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Lady Seahawke

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Everything posted by Lady Seahawke

  1. noticed in the pics where there were 2 iron rings on the inside bottom of the covers. Might I assume that a bar was placed through these when closed to secure the covers shut. IMHO, it would make sense as to keep them secured in a rolling sea, as well as, arranging the cannon elevation for the muzzel to butt up against sill rather then push against the cover? At least I remember reading that somewhere. But it would make sense, ya think?
  2. ok, I saw a question about gun ports and was curious and started to do a bit of research. I found a video on You Tube of a woodworker doing a replica of a model of the HMS Snake circa 1747. He stated that he was working on the gunports and OARPORTS for the replica. He stated that even up to that date the Admiralty thought it best to have auxilary power. To me this would be a bit of common sense in case of becalmed waters. IN POTC original movie it showed the Black Pearl with oars. However, in the movie Master and Commander it showed the ship laying helpless until the wind picked up... So my question is when did the use of oars STOP being common on ships?
  3. oh, forgot to mention I found mention of this site in reader's digest it was being recommended by the publishers 5 word right =1 bowl of rice to fill an otherwise empty belly doesn't cost you anything but for a bit of time.
  4. INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY AND HELP END WORLD HUNGER AT THE SAME TIME For each word you get right, 20 grains of rice will be donated through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. Go to Freerice.com This is a legitimate website. Corporate Sponsors will donate 20 grains of rice for every word you get right. A fun way to increase your vocabulary and help feed the hungry.
  5. So noted... and still wants to participate!
  6. Ok, it sounds like a lot of fun. I would like join in this time! Now located in ...Columbus, OH
  7. can we get an AMEN!!! btw I did a google search on Lindsey Williams and found his website. However it was a good bye message. http://www.lwoil.com/ Saying that after 30 years he was withdrawing ...out of concern for his family...and would not be doing anymore books lectures and DVDs. Interesting isn't it.
  8. Stores clearance racks are good for belts and the like. Found some leather belts for $1 a piece, used them to make a baldric. Long winter neck scarves or shawls great for sashes.
  9. EXCELLENT and I see that they were the Euro 2008 Winners.
  10. Wishing you well, I know how scary it can be. I had part of my thyroid removed because of a goiter pressing on my windpipe. They thought it to be benign. However, just to play it safe they biopsied it. Low and behold they found cancer. I will never forget the look on the doctor's face when he got the report as he read the report the first time right in front of me. I had to go back and have the second part of my thyroid removed because of cancer. Thankfully, they had found it when in the very earliest of stages. So, my best to you always. Cass
  11. iphone if'n tis made by AT&T don't want it.
  12. I bought an AT&T DECT 6.0 with dual cordless phones and a digital answering system built in. I have had bad experience with AT&T services before but thought they may have a descent product. NOW after only a few months the battery has died and guess what I cannot find a replacement battery. I have tried Radio Shack and other various stores. I even went to an AT&T Store and they don't sell it either. I contacted the AT&T customer service online and they finally emailed me back telling to do an online google search for the battery because they don't carry it. That basically it was my problem and that wished me well on the search. I spent almost a $100.00 for this phone system and now I can't use it. So if you are contemplating on a purchase be aware of this problem and you might want to see BEFORE you buy if there is going to be a problem in getting a replacement battery. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  13. Walmart is doing the same thing, so check there for some great deals too!
  14. NEW YORK(AP) A man who was carrying a rusted pirate-style sword through Macy's flagship store in Manhattan is facing charges of criminal possession of a weapon. Police say 29-year-old Lawrence Jackson was brandishing the curved sword while visiting Macy's Herald Square store Sunday with his girlfriend. He told police he was carrying the sword because he is a member of a kickball team whose players often wear pirate-themed costumes. He maintains he was on his way to a game when he was arrested.
  15. Huzzah! and congratulations!
  16. Well, considering a bit. ... A person that could play a wide eyed manical menacing expression in a historical context...Mel Gibson? Of course getting him to play something that someone else writes/directs may be a problem.
  17. Casting Blackbeard...IMHO only one person could play such a grandose character and that be... Geoffrey Rush Dodging blades if'n I spelled the name wrong. But think he would be the ideal for the character. What say ye all?
  18. OH the food timeline link listed above provides recipes and cooking methods for all different eras. some of them relates as it would have been aboard a ship. But. lots of additional links from that one site. Again, hope this helps....ok I love research and took the challenge up when I saw someone say they didn't think they could get the information via online. Besides with everything happening here I could use a distraction. smile thanks for providing that for me. Anyway, I have found you can find most anything online from legit academic sources, ya just have to play with the words being googled.
  19. HUmmm, well here are a couple more websites that might interest you http://www.foodtimeline.org/food2a.html http://books.google.com/books?id=zL0nIHgkA...iRxGahL_M&hl=en http://www.answers.com/topic/food-and-drink http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/stone/chap1-11.htm
  20. ACTUALLY according to the stuff I have been seeing the caloric intake for sailors was higher then you might believe It attempts to depict graphically a size and distribution of caloric intake for Europe during the 16th-18th Centuries. It shows an intake for Swedish nobility of between 5078 and 6406 calories, an intake for 17th century Pavia (Northern Italy/Switzerland/Southern France/Austria) of between 4446 to 7217 calories. And an average intake for Spanish seafarers of 3422 calories. Parisians in the late 18th century were eating about 2300 calories/day. It's not a fair comparison, since America today is populated by a diverse group of not only Europeans but Asians, Africans, Native Americans, and others with unique historic eating patterns. Also, as the Figure states, the calculations were based on meals of the privileged (and at least in the case of the Spanish sailors, likely men). But in my reading, that 2300 for Parisians pops up in other places: "In 1800, the English population consumed a little more than 2,000 calories per day..." This particular author cites this as a risk for malnourishment: " ... At this level, historians have estimated that roughly 20 percent of the adult population was too malnourished to work. Of the 80 percent available for work, most could not have worked at anything like the intensity of the modern [year 2001] workplace." - John H. Coatsworth, What Food? Who Eats It? Why Does It Matter? You might want to take a look at these (academic ) websites also http://epub.ub.uni-muenchen.de/53/1/h-usa.pdf http://www.jstor.org/stable/2598257?seq=2 http://books.google.com/books?id=78WzZlqwF...aj8_D4kO4&hl=en As I have read many times, the navies understood that it was easier to keep a man fit for duty then to cure the sick. So, as much as disease was a factor, the officers did try to keep their men as healthy as possible. That included high calorie meals. Of course, when they ran out of fresh fruit and vegies they had a mighty big problem.
  21. or this one http://www.nmm.ac.uk/server/show/nav.2962
  22. You might the list given on this website of interest http://www.nelsonsnavy.co.uk/broadside2.html
  23. of course, you might just give them a call and see if the rumour is true or not. Got the contact information from their website. If you would like to write us, please write to: Sterling Renaissance Festival 15385 Farden Road Sterling, NY 13156 Please use the form* below to Contact the Sterling Renaissance Festival or call us at 800.879.4446
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