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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. If it ends up workable, that'd be a perfect homecomin'...I'd love to see that. 'Course, I'd hafta buy meself tickets!
  2. Awww, hell. I already made plans. I KNEW I shoulda been checking the boards of late, but I been distracted. Thanks for the invite, Royaliste! Lift a glass for me!
  3. Lucky you, if you've not been seasick! I've not very often, but frankly, I've not been OUT very often. Got pretty green goin' across the Straits of Gibraltar from Algeciras to Tangiers, Morocco, though. Didn't lose me lunch, but had to avoid the puddles from other folk. Oddly, the most miserable I ever was, I was doing a SHORE dive in Monterey, and getting sick doin' me surface swim out to our dive site from the shore. I finally insisted on submerging shy of the dive point, in the hopes of getting below the waves. That usually fixes things. But no. T'was a washing machine down there. Had to grab hold of outcrops while the surge swept in toward shore, then let go as it went out. Ye'd pop forward thirty feet or so, and then grab ahold again. I was so miserable I called the dive and we went to the aquarium instead. Was sad, too, because it was a gorgeous site and great visability. Dramamine is my friend.
  4. Whoo...I was wonderin' how you were faring yesterday, as I watched the wind bend the trees nearly double outside me office window. Yup...t'was about as bad as I imagined. Glad yer doing all right!
  5. Now that's a right pretty violin, that is. I took three years of lessons when I were a lass and none of it stuck. Much luck to ye! Doubtless ye'll have far more enthusiasm for it than I did, and I know ye'll do well. :)
  6. Well, this is what I get fer bein' a stranger on the boards of late. I only just saw the video captures! Great muzzle-flash, there, Quill!
  7. Merry Christmas, Royaliste, and also to the many wonderful, piratical members of this list! I've been scarce of late, but my heart's been here. Just too damned much work in my real life. Looking forward to rejoining ye all in the New Year!!!!
  8. Definitely I'd be interested, Redd. I'd think there'll be demand for a game like that, and a show (!), especially as there will be sequels to POTC to keep the public's attention on piracy...
  9. Ah, now THAT be good news, it does! Will ye be in the parade, then, Redd?
  10. Ah, it be a fine fine ship, Quill!!!! Can't wait to see it for meself!!!!
  11. Well, I was thinkin' along the same lines as you, so we're both overly optimistic rookies, I'd say! Hell, I work in a counseling environment. No wonder I... A. Love the idea of something a little less diplomatic at times... and... B. Still tend toward the diplomacy first as a matter of conditioning. Still...taking away the black powder battles will make the Bay a poorer place. We're not the only ones enjoying the spectacle, after all!
  12. Thank ye, Royaliste, and I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, too...as well as everybody else here! I been quiet on the boards, but not fer any bad reasons. Just highly distractable, is our Carrie.
  13. I've gotten the chance to thumb through it at the local bookstore. To me, it looked great! Now, bear in mind I'm only just learning about all things nautical, and so I dunno if it might be too basic for some. But for me, I've got it on me wish list as well.
  14. ...and no matter what they say, Big is Good. Lookin' forward to your next post, Redd!
  15. Oooh. Video capture! Do that mean ye've got real video to show, or did I miss a post a few back?
  16. Urk. My fault, Royaliste...I went on a tangent after a random comment about bayonets. My brain works that way - like a flea on a hot plate...boingboingboing in random directions.
  17. Arrr, Redd...who could ask fer a better piratical bud? What kin I say, but thanks?
  18. Be-yoo-tiful!!!!!!! It's coming along...er...swimmingly! It looks fantastic! Also was amused by Royaliste givin' Lady Liberte a peck fer luck!
  19. Remarkably off-topic, but there was a Vietnam vet I worked for, who was a LRP, and he carried a bayonet scar that pretty much wrecked the muscles in his tricep for life. Obviously not a kill, but definitely a wound. And he did say it was a bayonet, specifically, and not a hand-held knife. Ok...back to yer regularly scheduled piratical discussion...
  20. Good news and bad news. I'm sorry Jones will not get to join your life, but glad his family found him. Hey...there're lots of scallywag kitties out there, just a-waitin' in shelters to be adopted by a fearless pirate!
  21. Great pictures! Who're those from, anyway? Gotta download 'em to me harddrive at home...
  22. Dunno if they can be taught to say "ARRRR" but in a pinch ye can use 'em in a grappling action!
  23. Adding a belated Happy Birthday!!!!!
  24. I'll take ye up on that, Cap'n...now it's just a matter o' getting me blank CD in the mail... Thankee!
  25. Wow! I'm kinda slow, here, Quill, and this is my first chance to look at the photos of the Land Shark. AMAZING! And the price you landed the boat at in the first place!!! *Boggles* And So Cool about the figurehead. Darn. I wish I lived closer and worked less.
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