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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. I ran a quick internet search and scared up a few interesting tidbits from a Linguistics forum, talking about the evolution (in general) and divergence of English and American accents. One thing I found interesting is that, apparently, English accents are the ones that have undergone more divergence in the last few centuries, so that a generic modern American accent has a few pronunciation points more in common with earlier English accents than most current ones in Britain do. (Such as, in most earlier English accents, the "r" sound wasn't lost in a lot of words, so that those words would have sounded closer to how we Americans pronounce them, now. "Order" instead of the English "ohrdah"...that sort of thing.)
  2. "Lucky Penny" indeed! Gotta get me a hat...
  3. Dunno where yer located, but I've seen some apparently good sources over eBay. Having not bought from 'em, I can't guarantee they're not flakes. But I've seen ostrich and various other plumes go by.
  4. NOT a bad price at all! I think I'll be lookin' her up, once I feel a bit more flush. I need wenchy garb to complement my boy-clothes. Ye know...just to shock everyone who knows me. Thanks fer sharin' the pic! When will the outfit arrive at yer door?
  5. Congrats to the pub!!! Ah...I wish I could go... Must save $ next year...
  6. I've been jonesing for a tricorn but haven't invested the silver in one yet. I've got a lovely cavalier-style, but what happened to the one woman is my worry...that it'd go sailing off my head one day on the Royaliste and be et up by a passing sea lion! It'd be a sad end for a brown velvet hat with fancy plumes, eh?
  7. Aw, ye know...I should'a thought to take a picture of the treasure map! Do ye know if there was one in the photos that didn't transfer? That was a right clever map. Thanks, as always, for postin' the evidence of our misbehaviour!!
  8. That's the funniest/coolest thing I've heard all morning! *crosses fingers*
  9. I meant to say earlier: Great photos! Thanks fer puttin' them up!
  10. For 'Bob'? Color me ignorant...what's that mean?
  11. 'ello, there, Roberts...when ye've got the chance, can ye post the website address? Got me all hot an' bothered, and nowheres to shop! There's a good lad.
  12. Ye know, the birthday girl had a damn nice coat...
  13. Arrr, judgin' by the stubby dorsal fin and the snub-nose on yer dolphin, I think ye got yerself a harbor porpoise! Good luck, they are! :) WONDERFUL photos!!!!!!! Just makes me more excited to see the world beyond the Golden Gate!
  14. Heh. I'm sure it's all in the eye of the beholder. To the crew, they selected a new captain--who happened most pointedly NOT to be Jack Sparrow. But to Jack, I'd say it's fair he'd think of it as a mutiny, even if he couldn't exactly hope for a court-martial awaiting his mutineers at the end of it. Not denying what you say...a mutiny is against superior officers according to the dictionary entry I just read...so of course the implication is that there is a solid chain of command. But considering the person who is calling it a mutiny is Sparrow, I think it makes sense for his character to brand it that way. - Carrie...who is babbling on in a didactic sort o' way, this evenin'
  15. 'ow's mom? Mom's barking mad, I tell ye! She ain't a-changin'...not at this stage o' life! Mad Margaret she'll be, to the end of her days, and likely to the end o' mine. Ole Cracked Carrie's gotta get off her posterior and post her latest adventures (or lack thereof) over at TLAPD. I think I likes the pirate boutique concept far too much, that I do. *wandering off, shouting...* Here, Muse! C'mere, Muse! Get over here, ye damn wee thing...hidin' in me sock drawer again, no doubt...tipplin' and carryin' on...
  16. Aye! That's a little somethin' I likes to call "Pirattitude!" Besides, I always try to go for that authentic "Pirates Smell." Come, take a quaff o' me "authenticity!" Cap'n SLappy "Pirattitude", is it? So THAT'S the name of yer new scent. I been pillagin' me way through the perfume departments at Macy's fer over a year now, a-lookin' for it, without no luck. ARRRRR, it's to the mall with me, for that pungent tang o' blackpowder, unwashed, grimy body, sea-salt, and clothing what's been rinsed in stuff we won't mention in public!!!
  17. I know I'm comin' late to the party, but I thought this was the most salient point in the whole debate...one we keep comin' back to. Diff'rent approaches for diff'rent objectives. If yer teachin'...be as accurate as possible. If yer pleasin' kids who wanna see pirates...mebbe the requirements be a bit divergent. There's room for a lot o fish in the sea. And now that I've mixed me metaphors into a big jumble, I'll be headin' off.
  18. That WAS a grand time. And we even managed to keep the sail pretty "G-rated" for dialogue, since we had young'un's aboard. (Who, if they're proper teenagers, probably wouldn't've been shocked, anyways...but it's the thought that counts, innit?)
  19. Ah, sounds wonderful, Royaliste! Wish I'd been there, but I'll be there for some of the subsequent sails! I didn't realize my name got on the roster for yesterday...sorry about that. I never was able to go. Was in Santa Cruz visiting with friends. See ye on the 10th! Hope you had fun playin' with the Aldebaran! They were great fun last time!
  20. Aye, damned right I'll be there with a photo 'er two. Hell, I'm so inspired by the thought, I should pick me up a relationship and dump it before Valentine's Day, just to increase the number of pictures! (Joke...joke...but the idea is the best one I've heard for Valentine's Day in me whole life. Always hated it, even when I did have a squeeze...)
  21. *Cracked Carrie pauses in her bailing out of the backyard long enough to say...* 'Appy New Year to ye all! *returns to bailing and trench digging, grumbling*
  22. It's ALL cool! Very interested in seeing how this develops. If there's anything I can do to help, well...it's offered. I just had to quote the POTC 2 bit, to say...that would be a pretty amazing gig as well, eh? <--- working on my Canadian accent, just in case.
  23. *Grin* Well...depending on how deep the water is there, it could be problematical, even if the crew can walk on the ocean floor without breathing. Imagine being at the bottom of the ocean, groping around in pitch blackness, and quite possibly very deep ooze, trying to find a single, small disk of metal... I always figured that if poor ole Bootstrap had ever been able to get unchained, this was the problem he faced. Which way to walk, in the pitch blackness, that would eventually get you to land? And since a lot of sailors in this period actually couldn't swim... Bootstrap had a lot of problems, he did. Anyway, that's why I figure Barbossa was less than happy at the idea of the medallion going overboard.
  24. Both of these stories are awesome!! I don't have a good piratical-garb story, as I'm new to it, but had some fun other experiences out in costume in public. The fact all of this happened with the camera rolling is just perfect!
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