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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. I second that! Id liek t'join yer next tournament!
  2. good t'hear Ciaran! *pulls up chair to hetha* alright...OY RAY!!! 2 rums over here!!!
  3. I'd love t'share yer lamb chops ifin yer willin Hetha! And ill be meself arum and you whatever ye like! Ciaran! How's yer Captains COAT, me bucko?
  4. William! can i call ye Billiam? Can i get me anoyther plate of lobstar? *looks at rank...* *Studies it for a moment* *still bent over looks up at everyone* What the'ell is this then? *pokes it* *turns away from rank...TURNS BACK* WIYALP! alright...
  5. *Captain Jack runs into Ciaran at the door...Literally, Both are sent to teh ground...* What are ye lookin at mate? OY! PHIL! SNOW!! Our mate here be watchin ye...
  6. not really ye just have t'find teh rigght place...
  7. hetha! there ye be! We're always jumpin around how ye doin?
  8. Goodnight william, thank ye againfor the lobster...
  9. A bit of both it seems... good mixture i must say... I am very pleased, and impressed, thank ye!
  10. Too True William!!! And to Ciaran... Thank ye mate! *downs bottle* Its empty...
  11. Oh of course plotonically william, carnally ...I just dont think i could do that meself...
  12. Ciaran, you say its pure melted iceberg water... yet it smells liek Vodka...which it be mate?
  13. S-s-s-surf?...and Turf?... AYE WILLIAM I LOVE YE!!
  14. Oh good god, thank ye for teh lobster william... *eats all in one gulp* hmmm maybe I should've ....*burp* Cracked open teh shell first *belch*
  15. Oh my what a pretty boat, SHIP! this is my first time gracin the steps of the TS...pray tell is there any food Ive yet to eat for a fortnight... My apologies I must have been drunk when I first wrote that....
  16. Well hello thar hetha, not often d'ye grace these floor boards with yer presence! Wonderful to see ye! Ray! a...whatever she said for hetha over here... hows' yer tournament goin'?
  17. Oy!! Ray another pint fer me mate hawks... No you needn't be worryin about keepin on yer toes here... we're naught but humble pirates, the most we'll do is steala few doubloons... just keep yer head above yer pint...thats what i always say, or at least I do now!!
  18. Thats absolutely wonderful!!! they are also going to make a sequal name of Groonies! these kids are told obout the excitement of teh Goonies adventuresby Data, but he can't say it right, being vietnamese (booty traps. booby traps? that waht i said setting booby traps!) These childrengo on an adventure, but get caught up in some crap and teh orginal cast has tocome save them! I think someone told me Shaun Astin has signed on for it! I just hope they actually do it...!!! *puts in DVD* Ive been watchin this movie my whole life!!
  19. *downs entire 3 pint in under 20 seconds* im a seasoned drinker mate, lets have another...
  20. Of course! I just dont know since it is set in such a cold area...
  21. Braisen... Cheers take what ye can, give nothin back!
  22. Wench.. (yes i did see it happencause y did it t'me!)
  23. Eye patch... (what the hell did you do that for?)
  24. id absolutely love to! but I be an 18 year old college student with no job... So I think its gonna be a while... Seems though you are perhaps British?
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