Captian Wolfy Wench
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Everything posted by Captian Wolfy Wench
Thankee fer the advice. I always heard the sash is supposed to wrap around twice, and that may increase my waist size! :) I'mma need a new hole in me belt. But tha's why I got an oversized belt. An' I plan on aquirin' me a pistol of some sort, so I'll need a place ter keep it. Captain Wolfy Wench
You mean like "blow up" doll size? That's discussting,.................Now if they had a blow up Elizibeth Swann... She IS 18, by the way.. I'm all for a BLOW up doll. Bring on the male dolls! Captain Wolfy Wench
Question about sashes: How long is all of your guys' sashes, and how do you tie it to your waist without it looking ugly with the belt over it? Captain Wolfy Wench
Yup, learned tha' lesson from playin' so many Final Fantasy games. Captain Wolfy Wench
NOW it's yer birthday, me lass! (It's 12:12PM fer me ) Wishes for the best plunderin's and raids in the comin' year! Pyrate raids included. BTW, innit Sean Astin's birfday, too? Captain Wolfy Wench
I'm sure they do! I'm okay wif fishin'... even if they're on deck and still alive and squirmin'... it's just when they're in the ocean, swimmin' around me... I get unsettled. :/ Captain Wolfy Wench
Ohhh, in Cedar Rapids, you say? *makes a mental note to go pay said theatre a visit* Yes, my problem with live action would be getting good actors. No way they're going even try and copy the originals. It'll have to be before the film with new/younger versions of characters if it's live action for me to be okay with it. It's true animation has been declining recently, but you're not going to have animation like old Disney. Too expensive, too much work. Lilo & Stitch was very well done, don't mistake what I mean. Brother Bear wasn't badly done, either. I don't see so much Japanese anime influence in Disney feature films, though, but perhaps in their television shows. Captain Wolfy Wench
Nice hat, looks grea' so far! Don' be afraid to use those glue guns, I do it all the time! *wonders how that's supposed to put a self-respectin' pyrate at ease* I know this may sound repetitive, but how does one shape the hat from one style t' another? Captain Wolfy Wench
Fear of the ships themselves? What kind o' madness is this?! *brandishes cutlass* I have a fear o' fish, but it's specifically fish while they're in the ocean... and I'm in there, too. I'm alrigh' with fish in tanks and dead on dinner plates, but when they're 'round me feet, I freak out. Captain Wolfy Wench
I can see how that lineup'd work, btu don't they usually release more than three figures to a series wave? O_o 32 movable... joints? I wonder why he needs so many. *cackles madly* Captain Wolfy Wench
*ROFL!* Or rather, you'd think the aging actors that they DO give the awards too would be a bit offended. Hence many of the actors' no-shows. *laughs at Sean Penn* Captain Wolfy Wench
Waa, I shall be in my Will costume, and my friend MY Jack Sparrow costume, so we'll complete the group! Captain Wolfy Wench
Arr, both of 'em, Iron Bess! But the bigger one, if I hada choose. Just so's I could cuddle up with it at night. Malificent is me heroine. Hmm. *nod* And oooohhh, I would LOVEEEE to come and visit yer office, Iron Bess! Just being there would make my week! I'm hoping to study animation in college, too. It just depends on where I get accepted. If I get the okay, I'll PM you. Ohohohoh... so cool. Thank ye muchly! Captain Wolfy Wench
Good news, everyone!! Looks like NECA is making the toys, and they make GREAT figures that bear uncanny resemblances to the actors! They've been making 19" Aragorn and Legolas statues that are absolutely stunning. The article announces Captain Sparrow and Captain Barbossa figures coming soon. (Good news for ye, Lady Barbossa ) Here is also two bobblehead PotC figures (of the ride, not the film) NECA made. Now I'm REALLY excited. Captain Wolfy Wench
I've seen most of the movies for the actors nominated, and Johnny depp definately deserves it the most. Huzzah for JD! And huzzah for him not being there!! Captain Wolfy Wench
I heard it was a bit buggy, even moreso than the one for the PC. I've been meaning to get an Xbox and the game too. Tell me, is it worth it? Captain Wolfy Wench
Exactly. This is exactly my idea. It seems that all of you dislike the idea of a tv show, but I guess I might be biased becuase I want them to make it so I can work on it. Has anyone ever read or seen the comics that Disney has made of PotC? It's basically the same principle: it's post movie, with Jack onboard the Pearl and the enemy pirates of Barbossa's crew revived in their skeletal, cursed forms. Will and Elizabeth are in there (not married or anything, as far as I can tell), and they join jack on his treasure-seeking quests and the like. Defeating the evil pirates, etc. I always imagined that a show of the movie would be like this. And knowing Disney, they are not stupid. They know where the popularity of the film derives from, and they'll milk it as far as it's worth. In other words, I think it'll be based on the film so far, and have Jack, Will and Elizabeth in it. I still don't think it would hurt the films. I think that they will try and make it around around when they plan to release the sequel, so perhaps it'll be based on it? If not, I think that if my presumptions of the show are correct, the second film will completely ignore the tv show, as far as story is concerned. (Someoneshutmeupaboutthisshow!!) Hmm, and they stuff hat they make I can assure you will not be as cool as the replicas and good stuff they produce for Star Wars. (Jeff Parks is amazing, btw Remember we are still dealing with THE RAT. But they won't be unbearable. Some of the best children's costumes are made directly from Disney. Captain Wolfy Wench
Too bad I'm not out of the house yet, as I would be a part of a group and would go to these events (or rather, the ones further away from me) more often! I'm only a few months underage from legally owning a sword, but pyrate, right? *hides sword under bed* Yes, we must meet up! I want t' meet all the other pyrates out there! Hope ye'll be in garb, Elaina. Captain Wolfy Wench
Me uncle has a nice boat. 'S all new lookin' and stuff, mostly fer fishin', but a boat's a boat, right? No complainin' here! Captain Wolfy Wench
Here's the press release. I'm much more convinced the TV series they're talking about will be an animated series. For one, it's cheaper and far more efficent. Second, I'd be horrified to see actors Disney'll cast to try and be the characters from the film. Johnny Depp will hear a Disney exec say "tv show" and he'll run the hell back to France and hide out until doomsday before he does another tv show, and especially one aimed for a younger audience. Also, animation is awesome, people! I'm studying to become an animator, and it'd be my dream job to work on that show. I'd give my left and right legs for that (becuase I'll need my arms) job. I don't think a tv series will do PotC harm. It's so popular that I think it'll help keep it alive in between the films. Of course it'll be aimed for a younger teen audience, there is absolutely no escaping that, animated or no. I'm very excited for the toys as well. Knwoing Disney, they won't use McFarlane - I wish! - but they'll be good enough. I don't care who does them, i just want them now! *scowl* Captain Wolfy Wench
The Princes Bride is a classic film and a classic book too! Even though it's not completely piratey, it's still wonderful! Great fights. I hope it performs well on stage, LadyLeigh! Aaaas yooooou wiiiiish!! Captain Wolfy Wench
If you're on a tight budget, I wouldn't really reccomend Hawaii. It is beyond beautiful, but it's American and it has its price. Amazing seas, though, crystal clear waters with clean, fine white sand. The Caribbean actually might be a bit cheaper, depending on how long you stay, where you go and how long. Try looking at Mexico, too! Cheeeap. Captain Wolfy Wench
I am so there! </California girl> Oh, please, I want all of you to come! I'll be in college (and driving!) by then, so hopefully, I'll be there both days! Anyone who's going, I'd love to meet you! More definate plans by the time September rolls around, though. Captain Wolfy Wench
I want EVERYTHING. ANYTHING, EVERYTHING. Yes, I heard the same thing. Eisner announced it in some... thing. Along with a PotC TV series! I hope to God it'll be animated... so I can work on it! XDDDD Captain Wolfy Wench
Yup! You guessed it! Time fer another poll!
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to BLACK JACK SHALAQ's topic in Scuttlebutt
Who says it has to be a wench? Captain Wolfy Wench