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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. No worries, Bess! I'm just proud o' one o' me old schoolmates from Industrial Light and Magic...who produced some of the more elaborate concept paintings fer the first POTC. I hope he's back on board this time round. -Redd
  2. By The Loony Lobes o' King George! What kind o' crew am I gettin' mesself entangled with here?
  3. Happy Birthday to ye, Penny! Mebbee ye can tell the ride operators yer plan, and shoot fer 30 times in a row, just by stayin' on the boat? Good luck to ye, and be safe! -Redd
  4. ...Or concept / storyboard artists...
  5. Very valid points, RumbaRue... Yeah...that's where I'd need someone else ter pretty much be the business end...I can get things done (set-up, sets, props, crowd control, flow...etc.)...I'm just not the paper monger I probably should be. So...like I said earlier...it's a nice idea...but not something I'd really want ter be takin' on myself.
  6. Arrrr I once had a Pooh D'etat durin' a luau in sunny Maui!
  7. Good advice...What kind of insurance would one need for an event like this? Also...advertising becomes a major issue, doesn't it? How does corporate sponsorship work with your faire?
  8. I hear you. During one of my more recent Halloween events, we had a successful first year (despite only having 12-15 people running the whole event...actors, builders, managers and all)...but all the advance planning never accounted for some of the obstacles we faced (crowd control, corn throwing...it was a haunted cornfield...etc.). I also agree, that the toughest part of the job is having someone who basically needs to be the "Bad Guy"...someone who needs to say "No" an awful lot. When it's a volunteer event, it's tougher to deal with such issues...when it's an event where staff is compensated, then it's a little bit easier to have "The Boss" make decisions that may be deemed unpopular. -Redd
  9. Hmmmm....tempting. I'd be willin' ter say "Possible"...as fer do-able...dunno. I'm a creative type, and not a business expert. I have successfully worked with several Northern California haunted events that were on a grander scale than this sort of event would be...but this would be a little bit more involved (business-wise, I mean...usually, someone else handled all the paperwork). The space I found was roomy with a very high roof...and was suited for climate and light control. It has ample parking, it's near a freeway, and the rent seems reasonable for the square footage. If there be someone willin' ter handle the business and legal ends of it...then I'd be hard pressed ter not participate. I always hear about the non-pirate-friendly attitudes of a lot of faires. No matter what the cause is...WE the PIRATES may be having fun, but the audience needs to have fun too. There are Soooo many things that can be added to a "Pirate Parley" without having it revert to a ren faire. One of the more "romantic" eras of piracy was the 18th century, so some non-pirate themes that can slip in to spice things up a bit: -Carnavale -Native Island Cultures -Servants of British Colonialism (perhaps these could replace the ren-faire "puritans" and "Spaniards" as the "bad guys") -Ye can even involve early American colonists... I may just be shooting clouds here...but it IS nice ter dream.
  10. Harhaarrrr! I had a feelin' ye might be stirrin' things up a bit over there, Bess!
  11. Verbinski Back as Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Director! Source: Variety Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Gore Verbinski has agreed to direct Pirates of the Caribbean 2, for Walt Disney Pictures and producer Jerry Bruckheimer. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl writers Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott are back on board to pen the sequel. Johnny Depp will also reprise his starring role in pic. Disney had already made sequel arrangements with key cast such as Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, though it is uncertain which other cast members will return. No start date has been set for the follow-up to the film which has grossed $621 million worldwide.
  12. Fer a while there, I was thinkin' of lookin inter startin' one (A Pirate Parley) up here in northern california. It wouldn't be outside, it would be inside a convention space at a local fairgrounds. I found a fairgrounds that would work nicely...but I just couldn't organize something like that on my own...too much $$ and time for one person to keep track of. But think of it...an indoor pirate faire! The mood would be "Pirate Village at night" (like the Blue Bayou restaurant fer all ye POTC ride fans)...plus you have control of the climate (time ter break out them leather jackets ye always wanted). Ah well...
  13. Hey, you know...costume nazi's have ruined many events for people interested in this sort of thing. -R
  14. Aye! I be workin' on it, lass! I'll probably be headin' ter Tortuga on Thursday ter do a little lightin' and paintin' and such like. I'll see if I can bring me friend's digital Flemish pocket painter and get some good shots. More comin' soon! -Redd
  15. Interestin' comments. Well...Redd and his mates 'ave got somethin' in the works...If all things go accordin' ter plan, then ye might find out what said plan may be at Ojai.
  16. Sweet Jefferson Barnacle! I hope we didn't offend ye! Take care, we will miss ye! -Redd
  17. An Avast, and Blow Me Down from this corner o' the world. I would've loved to have been thar...mebee next time. I spent most of that weekend moving an EXTREMELY heavy set from one end of Los Gatos, CA to the other for the Haunted Forest. It looks great...but your day sounds a lot let splinter filled.
  18. That's what I get fer bein' an unattentive swab! Can't we all jus' get along? We can? Huzzah!
  19. Yay! Orgazmo! Nuthin' like watchin Ron Jeremy try ter act. "Now you're a man...a manny-man-man!"
  20. Sounds fine, matey! Send me digital copies any times ye like, I'm always lookin' forward to it! That goes fer anyone else interested. -Redd
  21. I too be a Yellowbeard fanatic.
  22. I be a mid-18th century scum bucket. -redd
  23. I dunno...perhaps just a pair o' heavin' bosoms stickin' out the front of the ship would do ye all justice?
  24. Arr...fer a minute, I thought I be smokin' some bad tobakee. So you were in Agoura, eh? Then you know all about the Patterson clan I shouldn't wonder. I haven't been ter their new fair (The "Heart o' The Forest" Faire)...(is it any good, anyone?). What's scary, is that I haven't been going to a variety of faires...just The NorCal "Pleasure Faire" (now Casa de Faire)...So I'm surprised in my own disappointment. My relative who has been with numerous faires for a while told me about the politics that have kind of made the Casa de Faire a bit less hospitable...oh well... ...Perhaps I should check out Ojai meself, next year...?
  25. A good cure could be in the form of a belaying pin on the back o' the head... Hey, We are PYRATES afters all.
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