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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Thank ye! Perfect!
  2. I'm certain this was discussed a while back...so if anyone would like to just refer me to the appropriate topic...by all means do so. I'm trying to age and distress a waistcoat...has anyone found any good resources of aging cloth to give it that yellowed...stained look? Thanks.
  3. I agree. Thar be a bizarre fascination of "bein' in the know" concernin' movies. It's a need, I think, ter have a secret. ("I know somethin' you don't know...neener,neener,neeeener") I prefer to be surprised by everythin' that's coming up in any movie I see...and I have to really work hard at it, because I work in the entertainment field like Iron Bess, and am exposed to a lot of insider info...I tend to ignore it, though. anyway...that be me 2 cents
  4. Looks like waaaay too much fun!
  5. Any other pictures of the faire...?
  6. Somethin' else to consider is tropic-based jewelry (bone or coconut bead work) ... Just depends on the pirate, I guess.
  7. Arr...absolutely. Safety first...THEN Blow things up!
  8. Arr...I went ter Monterey, CA last week, and had a blast. And after I'd completely destroyed the Fisherman's Wharf (and devoured a hearty share of clam chowder and calamari), I went ter the Maritime Museum and saw a neat little exhibit there entitled "Treasures of the Manilla Galleons". It be worth a visit...and the museum's worth it as well! Here be the information.
  9. Them pictures be frightfully inspirin'! I needs one o' them fer me new office!
  10. Arr! Thanks Cap'n! It's nice gettin' back in touch with the Mighty RR once more. A NorCal Pirate Island would be a fun event...no doubt about it.
  11. Very well...Bein' a perfessional illustrator...I'll get ter paintin' right aways!
  12. I once heard a rumor...and please correct me if'n I be wrong...but I once heard me a rumor that there were talk of a Northern California equiv. (or "sister faire") to Ojai? Be this true? Anyone? Anyone?
  13. Name sez it all ... Redd above ... an below. Me beard in me avatar be fer television...the make-up lady darkened it a bit. Ye kin see me red beard in me profile's portrait.
  14. Hey...some ladies need the padding from tissues...obviously some do not...that's where my word association was coming from. Oh well...sorry to throw everyone off.
  15. In no particular order: PIRATE-RELATED: Yellowbeard Pirates of the Caribbean Goonies Captain Blood NON-PIRATE RELATED: Casablanca The Maltese Falcon Time Bandits The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Brazil Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail Metropolis Nosferatu Yojimbo The Seven Samurai Shane Ben-Hur The Dark Crystal Labyrinth The African Queen Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Aria King Kong (the original)
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