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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Ba-hoy Ahoy! I would love to share a new piece that I have finished...but I need help posting it somewheres? Can anyone help me? -Redd
  2. ALRIGHT! I be back! Tis been a while since ol' Redd has been posting infermation upon this subject...but I'll give ye an update! First..the game is still in the works, so please keep yer ears open fer the latest! I'm in negotiations currently (kinda playin' the role of writer, designer, producer at the moment), but they (the plans) could move ahead very rapidly, as my company would like to get the first game of this kind out mid-summer next year...but that's all up ter the swabs holdin' the doubloons! Anything else can't be said at this moment...top secret, and VERY BIG...so I'll be around if ye have any questions or suggestions! Keep yer salty chins up! -Redd
  3. Ha Haaaarrrrr! Those be from me! I'll send ye copies later this week! -Redd By the way, Saber, The best part about that "Hidden Mickey" is the fact I saw it on the mouse's 75th! LMAO!
  4. Well, thank ye, Bess....Yer too kind! -R
  5. Arrrr! Fyne paintings, every one of 'em!
  6. Greetin's all. Let me explain myself. I work for a game developer in Northern California. We are in the earliest stages of proposing a video game for the DVD market. This would be a mixture of live action and CGI. Guess who's in charge of the first proposal? Guess what the theme of the game is? You GUESSED RIGHT! Here's me question...how many of you would be interested in appearing in a game (as actors)? How many would be willing to be costume makers or prop suppliers? Set builders (if yer a Nor Cal local)?...You get the point. I'm sorry, I can't go into too much detail right now...but I needed to see if there was an interest among my pyratical brethren. More information will be posted as soon as I am allowed to give it. -Redd
  7. Arr! I've got me effigy ready for the streets.
  8. Arr! Thanks!...not bad fer only a month and a half's work, eh? I really don't know what the status of the show is going to be next year...we may not be doing it. The management of this year's show have ALL retired...So I might be somewhere else.
  9. If ye go ter the Pub Photo Album, and look under the New Images section...I've posted some pictures of our ghostly pirates and the set from The Haunted Forest.
  10. Well have to get Jones a custom litter box and paste "Davey Jone's Locker " on it.
  11. Arrr. That may be happenin' very soon, mate! I just got word that the larger version of that photo be on its way to me...Also, tomorrow, I should be posting a picture or two from the show that I captured with me Flemish Painter on Oct. 30!
  12. ARRRRRRRRR!!!! Neptune be an angry salt sometimes. Tis truly tragic to hear of such a lovely vessel goin' down. I will certainly be contributing to the fund to save her!
  13. Those be fine pictures, Paisley!
  14. Awww...I mean, ARRRRRRRR....Thanks!
  15. AHoy! Great photos indeed! Carrie...there's only one way to describe what be going through me mind in that photo (on the bus)...PINK COWGIRL HATS! Also, I was probably also bein' haunted by memories o' pirate campfire stories.... "Aaannnd then the ghostly girlscout knocked on the door threeee times. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! 'Buy me cooooookieeeeessssss....' she hissed...."
  16. Not one...wouldn't mind bein' one...but even if I were, would it really be wise ter admit it so openly?
  17. Oh Dear...See what happens when Redd leaves ship early! Someone else takes his place as the accident prone pirate. Hope the wounded mate be alright. I, too, am going ter be posting pictures soon (technical disputes with me flemish painter)...
  18. AAArr! Thanks ter the fine Captain and First Mate of The Royaliste! Redd had a blast on Hallerween! And thanks ter all the generous folk who I had the good fortune ter finally meet in person...oh, and sorry fer all them BAAADD mental pictures, LuckyPenny. Sadly, I be one o' the first ashore fer the weekend. But! The time I spent with the fine salts aboard the Royaliste was wonderful. Stormin' Frisco on Friday were an interestin' experience ter say the least. Lucky Penny were relentless in her Carnation Beatings (profusely about the head and neck!) However, I had ter lend a hand to me other salts at The Haunted Forest (set teardown) on Saturday, so I wasn't present fer the sea battle. More Later!
  19. Har harrr Schmutz! That is the actual product name...I remember buying some of that stuff from the prop department at Universal...back when I were an art director on commercials.
  20. For those of you who want ter age a garment on the quick, the tea bags work well...a mixture of burnt sienna and yellow ochre acrylic paint (diluted with water) stains well...plus, for a more realistic fraying and ripping, grab an exacto for the initial cut, and then attack the cut in the fabric with a steel wire brush. If ye want the occasional bloodstain, mix a slightly thinned mixture of crimson and burnt sienna fer an old...clotted bloodstain.
  21. Perhaps on a voluntary basis, we can enter our birthdays on the Calender? Just a thought.
  22. Harrr Harrr! Make 'em squirm, mate and tell 'em !
  23. Twill be a strange evening, mates...I've been lookin' forward to it ALL MONTH!
  24. Well met, Angus!
  25. I don't want to know what you had to show ter get them, mate!
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