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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Ahoy! An update on this endeavor o' mine. The Savages have "tweaked" the theme of the party. It now be "Jungle Adventure....heavy on the piracy". (Fittin' theme fer savages, what say ye?) So I jus' need ter throw in a bunch o' tikis and things. Arrr! Also I have a question. Anyone know where I can find an old...run down dinghy fer sale? Doesn't need ter float, per se...but t'would be a plus in the long run. Even an ol' leaky one would suffice! -redd
  2. Well...let's see. I'm a second generation Ren Faire rat. My uncle Steven is a clothier at various Ren Faires around the western part of the U.S...and I, of course, spend many weekends running around with him (lil' Redd in tights...awww...ahem...ARRRRRR!!!) I loved pirate movies (Yellowbeard, Treasure Island, hell...even the Swiss Family Robinson)...and I was five when my dad and grandfather grabbed me and pulled me into the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland....we went around three more times!!! I was hooked. My mom once read me Peter Pan when I was little. She was very taken aback that I never wanted to hear it again. I hated it. Pan WINS!!! What's up with that! What a little a**hole!! This little, faerie changeling kidnaps children...leads a band of cannibalistic, Lord of the Flies children in a fantasy land...consorts with mermaids....and then cuts off a fine sea gentleman's hand and feeds it (and eventually...the rest of Hook) to a crocodile! F*** PETER PAN!!! ...ahem...I have my composure back now.... I then was introduced to the art of N.C.Wyeth, Frank Schoonover, and Howard Pyle. That was the end of that. I bought TONS of books on Pirates and studied up on them. It was no surprise, that whenever I would do a book report (and I could choose the book), it would inevitably be a pirate book. The first Ren Faire costume I ever sewed on my own was a pirate costume. I even started fooling around with theater and worked as a pirate chorus member in Peter Pan (*shudder*....sorry I love Captain James Hook too much to mention that blasted faerie's name without nausea). I even once sailed on a float in the San Jose Holiday Parade as Captain Hook on a Peter Pan float (the only time I've been able to be Hook). I've worked in various haunted houses in the Bay Area as a pirate...it's what I feel most comfortable as (besides creeping ghouls and silent zombies). I can ham it up...and let all the nastiness out at once. Then...one of my pirate acting buddies suggested we come up with names. He named me due to the color of my coat and beard (which is naturally different from the color of the hair on me head....or what's left of it)....and my favorite month: REDD OKTOBER....plus, this was the same year that the movie of a similar name was in theaters....so it stuck. Ever since then...I've been Redd Oktober...scourge of any bathtub that I find meself in (leavin' little pink rings everywhere I goes).
  3. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Even MORE good news, me hearties! The Savages have agreed that Redd walks away with any plunder from the party (sets and decorations). Hmmm....perhaps a Piratical Ren Faire booth be in order. *Redd scratches his fuzzy chin*
  4. Ahhh Scupper...don't feel too bad. Ye might yet find yerself out here...or, better yet, me out thar!! Capn' Jack, I'll be contactin' ye soon. I'm going ter be photographing the house today, an' then I'll be doin' some drawin's ter show The Savages what I've got in mind. Get this...they live on Christian Ct....Be this a pirate's dream come true or what? A Parley with Savages in Christian Bay. Har..Har..Har..
  5. Ahhhhh...what a coincidence! I was born too! (jus' not terday! ) 'Appy Birthday, matey!
  6. Ahoy, all! Redd be up ter it again. His old Captain (his name be Granted Savage...if that don't beat all!) from his current place of employment, Backbone Entertainment...has asked Redd ter invade his home on Memorial Day Weekend for his annual Savage family reunion. I'll be decorating the house and arranging entertainments fer this get tergether. We're not talkin' paper cutouts neither, mates! Check out the pictures from the Haunted Forest in our Pyracy Photo Gallery of our town of Tortuga ter get an idea of just how far he's willin' ter go with this! Picture of Tortuga from Haunted Forest! I'll keep ye all posted on updates o' course. I would like ter ask a favor of ye all, though. 1. Does anyone know of a California Bay Area pirate themed/caribbean band that I might hire? Who knows...perhaps a bunch of us can raid the party and hold em fer ransom!? Arrrr! More later! -REDD
  7. Hey Quill, I know Karl and Brian well...their haunt is actually down the street from where I live. They're fun...and I have no problems with them....my crew, on the other hand, have already expressed a keen interest in maintaining their own show. Those are certainly GREAT suggestions, though. Thanks. (You too Royaliste!)
  8. Arrrr alright! Since demands are bein' made... From now on, I intend ter refer to every musical note (brought on by a flagon o' beans and hardtack) I make ter be known as Gasparilla. *poot* Oop! Pardon me Gasparilla!
  9. ARRRRRRRR!!!! That's what I gets fer sailing up ter Portland fer a week! I misses out on all the good stuffs! I've already made plans (Dammit) *spits*. Well, here's a little poem fer all o' me mates aboard The Royaliste. When sailors be as sailors be, And cannons blast the virgin shore, Tis victory that pirates shall see, In the bloody year o' 2004! Drink some bubbly fer ol' Redd mates!
  10. Arrr.....I've jus' decided ter change me name ter Green (with envy) March o'er that Boardin' Axe, mate!!! Nice flag too! :)
  11. For some o' ye who know about me other hobby...haunted houses...ye may remember me postin' some pictures of the Haunted Forest (in Los Gatos, CA) in the Pyracy Photo Gallery. Sadly, the event suffered from too much politics...and quickly imploded! Truly sad, since the show were 15 years old! Me crew, well over 20 dedicated salts, still be wantin' to be puttin' on a show...but are now "homeless"...so to speak. For any o' ye who be located in the California Bay Area, might ye have any suggestions fer landlocked locations (forests, parks, abandoned malls, pirate caves, etc.)? Any help would be greatly appreciated! -Redd
  12. Sweet Powell's Bookstore!! I'll be askin' around for ye!
  13. Not ter elicit tears or nuthin', but...sadly...ol' Redd fared rather poorly on the booty-side this holerday seezon. Sad, but true. As far as me own booty... thar be no need ter blind ye all with all of it's pale bareness...t'ain't worth it (for you, I mean...ye need yer eyesight, folks). -Redd
  14. Anyone actually submit anything ter this castin' call...or was Redd the only salt ter venture thus?
  15. Arrrr. So nice ter know that thar be more of us arrrrrt pirates out there. I jus might take ye up on yer offer, thar Nigel. Thundering Gurkins! Since I been promoted...I've been pressin' a crew, and I'm truly going ter be Captain of me own rabble! I be sketchin' away tryin' ter get this project underway...it's just a matter of showing the Commodores above me that this be a fyne enterprise...this bein' the holidays complicates matters though. Come January...(*whistles*) ...batten down the hatches and poke me blue eye and call me "Nancy"...twill be a busy...BUSY year fer Capn' Redd.
  16. Arrrrrr from one Arrrrrt Pirate ter anotherrrr! Happy Bilgeday ter ya!
  17. Unfortunately not, Carrie. Wanted ter make it...but don't think I can. Hope ye had fun with yer kinfolk! I just got a promotion at me company! I'm actually going to be running the Concept Department all by me lonesome! I need to hold wot's called a "Bagels and Lox" meetin' with the higher-ups o' me company...EARLY next year. Could any of you do me a favor, and tell me if ye would be interested in playin' an interactive Pirate game like this....how about if it were POTC related? Would ye be interested in a syndeecated television show? Let me know...your opinions are appreciated and could help me out greatly...and you all back in return! ARRRRRRRR!!!!
  18. Not a clue...sorry!
  19. AAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrr!!! Things just went inter high gear! I'll be posting any castin' calls here...and soonish! Can't tell ye more, except...KEEP A WEATHER EYE OPEN! -Redd
  20. I just sent me stuff off! Hope to see the rest of ya down thar some time! -Redd
  21. What? No more blood all over Hellava? Thanks for the suggestions on the locations, Captain. Drake's Bay was always on me list....but I never thought o' China Camp and Angel Island. Arrr! That's what I get fer bein' an East Bay pirate...I gets landlocked too often.
  22. Be they needin' Headshots...or pictures of us in our piratey faire? -Redd
  23. AHOY THAR!!! Let me give ye a brief update. This bein' flu season complicates matters (that and Turkey Day...BLAST THEM PURITANS AND THAR CRANBERRY LOGS....BLAST 'EM.....ahem...). So our neogtiations are a little slow...but I expect them to pick up quickly. I'm currently meeting with a production company, and I've been scouting locations...including Treasure Island (that little bit o' landfill beneath San Francisco's Bay Bridge....not the playground of ol' Long John Silver)! I'm the Senior Concept Artist here...so that means I have to be on seven projects at once, sometimes. The magistrates with doubloons are raisin' thar eyebrows an' sayin', "We should do this thing..." wit' all seriousness. You know me...I'll be keepin' ye all well informed! -Redd
  24. ARRRR!!! Fear ye not, ye NorCal salts! Me uncle, who be a long-time vendor at many a faire, has asked me ter pass this infermation on ter all of you! He, and a collective of like-minded lubbers, have formed a website ter help rebuild the Northern California RenFaire. Visit www.fromashestofaire.org -ReddFrom Ashes To Faire
  25. one, two three.... Yer a naughty one, Saucy Kate, Yer a lass after me own heart! Run up yer colors, and don't be late, Fer the piratical parley that's about ter start! Happy B-Day.
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