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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. As we left off (over in the Tiburon Cafe)...an old mate of mine in the dance party/rave field of work...sent me a qoute for really nice, full color cards here's what he said in a recent email: Ah, this place rocks. It's called PS Print and its in Oakland. You do everything over their website and it's really, really cheap. When it comes to flyers a 3"x4" double sided full color at 5,000 copies comes out to $128.00. You can only order in 5,000 amounts. But at $128 thats not bad. Check out www.PSPrint.com
  2. Try it again, matey! If it takes too long, try doin' a "save target as".
  3. Almost a year ago, me mate Pat D'Arcy and I did a brief commercial fer a local cable station here in Silly-con (job) Valley fer the Haunted Forest. The Haunted Forest no longer exists, sadly (although ye kin still see pic's in the Pyracy Gallery of our set of Tortuga). Here... Here... Here... And... Here. This were like a bad night on Saturday Night Live...No preparation, no rehearsal, and we were given the script four minutes before we went on. Plus, we had a lubber on the teleprompter that had no clue how fast we were going...so after a while we were on our own. Arrrr... Anyhow, be brutal (we sure as hell were) and enjoy a bit o' Redd at his worst. See the video here. Thanks ter Claire fer letting me post it here for a short while.
  4. That is really sweet, dearie.
  5. Sorry ter those lookin' fer photos here...www.villagephotos.com just got swamped with bandwidth. please check back later.
  6. By the way, Iron Jack, I really liked them cannons ye brought. T'were an excellent addition to our dock.
  7. Only takes practice, matey...Only takes practice. I be havin' a lot o' proper trainin' by the likes o' me dear mum...and, o' course, me uncle who make a livin' as a tailor of extremely fyne Ren Fair ladies' garments. Been doin' it fer most o' me life, 'e has, an' I've learned a thing 'er two about it by watchin' 'im. Well, I wore the new threads during our 4th of July fireworks show in Redwood City (check out the posts under RAIDS and the Tiburon Cafe under WAY TO A PYRATE'S HEART)...but I learned three things. 1. I'm definitely going ter need a coat. T'were cool enough in the blazin' sun o' Californee summer, but some nightfall I were envying Ace of Harbor Bay's "London Fog Rip Job". Sorry again fer lightin' yer lockes alight wit slow match mate. If it be any conserlation, I did the same ter me slops a bit (gives 'em character). 2. Me next step (while me pocket book recuperates a bit, as does me smoking sewin' machine) is ter age them garments a bit. Nuthin like smudgin' em up with powder, rum, and harbor scum (which is excatly what I did on the 4th)...but them stains can be shifted...tis time fer distressen and agin'. 3. Ifn' I do dress as ol' Long John, I must be careful o' one thing...blood clots. Ace of Harbor Bay pointed out ter me durin' a fyne lunch, that I'd have ter make a rig that kin easily release me leg from it's propped up condition in a heartbeat...and that I really shouldn't have me leg up all day. Then I'd really have ter ampeetate! I like cyclin' too much fer that mates. That being said...I'm still goin' forward fer short stints at public appearances. ...and then... ...me dear wifey suggests I start workin' on me next favorite Hollywood pirate...
  8. How many days have I been alive? Hmmm...well check out me personal statistics, then calculate a "yarr" per day I been alive. oh yeah... "YARRRR!!!"
  9. UPDATE! I just finished (literally) the slops. An' here they be! I tried both waistcoat and slops on with me normal pirate shirt and....*steam* ..woo I got hot. Period clothing (short of slops and topless..."ankles all the way" as Miss Swan would say) will always be hot, but me shirt is made of linen...perfect fer weathering the winds of winter on the San Francisco Bay...horrible for sitting in hot duldrums. So...off I go ter the fabric store ter buy some thin....THIN...muslin fer a shirt. Here be the Slops. They're so baggy they're almost like a skirt (meant to be on top of pants). But that's a good thing...gives me a place to tuck my leg into when I'm LJS. Found the perfect hat, it's called a George Washington from Hatmakers. Can't wait. It's $81 but it'll be worth having that over the standard tricorn. It has that high set brim that Robert Newton wore.
  10. Well leave a post ternight if'n ye need anythin' "technical" fer "broadcast". -Redd
  11. Arrr well then, I stand corrected!
  12. Awww...well thank ye. By the by...if anyone kin rekeemend a place where I might be able ter score a period (or close to it) odd right shoe (size 12-12.5) please let me know. I know it be a tall order ter fill, but it never hurts ta try! -Redd
  13. I especially like the skull and crossed tomahawks!
  14. 'Ave we got everything taken care of fer showin' off the DVD (t.v. and such like)?
  15. mmm...black soup! I kanna wait ter try it out!
  16. Ahoy, (Royaliste, yer probably the best source fer this...) What's the "recipe" fer slow match? -Redd
  17. Ahoy Mateys, Captain-I should have enough copies of the DVD for you by the 4th! Crew-Few those of ye who already passed on $$-requests fer DVDs, I'll be getting some made for you later. Claire, if you could email me a list of people who've "paid up" I'd appreciate it. -Redd
  18. On a slightly related note: I'll be makin' the "Looping" DVD today. And, hopefully, I'll be pickin' up some DVD's to burn copies of the "Pyrates of the Royaliste VOL:1" DVD. Yarrr! It's fun seein' Saber bein' drenched, Claire...seein' as how that's what he did ter me not long ago (under more dire circumstances I'll grant you).
  19. Arrr! Be finished with me Long John Silver waistcoat sez I. I used Period Patterns' waistcoat pattern. It's made of hand-dyed dropcloth canvas (which makes a great, rough, linen-like textured garment look...Home Depot $12). Buttons courtesy of our friends at Jas. Townsend. The slops are coming along nicely...pic's soon. Hope to have these two pieces done by July 4th. Then I'll move onto the crutch, coat, hat and shoe. "OOoohhh! Fer ten toes!!"
  20. Well...like I've said, I can do a basic ball juggle...clubs, knives etc. I would love to learn! Just got to get my hands on some practice clubs somewheres. A sizzling grenade routine would be hilarious. End it with a drench from a bucket just after the last pirate who has it figures out that he can just remove the darned fuse. *fiss!* *GOOOSH!* *drip...drip....drip*
  21. Aye indeed! Very well then, safety first!
  22. Blackbeard...AKA...Mr. Ben Cherry on N.P.R. Take a Listen!
  23. Yer not? Ye could've fooled me! Gorgeous!
  24. It won't be in time for the 4th...but if yer interested, mate, I was thinking of figgerin' a way of making "hand grenades" (like those used by the pirate on Barbossa's crew with the smoking beard in POTC). We could cast them out of resin...paint em...and prep them to take slow fuses or cannon fuses. They just won't explode.
  25. I be all fer long hair...especially if it were to be on me own head. Me dreads be mere artifices. *sniff* *whimper*
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