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Cracked Carrie

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Everything posted by Cracked Carrie

  1. I'll second that! Hey...even a "6 Degrees of Separation" kiss with Johnny Depp can't be all bad.
  2. So...how go rehearsals, Cap'n?
  3. Not much erudite to say, but... Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for putting the pictures up! I know she's the Rose, not the Surprise. But still, having just finished reading HMS Surprise for the first time, it's hard for me not to see her in that light.
  4. I'll second that. And thanks for telling the story. It is, indeed, a nice thing to hear of stars who are decent polite human beings. All too often we hear the stories about when they're not.
  5. Han Solo's Revenge Han Solo at Star's End Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. Han be a pirate, basically, so we're still on-topic...right? Brian Daley also did the scripts for all three radio series, and died sadly young just as Return of the Jedi was being prepared to go on the air.
  6. There was an old bio of Lucas called Skywalking that came out in the 80's that detailed some of his early visions of how the movies were to go. It was clear from those descriptions that Splinter of the Mind's Eye was based upon those concepts and fleshed out by Foster. :) And, bear in mind, that novel came out LONG before the huge SW-novel-spin-off monster (EU) was birthed. That really only began with the Zahn books and took off from there. Before that was just Splinter, the Han Solo trilogy by Brian Daley, and the Lando trilogy. And Splinter came out between the first Star Wars and Empire, so it predates most of the later hype and attempts to keep things "canon." I be a geek, too. I'll take the rest of the conversation off the board if it gets annoyingly non-piratical.
  7. Looks GREAT, Quill. Can't wait to see yer new duds in real life at some point!!!
  8. Look out, mates, ole Redd's got a bit o' black powder in 'is eye again... Stop rubbin' it, now...
  9. Hey...you gotta problem w'Biff? Ah, I enjoyed Wing Commander in all its forms...
  10. Oh good! Glad yer in the know, now. I emailed Redd to make sure he got in contact with ye.
  11. *Crosses fingers.* *And toes.* *And cutlasses*
  12. Whooo! ARRRRRR...I be perked! (Does Sir Nigel know ye've nominated him--and his pants--fer yer exclusive performance? Inquirin' pirates wanna know...)
  13. Ahhhhhhhh....Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... BRAAAAAAAP! 'Scuse me.
  14. Count me in, Redd! It may be a good thing yer not payin', as I don't know if I can contribute much worth money...but I'll pitch in wherever useful. Just let us know what you might be needin' and we can go from there.
  15. Now THAT's darn near worth missin' the Oscars in LA for, Redd!!
  16. Ah, capital! Can't wait to see the cake. An' if those're yer anxiety dreams, Cap'n, yer doin' just fine. It's when ye've got dreams like that, an' yer up there wearin' naught but yer skin...
  17. Weell, Royaliste, it's ALL relative. If you've got someone aboard who actually is OBSERVANT, the situation might turn out differently! Alms! Alms! Alms fer the puir blind pyrate... Ah, to hell with that: C'mere, you! Stand and deliver! I missed the tat but I ain't missed the jingle in her pocket!
  18. Hadn't thought of that problem, Royaliste. Have ye considered rubbin' yourself down with raw liver and THEN going to the airport? Maybe bribing the sniffer dogs'd work... No. Suppose not.
  19. 36 and havin' gone through 148 years! Now THAT's my idea of aging!!!! "A birthday? Oh, I love birthdays...cakes all around!" And nay...why on earth would ye want to learn yer lines? Why, what would happen to that heart-sinkin' rush o' terror when yer standin' in the wings and suddenly think... "Oh damn. I suppose I shouldn't've been cuttin' up quite so much when we were goin' over the blocking..." Would ye really want to lose that? (If ye get him a cake, post photos.)
  20. I wonder if I can get away with a beer or six before doin' the little dorky number we'll be doin' down in LA. Ye know...ye might be onto somethin' there... Good idea! O' course, a drunk pirate is probably more fun than a drunk hobbit...or maybe not. But I digress into another hobby. So...back to pirates! And Pirate Kings and Major Generals and LEAP YEAR DAYS! Arrrr! Don't forget them tricky leap year days...
  21. Ye know...I'm lookin' at the article right now, an' here's what it says. (And I quote. Ahem!) "Come dressed as a pirate, or a fair maiden, or as any G&S character, or just come as you are," said Lamplighters Artistic Director Barbara Heroux. "We'll provide the lyrics; you provide the music." I would guess that there will be varying levels of singing ability/music-reading ability, etc. And, sort of like at a Sing-Along "Messiah"...part of the secret is either: A. Standing near someone who is on-key with your part, and won't send you veering off course. Um. As it were. Or... B. Just not caring all that much and figuring that the thunder of everyone belting stuff out around you will pretty much hide any transgressions. But yeah...G&S can have quick patter and be a bit complex. Sounds like fun, anyway. If I wasn't down in LA during that time, I'd be going! And while I can carry a tune in a bucket...I'm no opera singer!
  22. *Blink* Ye know...I never realized ye had a sleeve. Come to think of it, I guess I've never seen ye without a full-sleeve shirt on. Great work! (Observant? Me? Far from it, apparently!) An' happy birthday, Popeye, ye ole scalliwag!
  23. Ahoy, Bay Area pirates! There be a sing-along performance of "Pirates of Penzance", performed/led by the Lamplighters--our very own local and highly acclaimed G&S company. It be scheduled for Saturday, February 28th at the Herbst Theater in San Francisco, and Sunday, February 29th (Leap Year Day) at the Dean Lesher Regional Center for the Arts in Walnut Creek. People can sing whatever part they like. Are you a baritone and always wanted to sing "Poor Wand'ring One"? Now's the time to do it. Folks're also encourage to come in costume. Arrrrr! How silly will this be? Sadly, I won't get to see it. I'll be down in Los Angeles during those times (doin' something VERY fun, at least)...but I thought I'd bring it up so others might be able to enjoy. So, while some of us might not be able to get up further north to see Cap'n Slappy's sojurn as Pirate King (that'll be something amazing to see!), there's at least the (ahem) booby prize of a sing-along locally. Anyone interested? Quill? Redd? Penny? Royaliste? Bueller? Discuss!
  24. Ah, now...didja have to go an' tell us that, Cap'n? I don't have no easy way of gettin' up north, but I'd give a goodly portion of my right kidney to see ye playin' the Pirate King. Or at least part o' my gall-bladder...the little droopy bit, over there on the side. Damn, but I feel a great riptide of "sulk" comin' over me. That'd be all sorts o' fun. An' I was so happy to realize that a showing of "Pirates of Penzance" was goin' ter be performed by the "Lamplighters" down here on February 29th. (In honor of that boy's birthday, o' course. ) Ah well... Break a peg!
  25. *Tamping the tricorn on her head and executing a spin on deck* Why, thankee, Cap'n! I might just take ye up on that! At least as a loaner. I'd not want to deprive ye of a back-up hat.
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