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Thinkin' 'bout that tattoo business again...

I'm ready for it.

O' Course y'arr. It don't 'urt that much. Is more just scratchy. Or a'least mine were. Mine be a raven on me arm. :huh:

But make sure ye finds ye one that ye really want!

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I have.. um.. lots. Maybe i'm the oddball, but they didn't hurt a bit. The one that i'm 27 hours into gets a bit irritating towards the end o a sit, but not painful. But, i've pushed out two babies, one of em a homebirth. So my sense of pain is a bit skewed.

None are nautical, they're all modern, but in the near future is a basic skull and cutlass design that i'm altering a bit.

  • 2 weeks later...

I actually suddenly really want a tattoo! I'm even willing to endure the pain! AND I have a design picked out.... An aztec-style skull with a fencing foil and a fencing sabre beneath it. My own take on the Jack Rackham flag. Whaddya think you guys? I think it'd look really cool, and I only want one if I can have an original one. I don't want something that everyone has.


I've been toying with the idea of a tatoo lately but haven't discussed it with my mate just yet. Have to see the prices first. At least I don't have to worry 'bout a wedding dress.....

Mad Woman Cheryl

By Odin's mighty spear, I hereby snap and go berzerk!!!"



I actually only have two pirate-related tattoos so far(there are at least two more on the way though...). A classic skull n crossbones, based on the FC St. Pauli skull, on my leg and the "eat the rich" design on my shoulder. I´ll try to get some pics as soon as I get my digi-cam back... And I´ll of course post pics of the new ones when I get them...


Royaliste: Neonazithing? me?

Nazis are those I try to beat up as often as possible. And I´ve got the scars to prove it ;)

Actually we are more or less in war with the nazis here in Sthlm, with the cops in between trying to protect the nazis...



I finaly got hold of my shitty webcam so you can at least guess what my two pirate tattoos look like...

This is the one on my shoulder...


And this is tha one on my leg...


The pics are awful, I know... I will try go get better pics if anyone is interrested...

I hope these links to the pics work. If not I have posted the pics on the pub photo album too...

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