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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I guess I must be blind, cuz I can't make anything out....
  2. I have this picture of Cheech and Chong in a boat made of marijuana and having a grand ol' time. Something along this line: "Hey man look at that cool ship over there with the funky pirate flag". "Ya man,(inhale/exhale)look at all those funny people dressed up". "They look like they need some o' our booty." "Ya, just give us yer medical marijuana cards man and you are good to go."
  3. I suppose the only good thing, none of the pirates were arrested.
  4. Chain Shot, this is the year YOU WILL LEARN TO TYPE!!!! Even if you have to use 1 finger, I expect you to be here at the Pub on time, no excuses. Keelhauling is no excuse!!!!
  5. There are two people yet to report in, please do so! Fayma Callahan PEW Get on the ball you two, Christmas is over!
  6. skinny? Geez are you looking at the wrong gals!
  7. Pay no attention to the people behind the curtain....they are imaginary and wait! You've entered the 'Pirate Zone' where things are not what they seem. Use the Force! Wait a minute, what story am I on? I dunno.... Ok, the cold and drugs have gotten to me... Welcome to the Pub!
  8. And as already stated, by Duchess, I was her Secret Santa. Knowing she's a belly dancer I tried to find goodies that would go that direction.
  9. New Year's Resolution? What are those?
  10. Barring any other things that might be more important, I'll be there.
  11. I honestly never knew about this stuff. Thanks for the 'how to's' and the site link, I've got to try this.
  12. Very cool! Got directions on how to do it?
  13. For those who have not responded yet on getting their goodies, please do. I have some people wondering what happened to their gifts sent/received. So those of you receivers, let us know when you get your goodies. Thanks, Rumba
  14. Luna, the one that was under the Xmas tree this year. In her usual pose: The cat nobody sees because he's shy, Joy:
  15. Here's two pictures of the map that Syren made for me:
  16. Prices?
  17. From Boats I got a Canon PowerShot camera - one of the last kind that has the view finder. (I Understand, no more view finders in small cameras) It's a 12.1/4x with image stabalizer. Small enough to fit into a pouch at events. Also some Avon bubble bath. From family: Bath and Body Winter candy apple hand soap, cookies, a Celtic Cross with a book about it, and a gift card to Home Goods. BTW- If you've never been in a Home Goods store, they are fantastic! The prices are so low and it's all affordable.
  18. I like the idea of exchanging ornaments. That would be cool and let's give it a try next year. Rumba
  19. To Bo who lives in the state I was born, Never let anyone make you forlorn. Stand up tall and be with your family and wife, Tis your day to be happy as you go through life.
  20. I've had a fish tank and fish, but of course they die eventually. I've been through lots of Betas, but that's ok, they are pretty fish and I have a tank that has two compartments so I have two Betas that try to attack each other through the plastic seperator. Actually it's kind of cool to watch. And at the end of their lives, they become fertilizer out in the garden.
  21. May your pots never be faulty, Or never too salty, Here's hoisting one to you, May your day be happy and true.
  22. I don't believe in hunting/killing animals just for the fun of it. However, if providing food for the family, then I have no trouble with it.
  23. Still morning, but later I plan on finishing off the bottle of Capt. Morgan's Long Island Ice Tea. If you haven't tried it, do so! All you have to do is add ice!
  24. Been there done that Whoa! Talk about extreme snowman pirate! Awesome!
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