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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. GREAT photos. Yes, #8 is just amazing! BOOM! Oh! Newsflash! Got sent photos of the Royaliste from the vantage of the Chieftain and the Lady. I'll put them up when I get home tonight, but will post a couple here in the interim. Just let me crop 'em in Photoshop...heh, heh, heh...
  2. Ye upload the scanned sketch to your own webspace, then link to it on yer post. :)
  3. WOW! Amazing sets and ship! I had no idea it was that elaborate! I've gotta go next year!!!!!
  4. BWAH-HA! I've seen that before and it didn't matter...still laughed so hard I nearly shot coffee out me nose! It's SO true.
  5. Ooh, pictures. If you have your own webspace, you just upload them to there, and then use the "IMG" button at the top of your screen as yer postin'. And if ye already knew that, don't mind me.
  6. Congratulations on bringing a cat into your life again. They are good for the heart (and I don't mean if they be taken internally!!!). Have one o' me own, an' she's definitely got a piratical attitude!
  7. Who was showing WHO their hindquarters? Sounds like you had a great party...any photos to share? (Cracked Carrie loves pictures!)
  8. Aye, a consistent design'd be good.
  9. Is this for yer tattoo concept, Quill, or summat else?
  10. I need to start reading these. They've been on my list for several years now, and I've not picked them up. Well...the movie'll light a fire under me arse to do so, it will.
  11. Well, ye know...aside from the fact that maybe showin' yer grandmotherly arse might be a wee bit scary to the kids...it WOULD convince 'em that you ARE a pirate...doin' something like that!
  12. Aye, Cap'n, methinks a double RR on yer cheeks'd be a right proper addition.
  13. *Cracked Carrie's head explodes out of sheer joy at seeing the pictures* These are the best. I be droolin' over 'em in my office, I be. If I send a request for a few at full size, would you email 'em? WONDERFUL!
  14. Oh! And Royaliste, and everybody else who was there...if you see anything glaringly inaccurate on my page (saying a ship is one, when it's actually another, or something equally stupid), please let me know?
  15. Why, thank ye, Cap'n! How can you go wrong with such beautiful ships? Remind me in a month and I'm goin' ta go fishin' on the web to see if any tourists aboard the Lady or the Chieftain might have posted pictures of their own. Might get a few of the Royaliste in action that way! And didja SEE how close we were to the Lady's backside?? Ha! (Can't wait for the rest, meself!) *crouches in front of screen, hitting "refresh" every so often.*
  16. Arrr, what be Redd lookin' so dismayed about? After all, we'd just boarded and pillaged Muni!!! He should be proud, he should! (LMAO over that picture...that's great!)
  17. FINALLY after beating my webspace into submission, I've gotten some photos up of the event! (I have "free" webspace with Earthlink, and my graphics-intensive pages are finally overwhelming it. Spent most of the evening compressing OTHER images already up on the site to make room for these new ones! Argh. Not "ARRR"...argh.) Anyway... http://home.earthlink.net/~cstaehle/piratebattle.html These photos are down-sized. If anybody who was there (or not, I suppose) wants the photos in their true size, let me know and I can email them to you! Next post, I'll talk piratically...I promise...
  18. 'Tis a pleasure to have ye here!
  19. Give that Flemish painter what for, cully!
  20. T'was a PERFECT day. And, aye, adding my thanks to the others who were aboard, both Friday and Saturday -- particular thanks to the Cap'n and to Quill and Saber. Great meeting Penny and Redd and all t'others. Not to mention the spectacle of FOUR SHIPS blasting away! I had more festivities Saturday night and didn't get back until well into Sunday morning. But once I get meself somewhat put together, I'm off to develop photos and scan 'em! Arrrrr, I be a happy pirate! BOOM baby!
  21. Ick. Ice. Rain. *Cracked Carrie mutters a very unpiratical "Oooh, spiffy weather..." and resolves to run by home after work ends (at noon) and put an extra hoodie sweatshirt in the bag...*
  22. On an unrelated note... ...Sweet Neptune's Britches! When did I become a "pyrate captain"???? I need ta stop postin' quite so much. I've risin above my station!
  23. Good grief. Here's thinking good thoughts about your friend. Hope she's doing ok.
  24. Slaver. Slaver be a great alternate term to "Drool." Arrr, ye slaverin' dogs!
  25. Piracy AND chocolate! My God, how can it get any better'n that? I can't wait!! Friday can't come soon enough!
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