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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Happy birthday, ye landlocked swab!
  2. Throwing buckets and broken bottles at captives was fun (a bucket throw is what aided in William Kidd's conviction). Also..."Kissing The Gunner's Daughter" (Bending victim over the barrel of a cannon and flogging their backside).
  3. Ah! Robert Newton...THE BEST Long John Silver EVER!! I'm off to find it right now!
  4. SWEET JEFFERSON AIRPLANE!!! Scupper, I am Soooo sorry. The wanted poster totally slipped my mind! Work has been so rediculously hectic, lately...been working nights too. Could you please resend me an email (petethecreeper@yahoo.com) with what ye want the poster to say, and the photographs ye want me ter work from and I'll get right on it!
  5. Arrr...What a shame! And Here I be missin' out on all the excitement! Ah...well, that's what ye get when yer stuck in a shipyard all weekend. Sounded like it was really fun, Quill!
  6. Arrr! Thanking ye kindly, Bully.
  7. I agree...I wouldn't want them hanging up in my place either...but I'm sure that someone out there would want one. The paintings are like 3-4 years old now...I'm gearing up ter do some new stuff...most of it pirate related.
  8. Arr! $90,000 be a lot fer a pair of doubloons such as those! Heck, I knows a lass who got a discount on hers...both lefties!
  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting
  10. Here's a new painting. Also Fer Sale! -Redd
  11. Arrr This'll be appropriate...seein' as how one side of me family fought fer the south (hailin' from South Carolina and Georgia, the first Overstreets...me namesake...settled the southern colonies back in the 1670's)...and I've heard tell a lot of 'em was seafarin' men (heck, me grandpappy used ter be a merchant marine, and me other a navy man).
  12. ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGH! Had ter relist me item. Me Painting!! Ah well....keep trying just like me mum always used ter say. -Redd
  13. Me too. An I'm savin' up fer a blunderbuss!
  14. ARRRRR!!! Dr. Syn! August sez you? I be feelin' a lighter wallet 'round that time sez I! Dr. Syn was one of my favorite childhood Halloween costumes (next to pirates of course). I still have the plastic toy pistols I carried then.
  15. Ahoy, Me Fyne Salts! Well, as some of ye might know, I be a perfessional illustrator. Although I currently work for a video game company in Californee...I'm feelin' the itch ter start painting (3D work and pencils are all fine and dandy...But methinks I be wantin' a change). Also...I live in a tiny little townhome with little room for extra junk. I've recently been wantin' ter start working on illustrated books (not necessarily for children, note)...so I need to make some room. So I'm sellin' off a bunch of old art pieces of mine. Some are woth hanging...some just worth hanging on to...I'll let you be the judge of that. Anyhoo...I'll be posting some links ter the eBay auctions that I'm going ter be startin'. Please take a look an' see if thar be anything ye like. And if not...please forward it ter someone who might be interested. I would be in yer debt. ...Not a lot of piratey stuff...but that's what I intend to tackle in the near future. Here be the first one. Thanks fer yer time. -Redd- The First Auction of Redd's Artwork (Oh yeah...if any of ye be interested in commissionin' a piece...portraits, dreams, imaginin's, etc...just contact me and I'll give ye the ol' pirate "1 hook" discount.)
  16. I be an arrrtist (professionally, I might add). Here be one of me pieces. Tis a logo fer Tale of the Seven Seas. I've got other stuff, as well.
  17. I can't wait! Should be fun! So...who got the bucket thrown at their head?
  18. Arrr...Very cute. I'm waiting fer a Pintel plush...he seems just as cuddly...fer a pirate I mean.
  19. There's three of 'em: Treasure Island (with Robert Newton) Yellowbeard Goonies (it counts in my book)
  20. Best kind of party, really. When ye finds yer ship full of other persons' clothing...and ye can't remember whose they be!
  21. We were thinkin an 18' replica of the longboats used against the Gaspee. They're similar to the same one Captain Bligh was set adrift on by Mr. Christian.
  22. Ahoy, Captain...If ye can jus' hang on ter it until we meet again...which I hope ter be soon. I trust ye! Thanks
  23. Ahoy thar, Thar be some of us that are lookin' ter build a replica longboat. Would anyone please be so kind to inform me as to where be a good place ter find blueprints? Thank ye kindly. -Redd
  24. Aye, Mrs. Oktober sez that that were one of the highlights of the day for her, as it popped up right in front of her! She also wanted me ter say "Thank you" to everyone aboard on the way in to Quinn's. She said that ye all were "exceedingly nice...for pirates". She may join us some time in the future...but probably on a more landlocked event if ye take my meanin'. Oh yeah! Just remembered...that there be a large, black velvet cavalier's hat floatin' aboard The Royaliste on Saturday night. It's covered in plumes and has a ceramic black heart with a skull and crossbones on it. That be me hat...If anyone found it, let me know..I went through great trepidation ter get it back from the clutches of the crew of the Lady Washington, and I'd like to keep it in my company a while longer.
  25. Arr...yes indeed. I still be brushin' peanut shells out of me coats. Oy Penny...do me brave wifey a faver..an spare the general public of any paintings ye may have o' her kissin' the gunner's daughter...if ye please. I had a blast...and the sailin' were quite an adventure. The sea the rough enough, and the sails were carryin' us proud. We even passed by (we were completely under sail, mind you...zero engine) the Hawaiian Chieftain on her way out of Oakland while we made our way to Quinn's. We gave them a polite salute and gave the labbers ashore in Alameda some thrills (houseboats make easy targets). Arr, Stitch...me fellow counterweight! There be nothin' finer than leaning our mighty backsides over The Royaliste's sides to guide her safely home, eh? And a mighty swig of rum ter Claire (Talesofthethesevenseas), fer steering a fine course and not making fun of me split breeches! When we pulled in to the lighthouse, Raul and Connie, and of course The Captain cursed us, shouted at us, and spat blue murder upon our souls...and helped us to guide the Royaliste into port. Thanks to everyone who showed up. This was sort of my "big blow-out" birthday party fer me...and I've always wanted a pirate b-day! YARRR!!! It was nice to meet our scurvvy breathren from the other pirate guilds. I hope to meet with ye all again soon! LASTLY! Thanks to the cannoneers of Angel Island fer helpin' us salute one of the nastiest scallywags on the seven seas: Blackbeard. With a blast of gunpowder, a swallow of rum, and the curse of "Death To Spotswood!" we served ol' Edward Teach well (I believe Spotswood was the governor of South Carolina...who eventually "betrayed" Teach to his nemesis...Maynard!)
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