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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. Just to be pedantic... ...cajones and huevos are both terms for the same thing. "Huevos" (eggs) is just another way of putting it... This totally useless bit of trivia is brought to you by the letter C... ------ Bein' a pirate at work today...all our potlucks fall on Tuesdays, so there you have it. Just got to threaten my officemate with me flintlock. Life is good.
  2. So, does this mean the Lady's already been and gone?
  3. Ah, now, lass...what HAVE ye been doin' with puir Jack that deprives him of his breeches, an all, not to mention loosening his leg? That were some exercise ye put him through, make no mistake.
  4. That's just terrible. A perfect way to destroy loyalty, right there. It's enough to make one quit working and go on account. My sympathies. As for Northern Faire... I didn't grow up at Faire, as was mentioned earlier by someone else, but I do have memories of going as a small child and still have a handmade stuffed unicorn that my mother bought me at Faire when I was younger than six. It's always sad to see the life drained out of something that brought such joy to so many. It seems kinda funny to be hoping for a pirate faire that WON'T value plunder above all else...but encouraging nonetheless!
  5. Or simply be sneaky and wear a bodice under yer bodice! Can you imagine the piratical consternation when the deft dagger twist rips the seam on the top one, which falls to the deck revealing... ...another bodice! Sorta like them nesting dolls, only what you get at the very end (if you survive the getting there) is a bit more interesting...
  6. Wow! Thanks t'Charlie, I actually look vaguely like I know what I'm doin'! *delighted*
  7. Harumph! Coyote's but a pup. By definition, as I'm older by several years! So there! Happy Birthday!
  8. Nay, Cap'n, the mistress is still missin'...that screamin' ye heard was from the goat! (And I'm not tellin' what circumstances I found it in, no indeed. Some things can't be said, even on a Pyrate forum!)
  9. Yes, good thought. The departure of Northern Faire, sad as it is, will leave a vacuum that could be filled by other events that hopefully could be vibrant and new. Huzzah for hopeful thinking!
  10. Urk. That's really sad. I went to the Gilroy location for the first time this year, and though Faire doesn't spark in me the same joy it did when I was a child, it was still fun to be in the milieu. I am very very sad to hear it's gone. My birthfather was one of the original Northern Faire performers. I never knew him. I only learned bits about him a few years ago. But after I learned, I've never listened to bagpipes the same way, and all my memories of Faire were colored by the thought I might have passed him as I ran through it, taking in the sights. He died before I could know him. So, for me, it's doubly sad I am that Northern Faire is gone as well.
  11. And a dangerous trend it is, too. Now she'll have to toss her valuables into the water before every event just to get the properly weathered look! Ah, the slippery slope of verisimillitude...
  12. Ah, ye see, Quill...it's just that I figured if I told stories on ye, my lamentable clumsiness with a cutlass would be exposed to one and all on the forum and I'd feel really stupid and... ...oh. Er. I s'pose I'm discussing this ON the forum, come to think on't. Forget I said that, folks. No trouble with blades at all. Nope. I'm extremely coordinated. I meant to leave my guard open, that's all. Yeah. No problem. Now, where did my arm get to...?
  13. Ah, many thanks, Cap'n, an' looking forward to the next adventure!
  14. Happy Birthday, Penny! We hope yer celebration didn't involve ye climbin' into the Pirates tableau to hang out w'the man an' his pigs! There be better places to drink!
  15. Although, in fairness, Armand is not described as a teenager in "Interview." She "youthened" him in "Vampire Lestat" and that became the consistent vision of him (and rightly so). But I remember being vastly surprised when I picked up the second book on its release, way back when, and read the description of Armand as a boy. Still, all that being said, Banderas was not a match for an older Armand, either, physically! And that's stated with much affection for dear Antonio, who could stand in a corner of the screen, shift his weight every so often, and read from the phone book, and I'd still be a mighty happy girl...
  16. I was surprised when Vaseline was advised by the swordsmith in Toledo from whom I purchased several blades over the years. Seeing it mentioned here again just lends more credence to it. I had a blade that had to be put in storage for several years on the heels of an unexpected move. When I finally recovered it, it had the beginnings of rust. I was heartbroken. But I did manage to buff it out with steel wool and, with the vaseline, haven't had a problem since. (It's not slathered in it, mind...just a light coating.)
  17. Not ONLY am I wearing mine to work, I've gotten at least two other employees to join me! AND I get to wear it to this charity fair hosted by a huge local business. Nuthin' like drumming up business, dressed as a pirate! Arrrr, the non-profit, profiteering pirate. Errr. I suppose that made no sense at all...
  18. Ah, that be as money is crass-like, and arty is sincere. Therefore, if ye be a film what entertains and makes money, ye're too crass fer an award. No...really. *ducks incoming shot and flying splinters*
  19. Hmm. I had no problem with the site as far as accessing the sounds. You might check to see you have the most recent version of RealOne Player, or whatever. That could be the difficulty.
  20. And, just to add a more abashed bit to my earlier "Golly Gee Willikers" post...thank goodness all aboard seem like the types to think fast and clearly under pressure. I'm very glad all made it back safe.
  21. Wow! (she says, falling out of pirate-speak whilst reeling her jaw up from the floor.) Perversely, this makes me even more interested in going out with the group. Very perversely, as I have no experience, and frankly the whole story recounted puts the wind up me (as it were). I think the reason being the incredible teamwork of you all. Many kudos, and bravely done! *feels very small and meek...but inspired!*
  22. Only just found this thread, so missed out on sendin' anything...but what a great surprise after a terrible accident!
  23. Aye, that they does (and they speaks with a bit of difficulty betwixt and between verb and noun agreement, as well). Still, considerin' the amount o' drink the average pirate consumes, it comes as no wonder. For how many brain cells actually be left to tackle past and future tenses? Damned few, I says! Best to stick with the here and now...
  24. Happy Birfday to yer boy!!!!
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