Isle de Muerte can on'y be found, by those who already know where it is... Now of course it be very hard t'show ye where they filmed it as most of the interior were on a stage at the Disney Studios in california, and the most complete bits were CGI... And I just did a Google Image search for ye...with no good results... the best ye might do is a pic o' a skull and ye use it as a reference and draw yer own, as the Island in th' movie was shaped like a skull
  17. Oi, mate...love the first pic...sadly th'others be forbiddin' Hotlinkin'...ifin ye please, could ye take said pictures into a photobucket account and link from there, eh?
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