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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. Eh sorry Phil but thank ye nonetheless...just me bein down in teh dumps again...
  2. eh welll hello there PPhil...what in blazes are ye doin'?
  3. *Jack, completely silent , walks down t'the farthest shore and sits down... He looks up into the moon... a slight contemplative frown upon his face...* its wonderful... really...
  4. It's in Wilkes-Barre, PA - starts the last Saturday of May - see the thread on "Before PARF - EMMF"... Maybe I can make it out there t'see the goings on... I suppose it depends on me car situation and cash...pray tell whats the entry fee?
  5. Where is this festival? and when is it starting?
  6. Thats wonderful PPhil...but eh...what, pray tell does that enitle?
  7. yes cap'n B... I do not enjoy the taste of alcohol, now while I'll "drink" it in these here pubs, I will not even take a sip in reality I apologize ifin that upsets ye... but ye have t'remember Im also underage...
  8. I don't drink...what that Im 18 and hate the taste of alcohol...
  9. somethin oc Sci-Fi... maybe called the creature..its about a giant squid...Me Mum and I think it should be called "GIANT SQUID, AHOY"!!!
  10. True dat homefry...I mean...um... Tis' true me bucko, tis' true *looks around suspiciously*
  11. Billiam! what have ye got in the area of raw fish, over rice, t'day me bucko?
  12. Yes actually I can..why d'ye ask Diego?
  13. WHo's in th'mood fer a keel-haulin?
  14. LMFAO!!! We jes can't get enough of Ciaran's COAT can we?
  15. Thank ye much, love! *downs pint* Ho...boy this is good...especially fer one feelin a bit under th'weather t'day...
  16. Diego! There ye are me bucko! pleaseexplain my recent aquisition of yoyr pub and its kitchen!
  17. Hey! that s not vary fare now is it? I have meself a 89 oldsmobile "CUTLASS" Calais...yes it be a cutless... but then again Im single...damn...
  18. Christine...You're lovely as ever, and ye've yet t'make me upset at ye! Ifin Ive upset ye I apologize... I be merely havin som fun
  19. never touch me there again phil... I knew you was a Eunich! on'y kiddin mate!
  20. Jes around teh corner!
  21. coming Hetha! *drops 50 doubloons ont'the table in front of him* that shoudl more than make up fer my past few bills Billiam!!
  22. Why of course id love to see yer Dojo hetha! And Ciaran, remember last night? I do that sort of thing, sword play and kung Fu!! *steps out of character for a sec* i actually do, do kung Fu! I earned me 2nd year sash just about 4 months ago! *back to character* Shall we hetha? ifin ye need a hand to walk I have no problem helpin ye! *smiles warmly*
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