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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. Ah, ye beat me to it, Royaliste. I was going to mention that book meself. Picked it up at Logos books in Santa Cruz a while back. It's good some good information on Drake. Although, once you start going northward along the Pacific coast, the action petered out pretty fast. Most of it (understandably) clustered around the gold route up from Peru and thereabouts and ending around Panama (again understandably).
  2. I could probably do the resizing for ye, if that'd help. Just wouldn't go into effect until about a week or so from now. I've not yet reloaded my graphics programs onto my computer after the crash--saving as much HD space as possible for a DVD I'm crunching.
  3. *runs to look* And yeah, I hear you. It took forever to do that for my portfolio page. I'm very happy with the result...but it took forever.
  4. I'd prefer to keep it as it is. Because I, too, right-click a lot. The other thing you could do is to put each picture onto a webpage with a forward and a back button, so you could link each picture to the next in the sequence. That's what I did on my science illustration site. Granted, it's a PITA to set up...not hard, just a lot of repetitive coding.
  5. Oh man, that's too cool. I wonder if the "donor" ever would have guessed he (or she) would be participating in a pirate festival in such circumstances?
  6. Great shots of the Aldebaran. And...I just love some of the ones going under the Golden Gate, and the peaceful one with the bowsprit all alone. For some reason that one really appeals to me.
  7. The mind boggles! *grin* No matter what position I picked, though, I'm sure I'd get a bang out of it.
  8. This is a post on this thread UTTERLY unrelated to anything serious about the Golden Hind. To wit: I just purchased a new (for me--it's a 2002) Ford Focus. When asked by my boss at work what it looked like, as it hadn't arrived yet, I responded dubiously, "Well...it's gold. And...well...it's got kind of a big butt." After a bit more pondering, I added, "You know, since I've been doing all this piratical stuff, I could name it the Golden Hind. Big hind end. Gold color. Sure, that'd work." And then the miscalculation: "I could name it Hiney for short!" Sure enough, the next morning, I drive the car to work, and what am I greeted with? "Hey there, how's your Hiney this morning?" "Wow...nice Hiney. Good lines." "What a smooth and shiny Hiney you have." Argh. The car is now officially Hiney. I'm just hoping that she doesn't spontaneously break down on the highway, just to show her opinion of the name!
  9. Well...for my part, I so far have NO practical knowledge on how to help sail or man the guns for the Royaliste. I've been trying to watch to at least begin to get some clue...but I can't vouch for having one! However...I am more than willing to learn. So, if that counts for participating, I'm good to go! Just show me a knot or two, tell me when and where to pull (oh dear, this is starting to sound bad), and I can at least guarantee I'll learn! And once I recover from all the inadvertant double entendres, I'll be just fine, thank ye. Yeesh. Um. Right. Well. Yeah.
  10. Well, that WOULD be piratical, I suppose! No quarter given, indeed!
  11. I can send a larger one to ye...but before I do, let me try to tweak it a bit in Photoshop so it's not as pixelated. It's not going to be crystal clear, though, owing to it being a frame capture. Alternately, Quill could make an attempt and see what result she gets. :)
  12. Those are AWESOME!!!!! Please send along thanks to the Aldebaran!!! *happily right-clicks and saves the photos*
  13. "Ruthlessly nasal"!!!!! *Dies and is dead*
  14. It would'a been great to have a pirate "shill" in the Pier 30 audience! All sing together now: "ARRRRRRRRRRRRs across the waaaaater...!!"
  15. Ok! Next time I'll just post. "Eisner flying solo..." Don't SAY things like that! I nearly shot tea out my nose! Arrr, that stings! And there was something cathartic in blasting the letter out from the "Pyracy is Pathetic" wench...and I don't even know her!
  16. *raises hand* I'll vouch for that! Made my teeth click together, it did!
  17. I that flag!!!! Also, thanks to Royaliste's first mate, who (ahem) let me play with his flintlock. It were me first time! And also me first time getting out of the Bay! Huzzah! (I'm just a baby pirate, after all!)
  18. Had a GREAT time, yesterday! I sent some screen caps of the "Michael Eisner" blast, among others, to Royaliste and TalesoftheSevenSeas. I'm assuming one of 'em will post them. If not, I'll be happy to! I just didn't want to steal their thunder!
  19. Addendum to the Violence: "Is it done yet...?" Ka-BOOM! "No. But you are."
  20. Aye, he should be grateful! "Ow! Me arm! That blasted pirate wench bit me arm!" *stops...considers...* "I'll never wash it again!"
  21. Ah, but did the manager DESERVE the bite scars?
  22. You know, that IS an interesting question. Why the Rose? Which is not impugning her at all. But how does any particular tall ship get chosen? I'm sure some of it is how much her owners are promoting her, what the insurance/liability issues are, where she's located vis a vis the filming and how likely is it that she could be moved, the friendliness of her set-up as far as filming is concerned. It must be an artform, deciding how to proceed... (Very interesting posts, Salem Bob...I've been enjoying them.)
  23. Ohhh! Through t'heart! It's time to go back on me Muse hunt: "Here, muse! C'mere, ye wee git! Stop quiverin' there in the scuppers...ye know yer caught. We've got a letter to write!"
  24. Yeah. There's Peet's :) Whoo! Peets! But really, pirates SHOULD go fer Starbucks. I mean, they've commandeered nearly every corner of every big city block in the Nation! ("Not just the Nation, love. The entire hemisphere. The entire WORLD!")
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