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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. Aye love... Its gonna be a hell of a day for me over at myspace on my Jack Sparrow Account [MySpace Link] Im not going to go on there at all until I at least see the film, aside from the fact that I know some of the ending.
  2. it wasn't that fuzzy, mate, then again I'm on a cable modem
  3. Oh well ye lot missed it... I watched for over an hour...great stuff great stuff...
  4. Check it out mates! Im spreadin this like a virus all over the net tonight check it out, its going on all night, or so I hear! RED CARPET MSN WEBCAST have a blast mates! I know I am!
  5. "Easy there Mr. Testosterone, you can be replaced by a Zucchini" LMAO! Oh ...that hurts...
  6. "Elizabeth? That's not a good outfit. Its either a dress or no dress for you...and I happen to have...no dress in me cabin." Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
  7. Im so jealous Cristine >_< I hope its great!
  8. Reefer Madness?
  9. Its Not Half Baked is it? Or Dazed and Confused?
  10. Mad Jack you and Are were born very close Your Birthdate: July 12 You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame. You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them. Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing. You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship. Your strength: Your charm Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics Your power color: Indigo Your power symbol: Four leaf clover Your power month: December What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
  11. NVM as for that quote I have no idea
  12. How pleasant yet wholly disturbing...or should I say, HOLE-Y!
  13. Aye its the knight guarding the bridge in the holy grail! take it away Cap! .....Oh the Black Knight! Im sorry the reason it threw me off was it's worded incorrectly [not meant offensively] The actual line is "Oh, oh I see...Runnin' away, eh? YOU YELLOW BASTARDS COME BACK 'ERE AND TAKE WHATS COMIN' TO YE!....I'LL BITE YER LEGS OFF!" good quote mate... well lets see.... Movie quote...movie quote....alright "He's Right on top of us! I wonder if he is using the same wind we are using?"
  14. Aye that'll happen sometimes...when it does I usually find an equally amusing picture :)
  15. I'm totally loving her right eye....so cool [Clearly you've never been to Singapore]
  16. Yeah....much of the time I see people fooling around with entries... The "Edit it to the fullextent of Your knowledge" Feature is at the same time its Blessing and its own Downfall.
  17. Aye I know what ye mean....I only came back to the site on a fluke a few days ago....Im still runnin off o' IE, but When I came here a few weeks ago two trojans decided to implant theirselves onto me 'ard drive... Luckily The McAfee Virus protection program works so well....
  18. Oh but there be a Gorgeous Sunset on th' 'orizon in the pic now :)
  19. Ah Dammit! I missed it!
  20. When they scheduled to come in, love? Also since the page ain't got much on th'information side...howlong does it take the Cam to reaload? Most are between 30-60 seconds...d'ye know the time frame? Nevermind...ye can update it yeself.... hitting refresh over and over is fun....I been watching a guy in a bucket hate for about a minute now
  21. Arrrgh I try using that every now and again but I'll be damned if there ain't anyone ever in there
  22. It sounds vaguely reminiscant of Monty Python and the Holy Grail.... but thats not what its from..... so I have no Idea
  23. I'm Actually Direct linking from the Google image search...I don't want to upload these photo's into my own host, takes up too much bandwidth...bandwidth that I need for....stuff..... anyhoo...
  24. Oh I love it that'uns been around for months now...so funny so funny
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