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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. Well, as nobody's replied to me post shouting, "GOOD GOD WOMAN, NO PIMPING OF SEAMSTRESSES HERE!" I'll go ahead and put up the picture of the coat in progress and contact information for Audrey. If yer like me, and sewing illiterate, she might be a good option to contact. I've comissioned (for another fandom) a coat, a weskit, and a cloak and she produced them all inexpensively, and quickly, and has always been cheerful and responsive via email. No guarantees, obviously. I only say this because once I recommended someone who seemed responsible and who then vanished into thin air, leaving my friend in the lurch. But never had any intimation of trouble with Audrey. Only good stuff and beautiful clothing. Audrey's Sewing Webpage If you want to see other stuff she did for me, check out my costuming page - she did the coat and green cloak: My Costuming Webpage
  2. COOOOOOOL photos! I love the graveyard!!! Spooky piratical goodness, all of it!!! Thanks for posting them! I love living vicariously!
  3. Question: I do not sew. Like, I do NOT sew. (Although I want to learn.) A wonderful seamstress in Texas has done commissions for me in the past, and recently offered to do a captain's coat. It's nearly done now and is looking wonderful. Is it considered ok on the Pyracy forum to post a link to her, in case others might want to make use of her skills? I'm not sure of the in's-and-out's yet.
  4. Oh, THAT is cool! I know what I'm watching tonight!
  5. Ye do realize that eventually we'll be wantin' to see a picture of yer cat...
  6. Not much more than to say...I concur! Wow!
  7. VERY true. And actually, I find that the more I read narrative using the terminology, the more I get - albeit more slowly - because the authors DO, of course, have exposition detailing what people are doing in response to orders or with the objects mentioned. It's just more slow since an author might sometimes choose simply to have the order spoken and then turn to other matters of narrative, rather than being able to see the actual cause and effect on the screen. The website for Master and Commander actually is pretty good on an educational level. Check it out! Master and Commander Movie Official Page I thoroughly enjoyed reading through it.
  8. Might be able to get away with it if ye've got a scabbard and peacebond it. On t'other hand, might not...
  9. Definitely goin' to the premiere. Probably not goin' in garb. Seems somehow disrespectful, goin' as a pirate to a movie 'bout the Royal Navy. And besides, me garb ain't that great...! <----- Real Reason
  10. yes you do have a pretty boat, but do u ever actually sail??? Diden't you like our bottoms hanging out of the lady??? Twas a full moon that night!!! Aye, a very full moon. And very attractive bottoms, they were. Looked like little albino Mickey Mouse logos, they did, all lined up in circles like that, big ones the heads, an' little ones the ears to either side... We had a good time, playin' with the Lady. I'll let Royaliste reply to the sailing comment, as it's more his place to than mine.
  11. I think yer right...some compromise between O'Brien's prodigious vocabulary and typical Hollywood-ese seems the most likely.
  12. Me neighbors be right sweet, kind retiring sorts and they look askance whenever I go to me car with swords, scabbards and other implements of destruction. I suspect they'd not know what to make of the aforementioned pants-oriented activities.
  13. Well, if nobody claims' em and they might fit me, I'll be glad to say they're mine! O'course, that'd mean I'll be in one o' the crews' pants. My my, what WILL the neighbors think?
  14. Bein' a newbie to the terminology myself, I've been having a grand time figuring it all out. Sends me into me "research librarian" mode, it does. Googled the hell out of the topic and am finally getting just the faintest clue. I love it, though. Love learning new things. Here's to hoping they use as much of the terminology as they think they can get away with. After all, if they didn't, what on earth would they call everything aboard the Surprise, anyway?
  15. O'course he's still hangin' there...he be waitin' fer the tide to wash over him three times. Poor ole bastard still hasn't figgered out he was hanged from the yard-arm and not by the government!
  16. That, and that we're just So Small compared to the Chieftain and the Lady, and have the look of an irate hornet, buzzing around, stinging everything in sight! Small But Mighty .
  17. Yeah, I'd like to see the swords reversed - whatever the heraldic opposite of "at-rest" is...but I love the crown for the Royaliste on the skull. Great idea! MORE PICTURES! WOOWOO! A fella what sailed on the Aldebaran that day sent me a link to some great photos he took: Photos from the Aldebaran (Also learned by looking at the page that I'd been mis-spelling "Aldebaran." Bad me.) Anyway...there be some great shots of great shots. As t'were.
  18. Of course, the Golden Hind had a few more decks than the Royaliste does! But still...awfully cramped, I'd think.
  19. The specs given in "Pirates of New Spain, 1575-1742" for the Golden Hind are: Roughly 70 feet long, 100-120 tons. Single row of gunports, seven on either side, armed with 12 cast-iron and two brass cannon, several bow-chasers. Crewed by 90-some men. Yoiks. That's what you call cramped quarters!
  20. *Waves at Hellava* Never really "met" you...but I met yer namesake! :)
  21. Well, and he'd look passing strange wi'out it, to be sure. Yeah, I took out some of the more inflammatory wording on my page, but did leave the caption up with the picture of the Lady from behind saying "The Lady about to get something unpleasant up the rear" or some such. Sometimes ye can't take out ALL the humor.
  22. Not one, but come from a family with a long historic of being in the Masons or the Order of the Eastern Star.
  23. My garb sucks at the moment, but I am SO THERE if you need an extra. And I'm reasonably local! If I had other skills, I'd offer 'em, but unless you need artwork, and hell, you can do that and so can yer company, I think my only use would be to stand around and look pretty.
  24. Ah, ye scooped me! I was peekin' at the Lady Washington's site, was just about to post this, came a-runnin' over to the board, and here be yer message! (Cool, though, eh?)
  25. I call this one the Little Ketch that Could...
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