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Everything posted by Redd Oktober
Snowed in, Schools closed, let's play a game
Redd Oktober replied to AliasGraceO'Malley's topic in Scuttlebutt
Depends on who you ask. Daniel Defoe listed his real name as Edwares Drummond, and that he was born in Bristol. (Others say Virginia or Jamaica). My turn...What you think happened to the head of Blackbeard? -
John Hurt....CALIGULA. "Little Boots." Another great memory. Also...Brian Blessed...without a beard! EEEEEEWWWWW!! Sorry, it was unnerving for me to see him after Flash Gordon.
Ahhhhh MACRO... "He's very ambitious." By The Way I'm moving this discussion to a new topic. Check it out... HERE Thanks for all your support!
Ohhhhh That's it! Redd's savin' up for a blunderbuss!!
Another Great Creation By Becky Cristler
Redd Oktober replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Thieves Market
The pistol makes it. Very lovely. -
Arrrr...but it do itch me so....
Not at all, lass... my "oy" is more of a : "rememberin' the game just brings a tear to me old, salty eye." Ahhhh memories.
Ouchy! That knee looks painful, Penny! Cool pic! We're trying to be diverse with a lot of our properties these days...I think the caucasian male main hero has seen enough action, don't you? And yes, some of the gameplay elements will be a lot like Wing Commander 3 (with a rapdily aging Mark Hamill and Biff from Back to the Future...oy!).
Okay...one last thing. Potential Actors...here's a list of what we're lookin' for: FEMALE PIRATE CAPTAIN: Able to pass for mid 30's. This is the main character of the film (our Jane Sparrow, if you will). Character is returning to her ship after being on the run from the British Navy for some time. Crew has given her up for dead, so she must convince them of her identity. Strong but good-humored, witty. Born leader. MALE FIRST MATE: Able to pass for 30-40ish. Drunken rogue who has taken charge of above character's ship. Has seen better days. Uses ship and former captain's legend to acquire drink and women. Will be recovering from a nasty binge during most of the scenes we'll be filming. FEMALE NAVIGATOR: 20-30ish. Character is smart, but permanently shell-shocked...so she's a little loony. Talks to a hideous-looking doll. Born navigator, as she has a tendency to constantly face North. MALE CREW MEMBER: 20-50ish. Ship's bruiser. Must be large in build, and can look mean in appearance. Character has a soft, inner nature to him, though. FEMALE CREW MEMBER: Able to pass for 20-30ish. Last vestige of sanity aboard the ship. Even-headed crew member that has secret kept the ship and her crew together since Pirate Captain's departure. 2 FEMALE "FALLEN LADIES": 20-30ish. These two are sultry, bawdy wenches who have found their way below deck with the First Mate the night before. Must be prepared to look "unkempt" from a long night of debauchery (but absolutely no nudity). (Think Scarlet in POTC) EXTRAS: 5-10 total, 18+ yrs old. Male and Female. Rough, nasty sea salts and wenches. Think citizens of Tortuga in POTC, lots of laughing, fighting, drinking and going about daily port life. I can't really go too much more into this until I have recieved your letters of interest. When I hear from you, I'll send you a Non-Disclosure Agreement and I'll be able to tell you more about what we're doing. If any of you know of someone who might be into doing a little acting, but isn't hooked up on The Pub, please relay the information to them. Thanks! -REDD
I forgot to mention this...but it IS important. ACTORS: You will be contacted for "screen tests" after we get your letter of intent. If you live in the Bay Area...we will make arrangements that suit your schedule. If you are outside the Bay Area...but are thinking of participating..send your stuff too, and we'll work out a way to see your stuff in action! -Redd
Alrighty! Redd has been promisin' ye all an update...and now yer gonna get one!! The game is now entering what we call "Demo Phase"...i.e., do our best to make a short, sweet, and downright COOL demonstration of what the game is going to be like. After that, we enter into more negotiations...we get a yay or nay from the salts with all the money...and then (if all goes well) we're on the road to production! I literally just had lunch with The Royaliste (thanks again, Gary!) and he sounded like he was up for helping out. SO! Here's the deal...just to keep things official. I will be announcing the "official" filming days soon, but I need serious messages of intent. Here's what we're lookin' for. 1. ACTORS - Big one (and the quickest one to fill) 2. MAKE-UP/COSTUME ARTISTS - Make-up is the biggest one here, as Actors for the demo are pretty much going to have to supply their own outfits (or known someone who can they can borrow one from). Anyone with a cache of weapons and costumes... ...would also be appreciated. 3. LOCATION CREW - This includes Productions Assistants, Lighting, etc...No experience necessary (we're going to be producing this demo on an EXTREMELY small budget...so lights are probably going to be either borrowed from friends, or just be clip lights from Home Depot....). But, if you're willing and able to help, it would be GREATLY appreciated. If you DO have film experience...PLEASE help, we can use all of it that we can get. 4. PROP PEOPLE - Have a historically accurate prop (barrel..rope...nets...whatever), and live near the San Francisco Bay Area? Can we borrow said prop for a weekend? So...Now you might be asking yourself, "Redd, what's in it for me?" I'll be honest...even I'm not getting much in the way of monetary payment on this...until we get corporate backing, we're going to have to consider this a high profile Fan Film. HOWEVER...there are perks. I cannot pay anyone with $$$ but I'm working on the following as possibilities (when I announce the schedule, I'll confirm what the exact perks are)... 1. FOOD - This is a big one, that will more than likely happen. I want to make sure that everyone is well fed while on my crew. 2. SCREEN CREDIT ON DEMO - This demo is going to be shown to people in Hollywood as well as in the game industry...Need a screen credit for your POTC2 audition...maybe this can help? 3. CREW T-SHIRTS: Iffiest of the bunch...but I'll let you know. 4. FUN, FUN FUN!!! SO! If you're live near (or have a way of getting out to) the San Francisco Bay Area, and you would like to help...he's how we'll do it. Just to keep things official... ACTORS: Email me a photo of yourself (or two-one as a pirate, another RECENT photo in your civilian gear) to : peterjo@digitaleclipse.com. Also...if you have an acting resume, please send that too. Anyone else, please tell me what kind of specific ways you'd like to help out with...so that way I don't have 15 people who want to work sound for me . You can contact me through the same email. If you have examples of costumes, make-up, etc. please send them (or links) too, please. In the immortal words of Captain Barbosa: "GENTS... TAKE A WALK!!"
Arrr...time ter try on me corset fer me rendition of "A Pirate Queen". Thanks Carrie!
Arrr...thank ye...I'm negotiatin' with some strangers...and some mutual piratical friends...The prospect of a demo is lookin' better and better. So stay tuned. We're so close I can taste the gunpower in me mouth already. -Redd
AARRRRRR!!! Yer Makin' Redd jealous! Fyne chronicle, mate!
My co-worker and I were driving through Emeryville, California...when we spotted a gold colored minivan with the CA license plate "Pyrates" on it. Is this vessel any one o' yours? I was hopin' that it be one o' ye!!
UPDATE!!! Me superiors be interested in producing a game...but they want ter see a demo on the cheap. So...I know this is a lot ter ask...but it might be fun. I need to prove the gameplay aspect of this project by actually producing a small demo. The most I could pay participants at this point is 1. Exposure, 2. Free Food and Drink. HOWEVER...if this project goes forward, anyone participating would be on the top of the list for workin' on the project (for pay). So...I realize it's sorta askin' people ter work for free...but I thought I'd put my little feeler's out there for a level of interest. My apologies for many of you East Coast pirates out there for tempting you with this project...put your input is always welcomed! More later... -Redd
Arr we pirates owe much ter Mr. Eye fer he "pronunskiation" of the nautical vernacular! One Spinach Birthday Pie comin' up, matey! Ohhhhh He's Popeye the Sailor Man, He lives in a fyin' pan... He turned on the gas and he burned off his *** He's Popeye the Sailor Man!! Toot-toot!
ARrrr! Congrats ter the Pub!
Gracious me! Thanks, you two!
Maybe it was a cultural thing...the French laying their rope out one way...the Spanish another....and that configuration was initially exclusive to Flemish sailors? Royaliste would probably be a better souce for this... By the way, TalesOfTheSevenSeas, I remember back during the Ghost Ship cruise...you and I were talking about good book for nautical knot typing and end splicing, etc. Could you please remind me of it? Thanks.
I want ter see him take on Rudy. Blackbeard vs. Flat-Top!! ARRRRR!!!
Redd tends to refer to photographs as "Flemish paintings"...just to maintain the illusion that he's an 18th century pirate. So the 20th century translation would be: "Just saw the pictures you posted, you have a very adorable daughter, kind sir." Trust old Redd, mate. It be a compliment!
Sorry, mate. Redd's a sucker fer bad jokes about hawkin' loogies.
****hhhhhwwwaaaaaakkkk**** Well, I've phlegmed many a line...just not while I was fishin'.
They be fine Flemish paintings of a very cute kid, matey!