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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Thought I'd like ter share halloween pirate pictures too...If ye like, ye can visit the Pyracy.com photo album. In there be a sneak-preview image from the Haunted Forest...it's just been put in there today.
  2. Arrr...Redd might not salute his fellow gentlemen out of habit...but I must confess that if he did, Depp would win over Pitt. Hmmm.....Depp...Pitt...Redd...nevermind...Been too long at the rum I fear.
  3. Ohhhh by The Twisted Shank o' Johnny Corkscrew....Who knew a simple colloquialism about the boys downstairs could generate such rhetoric. 'Course...now my question is...who is dressing up as a huevo pirate fer halloween?
  4. Arrr...I hate ter malign any business...but I fear me black heart must ease its burden by tellin' the truth sometimes.
  5. I vote fer Pirates bein' cooler....mostly because when someone breaks into a Cowboy accent...a lot of times it begins to degenerate into a stereotypical "redneck" drawl- "Howdee pahdner, let's mosey on over to the Tumbleweed Saloon!".... A pirate accent, however, ah... everyone sounds cool when they do a pirate accent.
  6. Aye buyer beware with 1ABC...I sent them a polite email explaining the situation...no reply...nor any changes ter the photo or description of the sword item in question on their site. GGRRRR.... Oh, well. It suits its purpose fine fer now. -Redd
  7. ARRRRRR!!! Reminds me o' The SeaGhost up at the Haunted Forest! Looks wonderful!
  8. I certainly be lookin' forward to it all, mate! Here's hoping that Neptune favors us with decent weather!
  9. Where might you be plannin this northern pirate gatherin' Royaliste? I had found several possibilities, and even have some thoughts as to how to make such an event stand out from the average ren faire... ...if ye like, PM me and we'll parley. Perhaps with all o' our connections and united madness....
  10. (All political correctness out the door...)How's about The Gentlemen Of Fortune?
  11. What've ye thought about fer the mast? Fer the Sea Ghost, we used a thick piece of PVC pipe, mounted on a shaved 4x4 plank. Then we scored the plastic with a mire brush and dry brushed it ter give it a wooden look. If ye'd like pictures, I can email them to ya ter show you the results. -Redd
  12. AARRRRRRRR!!!! The Sea Ghost sails tomorrow night! Don't forget, that any of you are more than welcome ter come party/haunt/act/swashbuckle...whatever at the Haunted Forest! Check the Calender fer more information. Any of you San Francisco Bay Area Pirates are more than welcome ter join us....Just show up, ask fer either Stuart Kuramoto, Brian Patterson, or Peter Overstreet...Any one of 'em will be glad ter help ye find yer spot! 'Member, tis all fer charity! Take care!
  13. Their official statement seems flawed to me...ever since the New York based Renaissance Corporation that bought the faire from Phyllis and her crew, they managed to transform it from a fun, cultural gathering place, into a huge, dusty shopping mall. The audience could see right through this, I think. I remember my uncle, who makes women's clothing at the faire, telling me about a crass comment the owner of the Renaissance made...something along the lines of , "It's great, I just have a bunch of hippies that party in a forest for a couple of weekends, and then give me a ton of money!" I grew up in the faire (I have pictures of myself in diapers at the faire), and I watched the decline until 1997, when I just kinda stopped going...Sad. I went back this year, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it wasn't as great either. It can be a great endeavor to produce a faire...however, maybe this was inevitable. But...who knows what might eventually fill the void. I've never been to The Heart of the Forest Faire, but I just might go next year (if it returns).
  14. A howl ter ya, Capn' Coyote! Happy Birthday!
  15. Harr harr harrrr! Sounds like a right ruddy good time Penny! I may actually be takin' a similar trek on me 30th....except thar might be a stop in Vegas in order.
  16. ARRR!! I be lookin' forward ter the cruise. T'will be nice ter be aboard a ship that ain't landlocked like the poor SeaGhost down in Los Gatos... ...Incidentally, I might be able ter help ye with riggin' Jeff with the proper digital equipment, bein' a haunting nut mesself.
  17. I would like to warn ye of a scallywag who's currently on me list o' ports ter broadside! I ordered a boarding cutlass from here: Where I went I finally got it...and it's not a bad cutlass....just not the one I ordered. Apparently they have a picture of a cutlass with a plain brass hand guard and wooden grip....instead, what I got in the mail was something similar to the one that Stynky Tudor recently posted a picture of (with all the engravings on it, and such). Hopefully this is just them being lazy, but I'll keep you informed about how things work out. I've sent them an email explaining the situation, and I'll keep you abreast of their reply.
  18. I only have 30 things ter say ter you! 1."ARRR!" 2."ARRR!" 3."ARRR!" 4."ARRR!" 5."ARRR!" 6."ARRR!" 7."ARRR!" 8."ARRR!" 9."ARRR!" 10."Parrot!" 11."ARRR!" 12."ARRR!" 13."ARRR!" 14."ARRR!" 15."ARRR!" 16."ARRR!" 17."ARRR!" 18."Rum!" 19."ARRR!" 20."ARRR!" 21."Cannon!" 22."ARRR!" 23."ARRR!" 24."ARRR!" 25."Cutlass!" 26."Pudding!" 27."ARRR!" 28."ARRR!" 29."ARRR!" 30."Happy Birthday!" If ye think that's maddening, I can't wait ter hear about yer non-stop POTC ride experience!
  19. AARRRRRRRRRRR!!!! WE HAVE A WINNER! Tis true, thar be many a fyne name submitted. Our mighty crew met over a HUGE bag o' peanuts and a barrel o' rum...and we painted the name on the hull of our fyne vessel.... ....the winner be.... Blind Rhoid Pyle - "The Sea Ghost" Thanks to ye all fer participatin'...and if ANY of you find yerself out here in Northern California during Hallerween, come on by the Haunted Forest...if not fer Hallwerween, then jus' drop ol' red a line and we'll tap a keg together! ARRRR!!!!
  20. Avast ye scurvy dogs! I be takin' all o' yer suggestions down, and there be some spectacular suggestions! The vote will be decided this Sunday, as I now have ter parley with me crew! Thanks all, and good luck! -Redd
  21. Well...unlike some of the situations I've been in commercially, you will be pruchasing the artwork with the mutual understanding that although I drew it, and it is my artwork you are entitled to make as many copies of it as you like. My initials are on it, so that's credit enough. It's not like I've designed a character that I haven't signed a release form on, or anything like that. It's your portrait, and you can do anything you like with it. As to the cost, I know it's a little expensive, and I would love to do them for free, but I honestly can't. I have worked out trades in the past...so, if you're interested, drop me a line and we'll parley. Hope that answers your question. -Redd
  22. Well hmmm..... -Geena Davis (o' course...Redd has a thing fer the dark haired ladies) -Jane Seymour (Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger) -Madeline Kahn (Mrs. Beard in Yellowbeard) -Caroline Munro (Golden Voyage of Sinbad) and...not so much fer looks...but true pirates they be! -Miss Piggy! -Anne Ramsey!
  23. Arr it worked fer Read and Bonny!
  24. I have a ROUGH idea of what I'm lookin' for...I'm working with some buddies ter figure out detailed schematics. Thanks!
  25. I be lookin' fer a company or an individual who can custom machine metal gears and parts. I be trying to make spring loaded pistols...and I've got the wooden stocks taken care of, I just need the innards! Any help would be appreciated!
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