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Everything posted by Animal

  1. Haspy Birfday I think I've drinked enouf fourse youse tonight or its daz??? Aminel
  2. Very well done!!!! I think I would either stitch it my self or have it stitched. If you did it your self, you can take more pride in "I did it my self, all by hand". Animal
  3. Very interesting. I was looking through them and stopped on the second row, fourth from the left. The look on the peoples faces. It is an interesting study in peoples perception of what's happening. Very well done, Tony. Animal
  4. Many thanks to the Callahands for their fine work and amazing images. They will be cherished throughout the year. If I wore a hat, I would take it off to you all. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your clan!!!!! Animal
  5. Hey, I like the smell of a campfire!!!! Of course, that's why they call me the Animal Animal
  6. Well put, Harry!!!! Spot on, mate!!! Animal
  7. I'm planning on being there. Bringing the wife down to see her sister and the grandkids. we're staying at the sisters house, right accross the bay from the event. I wonder if I can find a boat to row over in???? Animal
  8. The use of group vocalizations is well documented regarding seafaring. Often while raising an anchor or hauling sails, a cadence was was used to set the rythum of hauling or turning the capstan. I think it started when while rowing it set the rythum and timing of the set and pull of the oars. I might be wrong. Feel free to correct me if I am. Animal
  9. Hmmmm 'Dogge in a chamise and fishnets ............wait I think I saw him in the local Publics Grocery near here. And he was wearing dangly earrings I think I ned to get some boric acid to get that image out of my brain Animal
  10. Harry, I remember the first time I went to PIP (we had everything on the beach), when the wolf was scheduled to arrive, someone had a telescope and made a call to arms. We all rushed to the beach and took up arms. The visitors were lined up behind us and I heard the egging us on to sink the ship. The visitors really got into it.I think that could work with the sunset sail in the evening, both the fort and the beach crews firing on her. Just a thought. Animal
  11. Soldiers on Horses?!? But I don't have a horse... Now if you can find someone to loan me one ... I would happily change my portrayal from infantry to dragoon... Coming from an ex-dragoon, this would be too damn tempting.... hmmmm........Sterling coming over from the Dark Side??????? Animal
  12. I believe that because of their "business", most buccaneers wouldn't be following social trands of the time. I suspect that their clothing needed to be functional for the task at hand, ie: hunting, butchering, carrying meat to camp, tending fires at the boucan or general fire pit and generally surviving. Always there was a risk of attack from the Spanish (and those pesky pirates hunters ) so they were always on their guard. I wonder if they did watches in their camps against raiders? I would almost think so. Animal
  13. I believe that they were very much in the period un-tucked. All the pictures and drawings of the time showed buccaneers and pirates in that style with only the captains tucked in. Animal
  14. Animal


    I would like to sit in on Brazes Blackpowder 101. I've been shooting for several years, I've never been in an organized instructional setting. I feel I can always learn more. Animal
  15. I seemed to miss the Crude. Usually I catch something at a large event. I guess I can chalk that up to good, clean living, Vit C and Multi Vitamin regement and plenty of rest during the festival. No wonder I missed so much. (Animal makes a mental note: sleep less and play more). Animal
  16. I seemed to miss the wonders of the Green Farie I guess that I need to quit going to bed with the chickens and getting up with the damn roosters.....(looking at that, it doesn't sound right , oh well, have at me. I have thick skin). Animal
  17. Yeay, but me brother from another mother D'ogge keep yer on yer toes. Sometimes literally Animal
  18. Once again Bo, your the man!!!! I've tanned a few deer hides in the past. It is a job that you really must want to do. Thanks for the info. I really think we must come up with a way to pressgang you to PIP. You would be such a great addition!!! Animal
  19. Well since those who died at the fort were primarily men, I can see why they enjoyed having women around. I know I would Animal
  20. Bo, I love you (yes you should be very worried ) I was trying to figure a way to do just that. I don't hunt anymore and was thinking on the same lines of having a hide to work. I think the beef hide would be more period as a show of what the buccaneers did with the hides. I'm planning on having some leather to work with to make knife and machete sheaths. Thanks for the offer and if you have a extra deer hide laying around, I'll be more than happy to take it off your hands Animal
  21. I think we could rotate a wathc of sorts when the battles and stuff are going on. That way no one person or persons were always stuck in the camp all the time and could participate. The only exception would be for scheduled events that someone is required to be at. That eway everyone gets to participate. I could cover myself in blood and act like a raving maniac...............uhhh wait a sec. I did that and get meself in some hot water Never mind. Move along. Nothing to see here. (Animal crawls back into his bramble bush to avoid the flogging) Animal
  22. "Am I putting a gun to anyone's head?" slowly looks around......whew, not me Animal
  23. ROTDLMPAO!!!!!! ;) I was just waiting for your reply, Harry. Patrick, your timing is spot on!!!!! Animal
  24. I've read through all the posts and most of the 2008 Living History posts. I wasn't on the beach this year but am planing on being there next year. I think that all this is doable. I honestly feel that if we go about our normal routines during the day in our respective representations of the era, most people will engage us and ask questions as long as we greet them as if they were someone walking down the path. Here is an example of what I mean: Good Day! How ye be this fine day? Me? Doing just grand, just putting a edge on this knife so I cna cut some leather to make a sheath fer me knife. (or) doing grand, getting ready to turn some meat on the boucan. Do you know what a boucan is?? No? come with me and I show ye. and off we go to the boucan with a little background on it. I think every one have a little story in them about their era and portrayal of their character. As Hurricane can attest, adlibbing with knowledge can interest the most reserved audience. Animal
  25. Happy Birthday, William!!!! I'll by you a drink at PIP next year when we finally meet. Animal
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