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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Two words fer ya, Penny...Just two....Oh, My. D'ya still have the stolen hat in question?
  2. Wouldn't be that bad of an idea...teamin' up an makin' a pirate movie. Could be fun...We certainly seem to have a nice range o' talent (from costumers, to artists, ter film makers, an people who actually own boats). Coule be a right bloody mess too...but WHO KNOWS?
  3. Har HARRR! A woman after me own greasy little heart!
  4. I'm flexible. I can do an 11x17" group poster for a flat rate of $100. Most of the cost is the time that I need to put into each drawing. -Redd
  5. The style in me example be closer to a steel plate print (17th-18th century pirate). A wooden print would be chunkier in look and line width (14th-15th century pirates). A woodblock print that you could use for reference is vlad the impaler's famous portraits. They had artists who worked in woodblocks who could fashion elaborate prints...but the average artist's work was slightly crude and chunky. But it is authentic. Hope that helps.
  6. Okay...I've done me calculations and some serious drinkin'...I've come up with a package...Here we go: Custom Pirate Wanted Posters $50 Set includes: 1 original piece of hand drawn artwork (suitable for framing). 10 parchment copies, ready for posting! + instructions for reproducing your posters. (I will need a good, clear photograph of you. You don't necessarily need to be in pirate attire...just send me a pose that represents you at your piratical best. Also, let me know if you would like the style in woodcut or steel print as I can reproduce either) Contact me off forum if you would like to order a set or see an example.
  7. Sometimes I calls it cheese steak, but that be jest me I guess.
  8. Well....we'll be missin' ye! An yer little dog too!
  9. Arrr. 100 pounds would get you a lot o' things back then, matey!
  10. Harr-Harrr...spoken like a true pirate (ye should have heard the curses I've invented for my employers when I first found out). Thank ye fer the support.
  11. I probably won't be able ter make it ter Ojai...at least not this year. I'm in a crunch period at work these days...and I might have to come in on the weekend...GRRRRR!
  12. Arr...Ye can count me in as a Pirate!
  13. Double Arrrrg! That's what I get fer bein' cheap! Okay...let's try this on fer size http://squick.net/poster3.jpg -Redd
  14. ARRRRGGGG! Here...try this link..the place where the picture be posted is new to me and a taaaaad quirky. http://earth.prohosting.com/~oktober/poster3.jpg Or...if ye be on a PC, right click the blank spot here where the image should be and click on "Show Picture". Sorry about makin' ye work for it.
  15. I would visit...but I'm afraid I might become a "regular" visitor.
  16. Arrr...The wait be over, sez I! Here be an example o' what the finished art can look like. Seein' as ol' Redd is an 18th century salt, the look be more like a steel etching. However, if ye be an older pyrate, I can make it look like a woodcut as well. The writing can be anythin' ye be wanting. Let me know what ye think! (NOTE: The sample didn't quite work...scroll down to see it. Thanks and apologies.)
  17. I've never heard it called a "what else" before.
  18. Pew: "Evenin'. Seems as though there was a bit of a squabble." Moon:"Squabble? They're all dead!" Pew:"All? Must have been more of a tiff then."
  19. The wait won't be much longer...I should have a sample ready by the end of the week!
  20. Would ye be willing? I would be indebted to ye, Penny. Contact me off-forum and we'll parlay! -Redd :)
  21. Aye, that be the one. I only had enough doubloons ter get inter the park last time I was there. Tis a shame it's only available in the park.
  22. Does anyone have a clue as to where I can get a hold of a copy of the PoTC Ride soundtrack. A friend of mine had one, and it had a copy of the audio from the entire ride. I would love ter sink me hook inter such a find.
  23. "Yeah...'eads ooze a lot...'eads do, but I can live with that!"
  24. This would not only be a vest that is made ter look good, but would be good fer holdin an assortment of smaller pistols and daggers....things that I would still want on me person, but I wouldn't need a baldrick fer. Somethin' fer "fast action" (and keepin' cooler in warmer weather...like insanely hot days at faires held in climates ill-suited fer leather). ARRRrr...now that ye made me think on it (and me head hurts) I be thinking a thick, breathin' cotton (or somethin of the like) would be a better bet.
  25. I recently overhauled me entire outfit (the one in me photo is me new one)...Me old one was over 11 years old and just starting to look good...and then half of it disappeared! GRRRR! Anyhow...I'm down ter hand stitchin' a tricorn hat out of black leather remnants. Give it a sort of Edward Scissorhands look. It's gettin' there, but leather can be a pain when all ye got is a tiny thimble and a needle. Me next plan is a "boarding vest"...somethin' fer me to wear in warmer weather, and that can carry me aresenal. I'm teeterin' between leather or a strong canvas...any thoughts?
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