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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Aye indeed...I know I've mentioned this before...but I be sort of a long decendent of Pyle's (He taught a woman, who taught a guy, who taught a guy, who taught Norman Rockwell, who taught a guy, who taught a guy, who taught his daughter, who taught me how ter paint)...funny ol' world ain't it?
  2. Uh...wow! I say again...WOW! Mebee I be just be plain typical male...but I'd be up fer me special lass ter be decked out in a "Captain Hooker" outfit. :)
  3. My favorite is "Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates". I have an old edition from 1925 (it's enscribed from a father to his little boy on Christmas on the inside cover, with the date...really cute).
  4. Arr! Happy Birthday, Bess!
  5. Aye head over to the Death Jr. booth and wave hello in one o' yer pictures fer ol' Redd. He weren't able ter go!
  6. Me red and black one? I think D.P.'s going ter hang onto it, actually. BUT If yer interested...let me know and I might be able to whip one up for ye. It's probably fit ye better, too. BTW, Captain... Claire is picking up some props from my home this weekend. I will be handing over the DVD's to her (as $$ has gotten a little tight lately).
  7. Ahoy Royaliste! You looked spectactular in me hat! I'm sorry I missed it! It looked like a great time! -Redd
  8. Arrr...as much I as I be enjoyin' me "vacation"...I can't help but thinkin' "If only..." *sigh* Looked like it were a fabulous time! Ace...what kin I say! Yer awesome!
  9. Mmmmm....looking good matey! You and yer father should be proud!
  10. Me company be self-publishin' it. Me superiors (name of Mike Mika and Chris Charla) be on their way down to San Diego right now as a matter o' fact. Ted will be moving between the Oni booth and the Backbone booth throughout the weekend.
  11. We missed you too Ben! -Redd
  12. *with congo beat* "Pictures...pictures...piiiictures!" "Pictures...pictures...piiiictures!"
  13. Thank you Bloody Buckets for getting this topic out of dry dock! Hey all of you Tales of the Seven Seas scallywags! We're in business! -Redd
  14. I've passed the info along to one of my co-workers. He'd be interested, and he's an experienced SCA man hisself.
  15. Damn! Damn! Damn! I soooo want to go! And my little boy Death Jr. be coming into the public eye and all then too. Well...if'n any of ye run into the crew from Backbone Entertainment...just drop on by and take a peek at me little bonehead.
  16. Aye it were fun....I'm gonna miss that derned set. The guys who bought out the Haunted Forest own it now. GRRRR.
  17. That's right. As some of ye might know, Redd be a concept artist at a video game company called Backbone Entertainment. I created a character that is being much talked about of late - Death Jr.! So far, the game is the only original title being released on SONY's new game platform - the portable PSP. Just do a Google search on Death Jr. and PSP, and you'll probably find info on it. The joke around the office is that I'm Death Sr. Anyhow....they're planning (now keep in mind...it's still in development hell...which means it may never see the light of day) to make a movie based on the game! Already! Well...they put an article out in the June 14-20 issue of Variety Magazine about the company heading up the movie and the game itself...and there...smack dab in the middle of it, is one of my earliest thumbnails of the little bonehead. I have done better sketches...but I'm proud nonetheless...here's a thumbnail of it....(if the image doesn't show up...that means Villagephotos has been overused...so please keep checking!) If'n ye wants ter see a full article...just PM me (or email me, as I tend to not clean out my PM box as much as I should) and I'll send ye a nicer copy. Just excited and wanted to share! ....OH YEAH! Did I mention there's a comic book? Drawn by Ted Naifehof Courtney Crumrin fame...the comic is going to be unveiled at San Diego Comic Con! I will not be there (my wedding anniversary is that weekend)...but say "hi" to Ted and his co-conspiritor Terri Selting if'n you see them!
  18. So, "True fan of Pirates of the Caribbean", says you? Well, challenge you with yer web surfing, image grabbin' skills, says I. I be lookin' fer some good, clear images of The Black Pearl. I've got a little project that has been revived (some of you may know about it already), and I needs ter get reference on it ASAP. PM or Email me if'n ye like. Thanks, mates!
  19. Aye...I be all in favor fer games on the web. It's when they be intrusive that it be a problem.
  20. Holy shhhhhhhhhhhelf.
  21. Me pennies be gatherin' in me pockets!
  22. Well...as the shanty goes.... "He sailed out from Dover an' his name be Oktober." Orphaned off at an early age by besotted parents, Redd found hisself in the hands of a fabric mill. Twas here he learned his sewing skills. When the opportunity presented itself, he ran away from the mill and found himself a beggar in Dover. He was pressed into naval service and awoke aboard the HMS Persistence. The crew was comprised of a fowl rabble which committed mutiny off the coast of Madrid. They set sail for the Americas, where they were ambushed by an armada of pirate hunters. He escaped before he reached trial in Portsmouth. He found himself a longboat, and set out alone towards the Caribbean. It was here that he met the abandoned French poet August Merde. Redd learned why the poet was so named the minute the Frenchman opened his mouth (horrible prose). He set the hapless Merde adrift and stole his dandy coat of black velvet (for it has red cuffs, which the pirate much admired). When floundering in a squall, Redd was picked up by the mighty ship Royaliste, where he was immediately admonished for his seamanship...but praised for his wit, cunning, abilities in disguise, and marksmanship. He is now one of the sailors/gunners aboard the Royaliste...although recently he has gone ashore for a breif respite with his monkey, Domino...and a mysterious "dark lady" who seems to have captured Redd's heart with her black voodoo magic.
  23. Is it the fiddle ditty that they play when Jack and Will first reach the streets of Tortuga?
  24. *sigh* arr....if only...I hope she sells fer ye, Captain!
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