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Redd Oktober

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Everything posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Ahhh...Ahab never finished the job with good old Starbuck..."From hell's heart I stab at thee!"
  2. Yarr! All this love be bringin' a tear to me wooden eye!
  3. Arr...Well we be livin' close enough to the lighthouse, that we might not be over-nighten it...but we'll see.
  4. Arr! We'll be thar wit' bells on! We, meanin' me and the elusive Mrs.Oktober! Arr!
  5. ARrrr! Sunday be a fyne day fer me as well.
  6. Redd Oktober


    Ahoy Pirates, Any of you plannin' ter attend this year's Baycon? Fer infermation... GO HERE! Maybe we can all raid in unison, or just drain the hotel of its supply of RUM!!!
  7. I'm not a rich pirate...but me coat I stole off of a French poet off the coast of Ol' Blighty! (And me hose I stole from a whore in Port Royale.. )
  8. Arrrr! Sounds mind-blowin' ter me!! Let me know if any signage or dockside piratical props/shelters be needed! -Redd
  9. AARRRR!! Thank ye all so very much! Been tryin' ter keep me chins up...tis one of the roughest (and frankly dullest) B-day's ever...but ye all are the backbone of the "Good Part" of it. A salute from me Queen Anne pistol in Battleground, WA. x 30
  10. Aye! Happy Birthday!
  11. Neither kin I! I've been editing what I shot that day...I'm just hopin' I kin get me hands on some footage from some of the other swabs.
  12. Sweet Benjarmin Franklin! Those be fantastic!! -R
  13. I applaud such notions, Morick! I agree with Spot and just keep at it. Ye've certainly taken a sure step by mentionin' it here on The Pub.
  14. I agree. I'm fine with a simple peace-makin' BBQ. I'll even *gasp* cook!
  15. I'm going to back up Desert Pyrate, Pyrate, and Black Hearted Pearl...As I read it...they were merely stating a fact, and hoping all was well. I think the only people in "glass houses...throwin' stones" are those who seem to be finding the slightest offense the moment the LW and HC are mentioned in any capacity on any post...as of late. LET IT GO!! SHEESH!
  16. T'would be nice ter improve relations...I agree. Time heals bettern' anythin'...that and cookies. :angry:
  17. Then Methinks Me not want ter stay in a coastal region that be too expensive fer tall ships...!
  18. Born and raised in California's Silly-Con-Job Valley.
  19. Arrr! Happy B-Day!
  20. I've had the good fortune to meet the lad who designed the action figures. They are really cool! No Jack Sparrow, unfortunately...at least, not yet. They're based mostly off of the ride. But who knows!!
  21. Count me in, Captain! Just name the time and place. I'm willin' ter help operate the ship or man the guns. Either way, Redd's there!
  22. Just checked it out with me co-workers...very funny indeed.
  23. Ifn' them scars came from Penny, no doubt the lubber deserved it! An he should stop crying like a little girl and feel special..."Ow! Me arm! That blasted pirate wench bit me arm!"
  24. Balls, mate! Always balls! Okay...more serious question...who was the "White Rajah"...yes, this is a pirate question.
  25. Who would feel more comfortable in your belly button...Henry Morgan, or Thomas Tew?
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