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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. I went a few weekends ago ter the Northern Californee Ren Faire (in Hollister's Casa de Fruita, where we almost lost a lucky penny recently...thank Neptune we didn't...)...or as I likes ter call it - Casa de Faire....There be a good deal o' pyrates there. I been goin' ter these things fer some time (since I be a little clam in tights...since me uncle be one of the older merchants at the faire...a doubloon to anyone who guesses correctly who that might be)....and I thought ter meself.... "Hmmm...as much as ol' Redd likes ter be eatin', drinkin' an makin' merry...is there anything that I still want ter do here?" It be a tough question, an maybee I were in the wrong frame o' mind...but the Casa de Faire seemed ter be missin' somethin.... ...What, fer all ye ren faire going pyrates, have ye always wanted ter have at a faire ter do or see? I be curious....maybee yer answers will stir somethin' in me. -Redd
  2. I've never been seasick...just ill from having been sunburned (an' I happened to be at sea). There was one time when I went fishin' with me grandpa (Fredd Oktober) and we got caught in the beginning of a storm. As we were coming in, my grandfather hooked one. Ye should have seen the old salt...bravely standing on deck, with huge waves tossin' us about...him reelin' in that fish, and finally bringin' it home! The whole front of his shirt looked like someone suddenly wanted to change his pallette to a mustard hue...but it was worth it fer him! He was a merchant marine when he were younger, hence his true sea legs. -Redd
  3. By The Salty Knees of Mary Lee! Happy birthday, matey! -Redd
  4. Allllright! Put on yer thinkin' caps...what would be the ultimate pirate ship name be? The winner here gets their ship's name plastered on the boat set at the Haunted Forest (By the by...we just finished her last night...she be HUGE!)
  5. What kind of figurehead would ye put on yer pirate ship?
  6. Har harr I thank ye kindly.
  7. Although I wouldn't quite go with dingleberries fer inspiration...It does seem to me, that using a noun (usually a piratical item) as part of a pirate name can sometimes make the personality colorful. Ex. Peter Coffin Ben Gunn Lucky Penny Hawkins Long John Silver Capt. James Hook Captain Flint A pirate name can also be a descriptive nickname. Ex. BlackBeard Yellowbeard Redbeard Rum Barbeque (L.J.Silver's nickname) Mad Mary Flint One-Eyed Willy Building a GOOD pirate name can be difficult. It's an advertisement to the rest of the world. ("I am a big nasty pirate" or "I am a saucy pirate wench"). What is your friend's sister's personality? How about when she becomes a pirate? Ex. She's a brooding, dark-haired pirate who would sink a ship rather than board it -Raven Grimm -Elizabeth Blacklock -Black Annie -Heartless Heather McNab Sorry....didn't mean to be too long winded. Good luck. -Redd
  8. Twas too short! Good luck to ye!
  9. I haven't dealt with them, mate...but I just might....that is if no one out there shouts out a negative.
  10. Ter El Pirata: Me mates and I thank ye fer the kind thought! If I ever find meself in yer neck of the briney blue, I'll be pullin' up ter yer port ter buy ye a pint! Ter Lucky Penny: Steal all ye like, lass... That could be yer chief choice o' plunder...other salts' luck!
  11. Oh me, oh my! That be a fyne book, sez I!
  12. 'Ow do ye get a load o' pirates ter drool profusely? Get 'em thinkin' about Blunderbi! Me little pirate change bin is going ter get suddenly lighter, sooner!
  13. Ye can get non-firing versions here: http://www.pirateweapons.com and here: http://www.pirateflag.net But fer a firing replica...I don't quite know, mate. Let me know if you do find out...I be lookin' fer somethin' ter make a loud BOOM!
  14. You're frightened by 29?! I have ter be on the bloody thing! Well...Tis been a while since I last sailed with salty old Pat...I have no idea how much luck he may still have!
  15. That be a Blunderbuss, ain't it? You know who might be able ta help ye is a member here named Cascabel. -Redd
  16. ARRR!! Redd and his mate "Lucky"Pat are goin' ter find themselves on a local cable station here in the Silly-Con valley. Here be the infermation for any of ye interested folks! If not...well, ignore this crazy salt fer an urchin (whatever the hell that means) the Haunted Forest Episode of Police Connection will air the following: In Los Gatos and Monte Sereno, CA it will air on Channel 15 on Wednesday, October 8th at 7pm and on Thursday, October 16th at 8pm, In Saratoga it will air on Channel 15A on Friday, October 17th and Friday, October 24th at 6:30 pm and in San Jose it will air on Channel 15A on Thursday, October 16th and Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30 PM
  17. Har, har, harrrr! Might as well, matey! I called in, but Cap'c Jack was havin' a good deal of difficulty in operatin' his new equipment. We're goin' ter try again next week. So my apologies to them what listened in o'er the internet. And to the rest o' ye...what's wrong with ye?
  18. Arrr! By the locked lips of sunken ships! I'm feelin' mighty cooped up here in me "normal" place o' employment...after seein' them fine photos, I'm ready ter start savin' up (time and doubloons) fer next year! -Redd :)
  19. Ahoy All! Ol' Redd be making an appearance on "Skulltime Fer Kids" today! Give a listen, if ye like! Skulltime For Kids Wednesday 5pm-6pm (PST) Visit this link for a webcast: http://www.kfjc.org/netcast.html or visit Cap'n Jack's website http://www.kfjc.org/djs/captain.jack.scully.html Just mindless plug and bluff Pirate talk...but it might be fun. -Redd
  20. HaaHARRR!! Tis be a fine thing ter have ye back!
  21. Capt Grey:Whatever ye likes. That's why they're called custom. Lucky Penny:By the Soggy Beard o' Neptune! I like the pic ye sent out! Jus' made me jealous fer all o' ye who found yerselves at Ojai!
  22. Arr..tis true. But tis always fun ter dream.
  23. Well over here, in California, I've got access to a large warehouse that could be used as a small soundstage...if I were REALLY nice ter the owners that is.
  24. Ahoy Darkmalkin, 'tis true...attitude is what it's all about! Ahoy Lucky Penny, I be likin' yer new avatar...Is that from Ojai?
  25. If Ye need help in drawin' a ship...I would certainly be willing ter help.. -Redd
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