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Commodore Swab

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Everything posted by Commodore Swab

  1. Comming back from "John Levique Days" Chrispy and I decided to stop at the "warm mineral springs" otherwise known as the Fountain of Youth that Ponce deLeon searched for. If anybody is in the area I highly recommend it as a post event rest and relaxation. On a really cool side note I found a small piece of a very large (original size was at least 4X4 inches) shark tooth under the sand in the packed mud/clay.
  2. Ok heres a couple better pics from last weekend, guess who . . . And one of myself
  3. I was just wondering what problems most people have with their flintlocks, I can't think of how many times Ive heard things like "it Only misfired a couple times" If you have a problem not mentioned please post what the problem is.
  4. Just need to buy some more locks to put together a couple new pieces and hopefully have them done in time for Punta Gorda.
  5. Ok for those of you desiring an update, it is comming but not now. Long story short I screwed what needed to be put together without doing the detail work and ran her thru the paces this weekend. As a little teaser she was fired for the news . . .
  6. I guess I was able to get something together in time after all http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/news/region_south_pinellas/madeira_beach/avast%2C-me-hearties%21-sean-daly-at-pirate-days The third shot is a Spanish (Catalan) Blunderbuss Hmm imangine if he had something like this . . .
  7. I got lucky and a friend lets me use his shop. However, I am setup to do much of this on my own. A simple harbor freight combo lathe/mill really helps and isn't that pricy.
  8. Actually this year I want to donate a small bronze boxlock pistol, if there is anybody out there who doesn't have anything to donate I wouldn't object to some help paying for some of the materials (namely the lock which is about $100).
  9. You can sign me up as well as Sansanee, I highly doubt we will be camping
  10. Well it seems you can have it 2 of three ways when dealing with the rifle shoppe. Good, Fast, Cheap I got the triggerguard relativly fast and cheap . . . Note how the lines arent across and the detail is lacking, Ive had much worse and much better in a sand casting. Definatly workable Cleanup started, working with a hand file and dremel and for those of you who spied the ther buss heres a picture of how its coming along. Once its done having a photoshoot on the 18th it will be available for sale
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