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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. I agree with the both of you, Ciaran and Hitman, but ever since I first heard about her I've been interested, and I still Am. For some unexplainable reason I feel drawn to her, and her Story. Oh what I wouldn't give to touch one of the Artifacts. To feel that energy, the countless souls onboard, laced into that one plate, or pocket watch. I'd probably come over myself with tears simply because I know I'd be able to feel the pain felt on that night. You all probably think I'm crazy at this point, but I have a certain type of ESP(Extra Sensory projection) Known as Empathy, I feel pain, Emotions...its unavoidable in most cases...but now Im just rambling and sounding like a Madman. Thanks for the links Ciaran :)
  2. Ah wonderful to see you christine! *hands you bottle of Rum* Drink Up!
  3. You're welcome love :) Welcome to the Caribbean
  4. Assistant Prop master...thats amazing...How ever did you get this job?
  5. Oh I do envy ye Ciaran, How i'd love to go see those to just be near those artifacts...but at the same time I fear doing so...I am very Empathetic you see(ESP) and would more than likey pick on some of the gut wrenching terror that filled that nigh no matter I want t'do it anyways. And to ye Enigma that looks like a wonderful website that I've probably been t'before thank you for the link :)
  6. This story has fascinated me for nigh on 9 years, and I still to this day am fascinated by it, now don't ask me why, I just am. I suppose I could give you a topic but Ive not got anything at the moment. Why not alternative ways inwhich the ship could have been saved? or what you think of the "grave robbers" taking Items for showcase? Why not even A discussion of its discovery in the late 80s? And if this was the wrong place for its discussion I apologize...
  7. *Jack sits down beside her and hands her a bottle of Rum* there ye are, love... *jack takes a swig of his own and falls onto his back lookin' a' the stars*
  8. they do sound quite delicious.... malted milk balls are wonderful
  9. Someone is working on set somewhere? (Jack is majoring in Film so any news is good)
  10. A grilled Ham and swiss and a grilled ham and Monteray Jack cheese sandwich :)
  12. A single life eh? I think I couldn' handle single life fer long...whcih I can't, so I'm going a bit crazy...
  13. Lord 'ave mercy *hiccup* can' make it any more clearer can I?
  14. *continues sitting and drinking the 3 crates of rum brought specially for such a gathering...* No one? *hiccup*
  15. *begind bringing around rum barrels...* everyone's leavin? *jack is disgruntled, pulls out a flaggon and begins a solitary drinking episode* All are welchome to join!
  16. Lord 'ave mercy Siren I feel bad that I missed something of this importance...but what happened? i hope all is well...
  17. *Jack walks in and sits down at a nearby table. Upon sitting down Jack's fore head smashes into the table as Jack falls asleep*
  18. I have no idea love....'tis just a fake insult I use on occasion and it weren't directed at ye...
  19. YOUR FACE IS UNDERSEXED!!! no offense...
  20. *jack meanders into the lagoon and sees the sexcapades...Quickly re-adjusting his hat he dashes forward* I HAVE RUM!!!
  21. *Captain Jack sits on the shore...* Well Isn't this a wonderful sight... I almost wish me hat weren't so expensive..I'd take a dip...get me self clean... Oy did ye all know that one of the largest whales..I think it may be the Blue Whale only ever managed to get about 2-5% of its sperm into teh female druign intercourse? The rest was let into teh sea...Think about tha'next time ye get a big gulp of sea water in yer mouth Down a'th'beach...
  22. yes it does..and now I get to take more medicine...HUZZAH!!! noight..
  23. Believe you me, love..I 'ave...I 'ave... thanks te ye all..but Im turnin in fer the night...
  24. Ah thank ye much mate..I think Im also a bit tired and a bit hungry...
  25. thanks...I knwo I seem down all the time but Im not...I think Im just comin down from me mellow from teh meds I got t'day...but otherwise Im quite content... sorry ifin this 'as been annoyin' ye lately...
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