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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. "Freebies for the night iffn' she's a light weight." Or a rich harlot iffn' yer a light weight and she's run off with yer booty. Arrr...just like this one mate o' mine in Hong Kong...
  2. Arr....This be slightly silly, but ol' Redd still enjoys it. You all should check out this radio show - "Skulltime Fer Kids with Captain Jack". It's a pirate themed show (although not everything he plays is piratical). He tends to play strange albums from his collection of rarities (children's records, hygiene records, etc.). It's worth a listen. http://www.kfjc.org/djs/captain.jack.scully.html
  3. Aye...tis a fyne book indeed. I've got a 1930 edition of the same book. Only read it once...I didn't know there was a Dover edition (Thank God fer Dover Books!), now I've got to get me a copy so I don't feel guilty about reading my old one. During college, One of my instructors claimed to be a direct descendant (academically speaking) of the Brandywine school. Her teacher's teacher's teacher's teacher was another student of Pyle's (alongside N.C.). She's a writer now, and you can get one of her books on Amazon: The Red Rose Girls by Alice Carter. It's about the lesser known (but EXTREMELY talented) female students of the Brandywine school. You should also check out "Visions of Adventure", it features Pyle and some of his most famous students (Wyeth, Schoonover, etc.)
  4. Arr...I'm re-reading Treasure Island right now.... It cetainly has been a while.
  5. Aye...and fer cannonballs.
  6. Oh My! Those are really nice specimens, mate!
  7. Arrrr...Twas Pyle's "Crayon Period"...Ye have ter look out fer them Brandywine Artists, we can get a bit picky with our materials. -Redd
  8. *Sniff!* Arr I smell a raid comin' on!
  9. ARR! Me Pirate Day went a little too well! I had a good deal o' fun wearing me attire and disturbing shop keepers in Emeryville, CA (where I work). Fer some reason, they objected to my askin', "WHERE BE LONG JOHN, DAMN YE!" over at Long John Silvers. I also had to trudge through a nasty auto commute about me ship "The Grey Ghost". Whilst listenin' ter Dave Barry talk about Pirate Day on NPR's "All Things Considered", I got received a lot of "Arrr"'s and "Ahoys" from fellow drivers. So that be fun! To top it all off, me mates and I spent the evening rehearsing fer the Haunted Forest...an we got ter see our hew set...mmmm. Tortuuuuga! Love the pictures, by the way.
  10. Arrr! I thought this was worth mentionin' I wandered into me local Michael's Craft store here in California (on TLAPD no less...in full regalia...oh the looks from the lubbers), and I spied a miniature pirate ship fer $40! Complete with mini pirates, the ship moves, and lights up, and has the sound of sea shanties bein sung ("Yo-Ho-Ho and a bottle o' rum). So if ye get a chance, check it out! -Redd
  11. I'm currently workin' that out, mate. I need to determine how much time and materials each set will be costin'. Today...acutally...I be startin' on a Wanted Poster of ol' Redd, hisself! Somethin' else ta be keepin' in mind is what yer favorite crimes be (what ye be wanted fer), so when ye request one ye can send me a list that suits yer persona! -Redd
  12. Arrr! I try to collect anything that a true scallywag would use (i.e. firing pistols, battle ready cutlass, me medal named "The Finger"). They just add to the flavor of me attire. I also tend to collect rather strange objects (a ghost bottle, preserved scorpions, etc.)...although I'd better get a nice seachest fer it all...it's kind of invading me sleeping quarters. -Redd
  13. Arrr...I certainly hope ye fared well during the storm, lass. As long as ye be safe...I'm sure the others would agree. Good luck to ye! -Redd
  14. ARRR! I just downloaded the blueprints...they be a good starting point fer a simple design. I actually had a dream last night about me new boat...ah...now all I need is the time to build it! That'll come soon enough, I guess. -Redd
  15. Arrr...bein' naturally 6'4" (Unlike me former Captain who had...shall we say...a lower center of gravity than most)presents some difficulty in finding pieces sometimes...I'm jus' glad me mum taught lil Redd how ter sew.
  16. Arrr! By the crooked teeth a' Thomas Tew! All this talk about me "services" is makin' me feel strange and fuzzy in certain places (like me nostrils). It's all makin' me flash back to that long winter in Singapore...*shudder*...Over there, a herringbone jacket means it's made o' tiny little fishies!
  17. Arrr! By Charles Laughton's sweaty jowels! Tis a shame I can't make it. But Happy 10th No Quarter Given! Happy 10th indeed!!
  18. I've just begun a sample set. I should be done very soon. -Redd
  19. ARRR! By the tender tootsies of Anne Bonny! Ye made me scream like a little girl with glee! Thank ye fer the invitation. I shall certainly be contacting ye soon! -Redd
  20. Arrr! An that's a double "bugger" from me as well!
  21. My favorite was a great fencing scene in The Four Musketeers between Michael York and Christopher Lee...First a burnin' buildin...and then ending in a church (in front o' nuns, no less) in the warm glow of light pouring in through the stained glass windows! I admired it for its honesty...because they both acted as if they were becoming exhausted from the fight.
  22. Do it the way ol' Redd does it, Ken! Start with a simple big shirt, a sash and baggy pants...and just start accumulating! I've got a shoebox full of found objects (antique keys, bones, trinkets....meat) that I use to decorate me outfits... ...a slighty time consuming (but REALLY worth it) endeavor is a thrift store, leather vest. Don't be buying a motorcycle vest now...it looks just what it is. But buy a couple of old leather coats...tear them apart, and hand stitch 'em together...Edward Scissorhands style. I'm making a leather tricorn in this fashion...it just looks too wicked if ye don't mind my sayin' so. -Redd
  23. Arrr! There might be better movies out there, mateys! But I must admit, Yellowbeard be one o' the better ones! -Redd ye can blame Knifehand Ken fer gettin' me started on this one!
  24. Okay...we've been mentionin' good pirate movies... ...the all time worst in my book be Roman Polanski's PIRATES!
  25. Sweet Frank Schoonover! Of course, matey! "Pathetic! Takin' the easy way out, that is!" "How d'you mean exactly?" "Dyin! He'd only been in four year...you won't catch me dyin. You have to KILL ME before I die!" Plus...John Cleese as Blind Pew is brilliant! I think we should start a movement to get that film on DVD...what d'ya say?
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