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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Light the slow fuse, Captain, ye've always got Redd as a handy powder monkey.
  2. Sorta, Sailors of yore used to wrap up their braided ponytails in tar infused cloth...or even ickier, dip the hair straight into the goo.
  3. There's always tar and pitch fer hair...
  4. By the thunderin' turbots of Nelson! My hats off ter me crewmates!
  5. Tis' the sad nature of the internet. I try me darnedest ter never read the gossip mags and internet sites...they jsut spoil every suprise out there. I dunno what it is...maybe it's that thrill of lettin' yer friends know about some "secret" infermation just for a momentary "ooo"-ing and "aaah"-ing. It really has harmed the entertainment industry. Games and films alike. Okay...Redd's off his soapbox.
  6. Awww....William, yer makin' me sad. I'd love ter come out and party with me fellow pirates...but I fear it'd be just a little too far for me. But hoist a jolly roger fer me, eh?
  7. Well, that's a spot of good news about keepin' yer nose dry, lass. The last thing I'd ever want ter see is ye set adrift...Redd and his mates would have ter spring inter action and scoop ye up fer ourselves! Just as an added measure, ye might talk ter the Pub's administrators and ask them ter remove all of the posts containing the more questionable posts (if'n ye already haven't done so, yer always so quick on the draw..)...it could only add ter yer cause.
  8. Forwarded it over ter me New Jersey pirate associates here...they're heading home fer the 4th, I believe.
  9. Arr...Darkthing is goin' ter look splendid with some "Percy Curls"! I remember havin' one of them made fer me when I played Salieri in "Amadeus" a long...loooong time ago. That's where I met the elusive Mrs. Oktober...she played me wife. Typecasting really.
  10. Congrats, Matey!
  11. Damn and Blast! Now I have ter see it, all of me co-workers have been coming up to me, pointing, and saying - "YOU'RE PIRATE STEVE, DUDE!"
  12. Me fingers be crossed fer ye, Bess...all nine of 'em. I had ter remove all of me postings about a project I were workin' on here at Backbone. Didn't get as grave a warnin' from me employers, but it was certainly a preventative measure. Gimme a call or email if'n ye need any help. -Redd
  13. Will do, Bess. Just found a better picture of what the whole gear will (I hope) be like. I don't intend ter match it 100%...but close enough be fyne and dandy, sez I. Yes, yes, I know he be wearin' a plain colored waistcoat beneath the red...but I just love the green. And there be precedent fer wearing it when Jim and Long John first come aboard the Hispaniola. Oh, and if ye be wondering..no, I'm probably not going ter get a parrot. Would love one, but they require such care as I (unfortunately) cannot administer these days.
  14. Ahoy mates, Ol' Redd has been clad in Red and Black fer far too long. And having once collapsed from the heat, I have decided to update me wardrobe. During a particularly heavy binge of Rum and Coconut Butter (ahem...don't ask...let's just say my tongue has been well moisturized), my wife suggested that I add to the list of "recognizable" pirate personalities in Tales of the Seven Seas' repetoire (along with Ace's splendid Jack Sparrow) by making a dual personality outfit that can quickly be changed into Long John Silver! Since me favorite LJS be good old Robert Newton, I picked his attire ter be a strong inspiration. I've hand dyed and just about finished sewing up me waistcoat. It is a dead ringer fer this one: Me mum...a crazy salt herself, was gracious enough ter let me trim some of her European oak trees around me parents' home and take a few boughs home with me, so I'll be whipping up a crutch soon. I just thought I'd share, cuz I be gettin' excited.
  15. Time ter invite Roy Disney aboard fer a cruise! I'm sure he'd love a couple of shots made of some Eisner 8x10's!
  16. I should find out by no later than Wed. on whether or not I will be there. I plan to, but the latest developments with my mother-in-law leave me only 60% certain. We may have ter fly on up to Washington. But I will let you know no later than Wed. so ye can plan accordingly. But I would love ter help out with the "powder re-distribution" YARRRR!!!
  17. Well that's good. Eisner should really move on and run Pepsico...at least there his brand of "imagination" would be "useful".
  18. 20? 40? I only gots 32, but still...Yer right Claire, better ter remove our names from that sodden marsh ter avoid backwater broadsides like this week.
  19. "That's why there be no sense ter be killin' ye...YET!" -Barbossa
  20. I too be rebuilding my entire piratey wardrobe. I be using a lot of N.C. Wyeth's and Howard Pyle's illerstrations fer influence. Also trying ter cut down on the fancy cloth. Me first outfit had too much velvets and fancy trims...this next one be cottons and wools....and I be hand-dyeing everything....ARRRR!!! Also...something I'd just like to put out there fer consideration. A lot of my co-workers be Asian, and whenever I gets ter talking about then joinin' us on the high seas, their reply is "Were there a lot of Chinese pirates?" "Of course!" sez I, and gives 'em a long dissertation. My point is 18th century European/Caribbean scallywags be not the only cutthroats out thar. Even I have ter remind mesself on it. (Set deadlights on "Swiss Family Robinson"...nothin' like 1960's Hollywood stereotypes ter liven up a family film...but still fun). And...although he be European, I been savin' up ter make a special outfit of Eustace The Monk, a 14th century pirate rumored to be a warlock ter boot! Arrr..the middle ages, ye gotta love the color ('cause the smell just be too overwhelmin')
  21. Just started to read this subject, mate. You mentioned that ye were makin' one last we talked...just didn't know how far ye've gotten so far. Lookin' nice. Let me know if'n ye's like a small barrel for 'er (fer water, rum or powder...or whatever). There's a brewer's supply store not to far from here...and they even make tiny 1 gallon kegs.
  22. Aye...hopeferlly I'll have me new waistcoat n' slops sewed up in time! -Redd
  23. Ahoy All, I just added a couple of photos (Courtesy of me mate "Boston" Richmond) ter the Pyracy Gallery. There are about 25 in all...and I sent all of them ter Claire (Talesofthesevenseas) just in case she wanted ter post them on her site. But here are my three favorite! Enjoy! -Redd Number One! Number Two! Number Three!
  24. Wow! Now that's a cutlass...just downloaded all the pictures for my illustration reference library!
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